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National Environmental Policy Act

  • Corps Guidance
    • Processing Final Environmental Impact Statements for Civil Works Projects
      This memorandum puts into effect immediately the guidance and procedures outlined in the 6 July 2020 Memorandum from the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works (ASA(CW)), Processing Final Environmental Impact Statements for Civil Works Projects. requires that any request to seek public comments on a final EIS under the National Environmental Policy Act at 40 C.F.R. 1503.1(b) be submitted for approval by the ASA(CW). In these instances, vertical team coordination should occur prior to the Agency Decision Milestone after public comments on the draft EIS have been consolidated.
    • Procedural Clarification Regarding Environmental Documentation for Project Information Reports
      This memorandum clarifies that, during completion of Project Information Reports (PIRs), District Commanders will consider the probable environmental consequences when determining the recommended alternative for rehabilitation assistance projects and describe proposed NEPA documentation or exclusion, as appropriate. This memorandum provides PIR paragraph templates for various sections of the report.
    • Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Analysis Sub-Community of Practice  Corps Castle
      The USACE Air Quality and Green House Gas Emissions Analysis sub-CoP provides technical solutions, tools, and information for USACE teams performing air quality and greenhouse gas emissions analyses for Clean Air Act and National Environmental Policy Act compliance.
    • Engineering and Construction Bulletin 2024-9: Guidance for Incorporating Greenhouse Gas Emissions Analysis in National Environmental Policy Act Reviews
      This Engineering and Construction Bulletin issues guidance for incorporating greenhouse gas emissions analysis for compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). This ECB is effective immediately and applies to all projects that must comply with NEPA.
    • Engineer Regulation 1105-2-100: Planning Guidance Notebook
      The Planning Guidance Notebook provides the overall direction by which the Corps of Engineers civil works projects are formulated, evaluated, and selected for overall implementation. ER 1105-2-100, the Planning Guidance Notebook will be superseded by several different pieces of new guidance. This December 2023 version of the ER contains the elements of the Planning Guidance Notebook that are still in effect (Chapter 4 and Appendices C, D, E and G).
    • Engineer Regulation 200-2-2: Procedures for Implementing NEPA
      This regulation provides guidance for implementation of the procedural provisions of the NEPA for the Civil Works Program of the USACE.
    • Engineer Regulation 25-1-98: Publications in the Federal Register
      This regulation prescribes policies, procedures and responsibilities for submitting U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) documents to the U.S. Army Publications and Printing Command (USAPPC) for publishing in the Federal Register (FR).
    • Environmental Evaluation and Compliance within the SMART Planning Framework
      Discussion paper highlighting and clarifying opportunities to encourage efficient and thorough environmental evaluation and compliance in support of the SMART Planning framework.
    • Implementation Guidance for Section 1005 of the Water Resources Reform and Development Act of 2014 (WRRDA 2014), Project Acceleration
      Section 1005 WRRDA 2014 (Public Law 113-121) modifies Section 2045 of the WRDA 2007 (33 USC 2348) and in general directs that the Secretary shall develop and implement a coordinated environmental review process for the development of project studies. This guidance applies to all feasibility studies for proposed water resources development projects that will require specific authorization if the feasibility cost share agreement (FCSA) for the study was executed after enactment of WRRDA 2014 (10 June 2014) and for which an environmental impact statement (EIS) is prepared under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 USC 4321 et seq.) (NEPA). The guidance also applies to feasibility studies initiated after enactment of WRRDA 2014 but that do not require a FCSA. It may also apply to other project studies initiated after enactment of WRRDA 2014 that require an environmental assessment, categorical exclusion, or other document under NEPA if determined appropriate by the Secretary. The guidance provides timelines and instruction to project delivery teams (PDTs) for engaging with federal, state, and local government agencies and Indian tribes on the environmental review process.
    • SMART Planning Feasibility Study Process Overlaid with Major Environmental Compliance Processes
      One page diagram of the SMART Planning feasibility study process timeline (milestones and phases) overlaid with NEPA, the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (FWCA), Magnuson-Stevens Act (MSA), and Endangered Species Act (ESA) actions.
    • Engineer Regulation 1105-2-103: Policy for Conducting Civil Works Planning Studies
      This regulation provides overall direction by which USACE formulates, evaluates, and recommends projects for implementation and other actions to address water resources problems through the Army Civil Works program. The planning process must address the Nation's water resources needs in a systems context and seek to identify innovative alternatives for application across the full range of the USACE programs and authorities. In parallel with the development of these important planning concepts, this regulation is also intended to be useful for those outside of the USACE (or non-federal partners) authorized to develop water resources projects (Title 33, Section 2231 of U.S. Code (33 USC 2231)). ER 1105-2-1103 supersedes ER 1105-2-100, Chapters 1, 2, and 3, dated 22 April 2000.
    • Environmental Evaluation And Compliance Process Diagram
      One page diagram of the SMART Planning feasibility study process timeline (milestones and phases) noting significant environmental evaluation and compliance tasks and products developed during the feasibility study process.
    • SMART Planning Feasibility Studies: A Guide to Coordination and Engagement with the Services
      This guide was developed through a collaboration between the Corps, USFWS and NMFS. The Guide provides an overview of the SMART Planning process and demonstrates how key environmental coordination and compliance activities fit into that process. The Guide highlights opportunities for engagement and coordination at all stages of a planning study, re-emphasizing the need for early coordination.
    • Insight into elevating: Elevating Historic Buildings for Flood Resilience
      Developed by the USACE Technical Center of Expertise for the Preservation of Historic Buildings and Structures, this guide provides visual examples of elevated historic buildings in flood prone areas, considering 4-foot and 10-foot elevations visualizing different ideas, concepts, and appropriate materials for elevating based on architectural style.
    • Delegation of Signature Authority for Federal Register Documents for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
      This memorandum from the Assistant Secretary of the Army Civil Works outlines the delegation of signature authority for regulations, notices, and guidance documents to various USACE entities for publishing in the Federal Register.

  • Federal Guidance and Regulations
    • Federal NEPA Regulations
      The USACE guidance for implementation of the procedural provisions of NEPA for the Civil Works Program (ER 200-2-2) supplements Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) regulations found in the Code of Federal Regulations: 40 CFR 1500-1508, which applies to all federal agencies.
    • Comprehensive List of Federal Categorical Exclusions
      The Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) has developed a comprehensive list of the Federal agencies' Categorical Exclusions (CEs). This resource is intended to assist agencies in revising their CEs, as well as to help CEQ in reviewing proposed revisions, by identifying how similar classes of actions are treated in the CEs established by various agencies.
    • Council on Environmental Quality's (CEQ) Interim NEPA Guidance on Consideration of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Climate Change
      CEQ has issued interim National Environmental Policy Act Guidance on Consideration of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Climate Change. CEQ is issuing this guidance as interim guidance so that agencies may make use of it immediately while CEQ seeks public comment on the guidance. CEQ intends to either revise the guidance in response to public comments or finalize the interim guidance.
    • Guidance on Unique Identification Numbers for NEPA Documents
      This memorandum from the Council on Economic Quality (CEQ) provides direction to all federal agencies for establishing unique IDs for environmental assessments (EAs) and environmental impact statements (EISs). Agencies must reference this unique ID in all environmental documents associated with an EIS or EA initiated after July 1, 2024. An Excel worksheet for establishing USACE unique IDs is in the NEPA Collection on the Planning Community toolbox, Processes tab.
    • CEQ NEPA Unique ID Generator
      This Excel worksheet allows USACE planners to generate unique IDs required for all NEPA environmental documents initiated after 1 July 2024. This unique ID number is required to be on the cover of every environmental document, directly under the project title. This ID should also be included on the cover/first page of NEPA-supporting appendices and other potentially separate elements of the environmental document. Instructions for use are on the first tab of the worksheet.
    • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) NEPA Website
      EPA reviews and comments on EISs prepared by other federal agencies and maintains a national filing system for all EISs. Website also includes directions on how to electronically submit an EIS to EPA's e-NEPA database.
    • Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) NEPA Website
      The Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) consolidated website for the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) includes legislative language, up-to-date regulations, guidance, and CEQ handbooks and reports. The website provides the most up-to-date information on NEPA implementation including amendments to NEPA from the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023 and the Phase 2 NEPA Rule published on 1 May 2024 and effective 1 July 2024. This website also includes information useful for the public and federal agencies.
    • Changes to EPA's Environmental Review Rating Process
      This memorandum issued by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) discontinues EPA's practice of issuing an alphanumeric rating system along with its written comments on draft Environmental Impact Statements under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)/309 Program. This change is part of several efforts the NEPA/309 program is undertaking to improve its efficiency and effectiveness consistent with the goals outlines in Executive Order 13807, Establishing Discipline and Accountability in the Environmental Review and Permitting Process for Infrastructure Projects. EO 13807 has since been revoked by EO 13990.
    • Federal Infrastructure Projects Permitting Dashboard
      The Permitting Dashboard is an online tool for Federal agencies, project developers, and interested members of the public to track the Federal government's environmental review and authorization processes for large or complex infrastructure projects, part of a government-wide effort to improve coordination, transparency, and accountability. USACE feasibility studies that include an EIS and a likely total investment of more than $200M may (but are not required to) be included on the dashboard as "other tracked projects."
    • CEQ NEPA Guidance Documents
      CEQ guidance for agencies implementing NEPA, including Guidance on the Consideration of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and the Effects of Climate Change in NEPA Reviews (updated in 2023), NEPA review of emergency response actions, and more. To the extent that Council guidance issued prior to September 14, 2020, is in conflict with the updated regulations, the provisions of the updated NEPA regulations in the CFR apply.
    • Digitally Signing Federal Register Submission Documents
      A step by step guide for digitally signing documents submitted to the Federal Register, including how to add an electronic signature to MS Word documents, accepted file types, and how to include multiple signatories.
    • Guidance for Federal Departments and Agencies on Indigenous Knowledge
      The White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) and the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) have jointly published government-wide guidance and an accompanying implementation memorandum for Federal Agencies on recognizing and including Indigenous Knowledge in Federal research, policy, and decision making. Indigenous Knowledge is a body of observations, oral and written knowledge, innovations, practices, and beliefs developed by Tribes and Indigenous Peoples through interaction and experience with the environment. This policy provides guidance for federal agencies considering and applying Indigenous Knowledge in making decisions with Tribal or Indigenous implications.
    • Recommended Best Practices for Environmental Reviews and Authorizations for Infrastructure Projects for Fiscal Year 2021
      This report from the Federal Permitting Improvements Steering Council includes recommendations and best practices to promote efficiency throughout the environmental review and authorization process for infrastructure projects. The report was prepared as required by Title 41 of the Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act (FAST-41) of 2015. The FAST-41 law applies to transportation projects, but generally, USACE infrastructure projects that fall under EO 13807 follow roughly the same requirements for coordinated and streamlined environmental permitting and consultation.

  • NEPA, Collaboration, and Public Involvement

  • NEPA, Learn More About NEPA and NEPA Implementation

  • Section 106 and Environmental Impact Statement Flow Chart
      This flow chart provides updated citations and definitions for the integration of NEPA and Section 106 reviews as a supplement to NEPA and NHPA: A Handbook for Integrating NEPA and Section 106.

  • USACE NEPA Decision Document Guidance
    • National Environmental Policy Act Decision Documents Memo
      This ASA(CW) memorandum requires USACE to adopt the use of consistent templates for Findings of No Significant Impact (FONSI) and Records of Decision (ROD) NEPA decision documents. Use of the templates will allow for consistent and predictable documentation for projects. Any requested modification of the template FONSI or ROD for a project will be coordinated with the Deputy ASA for Project Planning and Review and staff, with final approval by the ASA(CW), prior to submittal.
    • National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Categorical Exclusions Survey
      In 2018, USACE compiled information on the use of National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) categorical exclusions by the districts, including frequency of use of categorical exclusions and the exclusion categories most frequently used in NEPA compliance for all activities including planning studies, operations and maintenance work, real estate outgrants, and Section 408 reviews.
    • Record of Decision (ROD) Template
      This Word document is the required template to prepare a feasibility study Record of Decision (ROD). HQUSACE Office of Water Policy Review and Office of Counsel need to be consulted on when it is appropriate to deviate from the required template language. Additional language to meet project specific needs may be added.
    • Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) Template
      This Word document is the required template to prepare a feasibility study Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI). HQUSACE Office of Water Policy Review and Office of Counsel need to be consulted on when it is appropriate to deviate from the required template language. Additional language to meet project specific needs may be added.
    • Template for Record of Environmental Consideration, Documentation for Categorical Exclusion (CE) under NEPA  Corps Castle
      This template is for use in development of the Memorandum for Record (MFR) of environmental consideration and documentation for Categorical Exclusion under NEPA.

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