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Planning Guidance: Water Supply

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  • Feasibility Study Process for Water Supply Reallocation Studies (2022)
    These diagrams provide an overview of the timeline for a 3x3x3 water supply reallocation feasibility study as well as key strategies for achieving project delivery.

    Contract Report

  • Influence of Price and Rate Structures on Municipal and Industrial Water Use (1984)
    This report documents over 50 substantial studies of the response of municipal and industrial water use to price in an attempt to correct the poorly understood phenomenon of the sensitivity of water use to price. Most likely price elasticity ranges are given for non-seasonal and seasonal residential water use; average residential water use; and reported elasticities for industrial and commercial water use.

    Engineer Pamphlets (EPs)

  • Engineer Pamphlet 1110-2-10: Hydrologic Engineering Analysis Concepts for Cost-Shared Flood Damage Reduction Studies (1994 Update needed)
    Engineer Pamphlet describes study processes performed by USACE for Federal flood damage reduction cost projects.
  • Engineer Pamphlet 1110-2-9: Hydrologic Engineering Study Design (1994)
    Engineer Pamphlet describes activities necessary to design and prepare a Hydrologic Engineering Study for a Corps water resource investigation.
  • Engineer Pamphlet 1110-2-12: Engineering and Design - Seismic Design Provisions for Roller Compacted Concrete Dams (1995)
    Engineer Pamphlet provides preliminary guidance and direction for the earthquake-resistant design of new roller compacted concrete (RCC) dams, and for the evaluation of safety and serviceability of existing RCC dams subjected to earthquake loading.
  • Engineer Pamphlet 1110-2-13: Engineering and Design - Dam Safety Preparedness (1996)
    Engineer Pamphlet provides general guidance and information concerning dam safety preparations for USACE.
  • Engineer Pamphlet 1165-2-1, Chapter 18: Water Supply and Quality Management (1999)
    Engineer Pamphlet discusses federal interest, water supply projects, water quality projects, water rights, and emergency projects. Digest of Water Resources Policies and Authorities

    Engineer Regulations (ERs)

  • Engineer Regulation 1165-2-114: Water Resources Policies and Authorities - Use of Excess Power Revenues to Assist in Repayment of Irrigation Costs (1964)
    This regulation summarizes guidance for all engineers engaged in Civil Works activities regarding excess funds associated with Federal irrigation projects.
  • Engineer Regulation 1110-2-1941: Drought Contingency Plans (1981)
    This regulation provides policy and guidance for the preparation of drought contingency plans.
  • Engineer Regulation 1110-8-2(FR): Inflow Design Floods for Dams and Reservoirs (1991)
    This regulation sets forth hydrologic engineering requirements for selecting and accommodating Inflow Design Floods (IDF) for dams and reservoirs.
  • Engineer Regulation 1110-2-1463: Hydrologic Engineering for Hydropower (1992)
    This regulation defines the scope, authorities, and requirements for hydrologic engineering studies performed in support of hydropower studies for both conventional and pumped-storage hydroelectric projects.
  • Engineer Regulation 1110-2-1400: Reservoir/Water Control Centers (1993)
    This regulation provides for the establishment of Reservoir/Water Control Centers (Centers) to improve capabilities.
  • Engineer Regulation 1110-2-8156: Preparation of Water Control Manuals (1995)
    This regulation standardizes the procedures to be followed in the preparation of water control manuals.
  • Engineer Regulation 1130-2-500: Chapter 3, Major Rehabilitation Program (1996)
    This chapter establishes the policy for major rehabilitation at completed Corps of Engineers projects and determinations of whether such rehabilitation should be accomplished under the Major Rehabilitation Program with Construction, General funds, or for applicable projects, with Construction funds under the Flood Control, Mississippi River and Tributaries appropriation title.
  • Engineer Regulation 1110-2-1155: Dam Safety Assurance Program (1997)
    This regulation provides guidance and procedures for the investigation and justifications of modifications for dam safety assurance.
  • Engineer Regulation 1110-2-4401: Clearances For Electric Power Supply Lines and Communication Lines Over Reservoirs (1997)
    This regulation defines the minimum vertical clearances to be provided when relocating or replacing existing or when constructing new power and communication lines over waters of reservoir projects.
  • Engineer Regulation 1110-2-1403: Engineering and Design Studies By Coastal, Hydraulic, and Hydrologic Facilities and Others (1998)
    This regulation prescribes the policy and procedure for approval and technical supervision of coastal, hydraulic, and hydrologic studies related to planning, design, construction, and operation of projects.
  • Engineer Regulation 1110-2-1942: Inspection, Monitoring and Maintenance of Relief Wells (1998)
    This regulation provides policy guidance for scheduled monitoring, inspection, evaluation, maintenance and rehabilitation of relief wells at civil works projects.
  • Engineer Regulation 1105-2-100: Planning Guidance Notebook, Appendix E, Civil Works Mission and Evaluation Procedures (2000)
    This appendix provides policy and planning guidance for project purposes of navigation, flood damage reduction, hurricane and storm damage reduction (shore protection), ecosystem restoration, hydroelectric power, recreation, water supply and multiple purpose projects.
  • Engineer Regulation 1110-2-8160: Policies for Referencing Project Elevation Grades to Nationwide Vertical Datum (2009)
    This regulation provides guidance for proper and accurately referenced materials for flood forecasting, inundation modeling, flood insurance rate maps, navigation charting, and topographic mapping. This ER was later supplemented by Engineer Manual 1110-2-6056: Standards and Procedures for Referencing Project Elevation Grades to Nationwide Vertical Datums (2010).

    Institute for Water Resources

  • Methodology for Assessing Economic Risk of Water Supply Shortages (1972)
    This report develops a procedure for estimating income losses, to a defined region, associated with varying degrees of water shortage resulting in a frequency-loss function. An empirical list of the procedure was developed for the York, Pennsylvania Water Service Area, which experienced a substantial water shortage in 1966. Study of community response to actual or potential drought reveals a number of different perspectives - the water manager, residential, commercial and industrial users and government. This study opens the way to an alternative method of assessing the benefits for adequate municipal water supplies; it distinguishes between short-run and long-run plans; and the role which each plays in resource planning.
  • Study of How Water Quality Factors Can Be Incorporated into Water Supply Analysis (Three Volumes Bound in One) (1973)
    The purpose of this study was to examine the feasibility of embedding quality parameters explicitly in water supply analyses. A microeconomics approach using constrained optimization was employed, and the study was written in three volumes.
  • Water Supply Seminar (2003)
  • U.S. Water Demand, Supply and Allocation: Trends and Outlook (2007)
    Given the overall importance of water, the long-term adequacy of water supply is a major national concern. This first in a series of Water Resources Outlook papers reviews future trends and uncertainties affecting water resources in the United States over the next 30 years. It discusses their impacts and implications for water demand, supply and allocation in specific geographic regions of the country. The implications include considerations on how the U.S. Federal government, states and localities might address the impacts of those trends. The review described in this paper, while not being a part of a congressional inquiry, has been initiated by IWR to support iterative strategic planning activities of the USACE Civil Works, including the development of strategic goals, objectives and strategies.


  • Improving Internal Processes for Review of Requests for Water Supply Withdrawals (2020)
    The purpose of this memorandum is to ensure that MSCs take steps to accelerate, simplify, and better integrate the processing of requests for withdrawals of water from USACE water resource development projects. This memorandum does not add or change substantive policies regarding implementation of relevant USACE authorities. Rather, MSC Commanders are instructed to take steps to ensure efficient processing of water withdrawal requests under existing authority. Note: Real Estate Policy Guidance Letter No. 26, Easements to Support Water Supply Storage Agreements and Surplus Water Agreements has been rescinded to align with the updated policy, guidance, and processes for review of water supply withdrawal requests.
  • Rescission of Policy Guidance Letter No. 26: Easements to Support Water Supply Storage Agreements and Surplus Water Agreements (2020)
    This memorandum from the Director of Real Estate rescinds Real Estate Policy Guidance Letter No. 26: Easements to Support Water Supply Storage Agreements and Surplus Water Agreements, dated 10 June 2008, in order to align with updated policy, guidance, and processes for review of water supply withdrawal requests outlined in the guidance memorandum dated 3 December 2020, Improving Internal Processes for Review of Requests for Water Supply Withdrawals.
  • Implementation Guidance for Section 155 of the Water Resources Development Act of 2020, Small Water Storage Projects (2022)
    This memorandum provides interim guidance and direction to the USACE Civil Works related to Small Water Storage Projects. This memorandum applies to Headquarters and all Divisions, Districts, and Field Offices of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) with civil works responsibilities.
  • Implementation Guidance for Section 350 of the Water Resources Development Act of 2020, Reduced Pricing for Certain Water Supply Storage (2022)
    This memorandum provides interim guidance and direction to the USACE Civil Works related to Reduced Pricing for Certain Water Supply Storage. This memorandum applies to Headquarters and all Divisions, Districts, and Field Offices of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) with civil works responsibilities.
  • Implementation Guidance for Section 8106(b) of the Water Resources Development Act of 2022, Scope of Feasibility Studies (2024)
    Section 8106(b) of the Water Resources Development Act of 2022 (WRDA 2022) provides that when carrying out a feasibility study, the Secretary of the Army, at the request of the non-federal sponsor, will formulate alternatives that maximize combined net benefits for the study and for water supply/conservation, or include one or more measures if it is determined that such measures may reduce potential adverse impacts of extreme weather events. This implementation guidance defines "non-federal sponsor," "geographic scope of study," and "water supply." It also further defines the process through which the non-federal sponsor will request additional alternatives and how they will be incorporated into the feasibility study.
  • Reissuance of Delegation of Approval and Execution Authority for Water Supply Reallocation Reports and Agreements (2024)
    This memorandum reissues the authorities described in the memorandums "Delegation of Approval and Execution Authority for Water Supply Reallocation Reports and Agreements" and "Missouri River Mainstem Reservoirs - Surplus Water Reports and Environmental Assessments." An additional condition added is that, for delegations of authority for reallocation studies, water supply storage agreements, and surplus water determination letters or reports previously allowed under the memorandums named to proceed, notifications of the actions must be emailed to the Director of Policy and Legislation in the Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works (OASA(CW)).
  • Reissuance of Delegation of Approval and Execution Authority for Water Supply Storage Reallocation Reports, Water Supply Storage Agreements, and Surplus Water Determinations and Reports (2024)
    This memorandum re-delegates approval of a variety of authorities relating to reallocation study reports, surplus water determinations and reports, and the approval and execution of water supply storage agreements to the Director of Civil Works and Division Commanders.

    National Study of Water Managment During Drought

  • National Study of Water Management During Drought (1991)
    This is a report of the first year of the National Study of Water Management During Drought. The Corps of Engineers began the study after the severe droughts of 1988. The primary objective of the study is to find strategies to improve water management during droughts in the United States. The report explains the status and reasons behind current water management, lists the impacts of drought, problems in the current water management systems, and the roadblocks to change for the better. It cites some examples of change that have been successful, then draws conclusions about the state of current water management, and the advancements that can reasonably be expected. Finally, it lists three recommendations which will be pursued in the remainder of the study. Those recommendations constitute the strategies for improving water management during drought.
  • National Study of Water Management During Drought: A Preliminary Assessment of Corps of Engineers Reservoirs, Their Purposes and Susceptibility to Drought (1991)
  • National Study of Water Management During Drought: Research Assessment (1991)
    The report summarizes research on water management during drought and makes recommendations for additional research areas that offer the most promise for improving the drought management response at Federal, regional, state and local levels of government. This report is part of a comprehensive study that has been undertaken in response to recommendations of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers made after the drought of 1988-89.
  • Lessons Learned from the California Drought - The National Study of Water Management During Drought (1993)
  • Executive Summary: Lesson Learned from the California Drought 1987-1992 (1994)
  • National Study of Water Management During Drought: Managing Water for Drought (1994)
  • National Study of Water Management During Drought: The Report to the U.S. Congress (1995)

    Policy and Special Studies Program

  • Delegation of Authority for Water Supply Agreements and Reallocations: A Study to Investigate the Feasibility of Increasing the Current Delegated Limits (1998)
  • Water Supply Handbook - A Handbook on Water Supply Planning and Resources Management (1998)
  • Comprehensive Water Supply Study - An Examination of Current Water Supply Issues (2001)
  • Developing a Map of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Projects with Municipal and Industrial and Irrigation Water Supply Storage (2003)
  • Water Supply Database 2004 Survey (2005)
  • Water Supply Database 2005 Update (2006)
    This report updates a more detailed survey of Corps MSCs and their districts that was performed in 2004. The report provides data on the Corps of Engineers Municipal and Industrial (M&I) water supply program current as of 2005. The data provided pertain to storage space and related costs. This information is provided by Corps district, project and water supply agreement. The data are then summarized by district, division, and for the nation. The data show there are 136 Corps reservoir projects that contain a total of 9.76 million acre-feet of storage space for M&I water supply with a repayment value of $1.46 billion. This storage space is covered by 307 water supply agreements administered by 23 of the Corps' 38 districts and is located in 25 states plus Puerto Rico. Information is also provided on reallocations, type of non-federal sponsor, and personal and household needs that could be met by present use contracts.

    Visiting Scholar Program

  • Environmental Valuation and Decision Making for Water Project Investment and Operations: Lessons from the FERC Experience (2007)
    "Environmental Valuation and Decision Making for Water Project Investment and Operations: Lessons from the FERC Experience" is of strong interest as the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) was addressing the same kinds of issues that increasingly face the Corps reviewing the viability and/or operational practices of water control projects that were built years ago, before the new emphasis on river restoration. The approach provides useful insights for the Corps as it seeks to advance its environmental restoration mission in the context of its emphasis on collaborative planning.
