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Social Sciences Portal

  • Policy and Guidance
    • Director of Civil Works Memorandum - Comprehensive Documentation of Benefits in Decision Documents
      This memorandum from the Director of Civil Works reiterates that the memorandum issued by the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works (ASA(CW)) dated 5 January 2021, Subject: Policy Directive - Comprehensive Documentation of Benefits in Decision Document is effective immediately, and that all feasibility studies and post-authorization studies will comply with the ASA(CW) memorandum.
    • Environmental Justice - An Overview
      This memorandum provides an overview of Environmental Justice (EJ) Executive Order (E.O.) No. 12898, which requires designated federal agencies to "identify and address, as appropriate, disproportionately high and adverse human health or environmental effects of the agencies programs, policies, and activities on minority populations and low income populations." This E.O. establishes additional policy, requiring federal agencies make achieving EJ a part of their mission by developing programs, policies, and activities to address these communities.
    • Executive Order 14008, Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad
      This Executive Order, signed by President Biden, outlines steps to be taken to address climate change and build resilience both at home and abroad.
    • Implementation of the Interim Environmental Justice Strategic Plan: Memorandum and Strategic Plan
      This memorandum transmits the USACE Interim Environmental Justice Strategic Plan for Implementation across the Civil Works enterprise and provides requirements for the development of district strategic plans. The plan, which outlines seven objectives based on the 15 March 2022 Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works interim guidance, is included as an attachment.
    • Interim Environmental Justice Guidance for Civil Works Planning Studies
      This memorandum provides guidance on and outlines the requirements for incorporating Environmental Justice into Civil Works planning studies based on the 15 March 2022 Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works memorandum, Implementation of Environmental Justice and the Justice40 Initiative.
    • Interim Implementation Guidance for Environmental Justice and the Justice40 Initiative
      This memorandum provides interim guidance and direction to the (USACE Civil Works program related to the implementation of environmental justice and the Justice40 Initiative. This memorandum applies to all Civil Works programs and missions, other than the Regulatory Program.
    • Policy Directive - Comprehensive Documentation of Benefits in Decision Document
      This memorandum issues policy direction on the comprehensive assessment and documentation of benefits in the conduct of USACE water resources development project planning. This policy updates current procedures, and emphasizes and expands upon policies and guidance to ensure the USACE decision framework considers, in a comprehensive manner, the total benefits of project alternatives, including equal consideration of economic, environmental and social categories.
    • White House Memorandum: Addendum to Interim Implementation Guidance for the Justice40 Initiative
      Memorandum from OMB, CEQ and the Climate Policy Office directing executive agencies to start using the Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool developed by CEQ to identify geographically defined disadvantaged communities for any covered programs under the Justice40 Initiative and for programs where a statute directs resources to disadvantaged communities.
    • White House Memorandum: Interim Implementation Guidance for the Justice40 Initiative
      Memorandum from OMB, CEQ and the Climate Policy Office providing interim guidance for executive agencies to implement E.O. 14008 and the Justice40 Initiative.

  • Tools and Techniques
    • Applying Other Social Effects In Alternatives Analysis (Report Number: IWR-2013-R-03)
      This paper is meant to assist planners at the District level by providing a practical framework and approach for the use of other social effects (OSE) in alternative development and evaluation. The framework and approach are general - planners are encouraged to adapt the process as appropriate based on the local conditions and experience.
    • CPCX Communication Plan Resources  Corps Castle
      This folder contains multiple resources for use by district personnel in developing communication plans, including a USACE Communication Planning Workbook annotated for Environmental Justice outreach.
    • Environmental Justice Scorecard
      The USACE Environmental Justice Scorecard is a snapshot that provides transparency and accountability as the Agency continues to advance equity and justice, over time, as a central focus for USACE's mission. The Environmental Justice Scorecard focuses on the following areas: progress on advancing Environmental Justice, the Justice40 Initiative, environmental and civil rights protection, centering Environmental Justice in decision-making, and institutionalizing Environmental Justice. Phase One of the Environmental Justice Scorecard, released in Spring 2023, serves as a baseline assessment of agency actions to advance environmental justice. Phase Two and future versions of the Environmental Justice Scorecard will build upon Phase One.
    • Environmental Justice Science, Data, and Research Plan
      This report provides principles, information, and resources that can assist agencies in advancing the goals of Executive Order 14096, "Revitalizing Our Nation's Commitment to Environmental Justice for All," in their activities related to science, data, and research, as appropriate under their respective authorities, missions, and consistent with applicable law.
    • ERDC / TN EMRRP-RQ-03: Other Social Effects and Social Vulnerability Analysis: Existing Resources
      This ERDC Technical Note summarizes existing resources available to USACE districts, addressing benefits in the OSE account for evaluating the effects of water resource projects. The note focuses on assisting districts during the project-planning phase, although the contents can be used to assess benefits or impacts during other project phases as well.
    • Guide for Preparing District Environmental Justice Strategic Plan
      The Guide for Preparing District Environmental Justice Strategic Plans is intended to assist districts in the development of tailored plans, per the direction provided in the 16 December 2022 Director of Civil Works memorandum, Implementation of the Interim Environmental Justice Strategic Plan. The Guide includes specific instructions and a template (Section 5) for use by district personnel. Districts may adjust the template to their specific needs as each Area of Responsibility is unique; however, the primary components must be included as specified in the memorandum.
    • Handbook on Applying "Other Social Effects" Factors in Corps of Engineers Water Resources Planning (Report Number: IWR-09-R-4)
      This handbook describes how the social effects of water resources problems and solutions can be meaningfully addressed and included in the USACE water resources planning process. The handbook establishes the conceptual framework for other social effects (OSE) and applies it to the USACE planning process and business lines, presenting a catalogue of OSE assessment tools and indicators and views on measurement and presentation of social effects information.
    • Identification and Engagement of Socially Vulnerable Populations in the USACE Decision-Making Process
      This primer is intended to help USACE staff and those who work with USACE to build greater awareness of the importance of identifying and engaging people who due to social, cultural, economic, and physical factors are more vulnerable to floods and other environmental hazards.
    • Other Social Effects: A Primer (Report Number: IWR-2013-R-02)
      This primer is intended to help those in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and those who work with USACE understand the contribution that Other Social Effects (OSE) analysis can make to developing sound water resources plans. The primer looks at how OSE analysis is conducted in the planning process and what tools and methods are available for accomplishing it.
    • Social Vulnerability Analysis Methods for Corps Planning (Report Number: IWR-11-R-07)
      This paper presents two practical methods for identifying socially vulnerable groups and illustrates how the information they provide about social vulnerability, the drivers of vulnerability, and their spatial distribution in flood hazard zones can be used in the planning process to assist in identifying problems and opportunities, developing planning objectives, creating and evaluating management measures, and evaluating project alternatives.
    • Theoretical Underpinnings of the Other Social Effects Account
      This report, published by the USACE Engineer Research and Development Center, was prepared to support the application of collaborative planning, particularly the use of the Other Social Effects account in project development and analysis in the Civil Works program.
    • USACE Floodplain Management Services and Planning Assistance to State Outreach Plan: Providing Technical Assistance to Underserved Communities
      This Outreach Plan was developed to provide a framework for implementation of Justice40 and the March 2022 Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works "Implementation of Environmental Justice and the Justice40 Initiative" memorandum. This plan stems from and complements the broader December 2022 USACE Interim Environmental Justice Strategic Plan: Community Outreach and Engagement and includes metrics to aid in tracking progress towards advancing environmental justice. Under the Justice40 initiative, the FPMS and PAS programs will strive to provide 40% of investments in climate and critical clean water and waste infrastructure in benefit of underserved communities.
    • USACE Planning and Policy Division Environmental Justice Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
      This FAQ document provides situational information to planners and other members of PDTs to help clarify common issues that are being encountered on USACE Civil Works studies related to Environmental Justice topics. Where applicable, this document references existing policy and guidance; however, this document should not be used to support legal and policy review comments on draft or final reports.

  • Federal Resources (non-USACE)

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