USACE Project Partnership Agreements Website
Headquarters Civil Works website of models, FAQ, forms, and other resources for executing partnership agreements, memoranda of agreement, memoranda of understanding and other agreements
Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 (BBA 2018) - Model Agreement for New Feasibility Studies Implementation Memo
This implementation memo provides instructions on how to use the Model Agreement for new feasibility studies funded by the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 (Emergency Supplemental), including on use and signature requirements.
Forms - Checklists, Self-Certification, etc.
Commonly used forms and checklists for developing Partnership Agreement packages.
Model Agreement for Feasibility Studies for Continuing Authorities Program Projects Conducted Under the Pilot Program Authorized by Section 165(a) of WRDA 2020, As Amended
This downloadable Word document is the Model Agreement for the feasibility phase of a Sec 165(a) pilot project.
Model Agreement for New feasibility Studies Funded by the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 (Emergency Supplemental)
This model agreement is for new feasibility studies that will be funded by the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 (BBA 2018), Public Law 115-123, at full federal expense. The model agreement is to be used only for studies for which no feasibility cost sharing agreement using Investigations appropriations has been executed previously. The responsibility for review and approval of an agreement that does not deviate from the model is delegated to the MSC Commander and may not be further delegated.
Model Agreement for New Start Feasibility Studies Conducted under the Pilot Program for Continuing Authorities Projects in Small or Disadvantaged Communities Authorized by Section 165(a) of the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of 2020, as amended
This DCW memorandum transmits and provides instructions for using the approved model agreement to be used for new start feasibility studies to be conducted at full federal expense under the Pilot Program for CAP projects in small or disadvantaged communities.
Model Feasibility Cost Sharing Agreement (FCSA) for single phase feasibility studies and for single phase feasibility studies following the 3x3x3 rule and Transmittal Memo
This memo provides information about the model FCSA, which must be used for cost shared feasibility studies. It also outlines new requirements for USACE planners and non-federal Sponsors.
Single Phase Feasibility Study Letter of Intent
Communities and potential project sponsors can submit a Letter of Intent to their local District expressing interest and willingness in partnering with the Corps in a feasibility study. Contact your district for more information.