Signed Chief's Reports
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A Chief's Report, the Report of the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Chief of Engineers, is developed when a water resources project would require Congressional authorization - or a change to existing project authorization. After the final feasibility report is submitted to HQUSACE, a Chief's Report is developed. Once the Chief of Engineers signs the report, the Chief of Staff signs the notification letters forwarding the Report to the chairpersons of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works and the House of Representatives Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure. The signed Chief's Report is also supplied to the Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works (OASA (CW)) for review by the Administration. |
Akutan Harbor Navigational Improvements, Akutan, Alaska (2024)
This recommendation of a non-NED plan studied under the Tribal Partnership Program includes a harbor sized to accommodate a design vessel with a length of 58 feet and a draft of 8 feet with the following general navigation features: a harbor entrance channel with a width that varies from a minimum of 60 feet to a maximum of 120 feet at the tum; a turning basin that is 120 feet by 120 feet (minus a 60-foot by 40-foot mooring basin) that is a local service facility; and harbor protection via a 400-foot-long rubble mound breakwater with a crest height of +15.5' MLLW.
Akutan, Alaska Navigation Improvements (2004)
Recommendation of the locally preferred plan for the construction of a harbor at Akutan, Alaska. The locally preferred plan recommends the creation of an entrance channel, provision of an inland harbor with a mooring basin and a turning basin, habitat restoration mitigation, and dredging material disposal.
Ala Wai Canal, Honolulu, HI (2017)
Recommendation for authorization of a flood risk management plan in the Ala Wai Canal watershed.
American River Common Features General Reevaluation Report, California (2016)
Recommendation to construct flood-risk management measures along the American and Sacramento Rivers within the metropolitan area of Sacramento, California.
American River Watershed (Common Features) Project, Natomas Basin, Sacramento and Sutter Counties, California (2010)
Recommendation to modify the authorized Common Features project to improve flood-risk management for the Natomas Basin portion of the American River Watershed in the vicinity of Sacramento, California.
American River Watershed, California (1996)
Supplement to a 1992 Chief's Report for the American River Watershed, recommending improvements to the previously recommended flood-risk management measures.
Amite River and Tributaries, Comite River Basin, Louisiana (1991)
Recommendation for flood-risk management improvements in the Comite River subbasin of the Amite River basin in Louisiana.
Amite River and Tributaries, Louisiana, East Baton Rouge Parish Watershed (1996)
Recommendation for channel modifications for the purpose of improving flood-risk management within the East Baton Rouge Watershed in Louisiana.
Anacostia River and Tributaries, Maryland and District of Columbia (1994)
Recommendation to implement ecosystem restoration measures for the Anacostia River watershed in Montgomery and Prince George's Counties, Maryland, and in the District of Columbia.
Anacostia Watershed Restoration, Prince George's County, Maryland (2018)
Recommendation for authorization of a plan to restore aquatic ecosystem structure and function to six reaches of the Northwest and Northeast Branches of the Anacostia Ricer in Prince George's County.
Antelope Creek at Lincoln, Nebraska (2000)
Recommendation for flood-risk management and recreation improvements for Antelope Creek in Lincoln, Nebraska.
Argentine, East Bottoms, Fairfax-Jersey Creek, and North Kansas City Levee Units, Missouri River and Tributaries at Kansas Cities, Missouri and Kansas (2006)
Report on proposed modifications to the Argentine, East Bottoms, Fairfax-Jersey Creek, and North Kansas City levee units of the Missouri River and Tributaries at Kansas Cities, Missouri and Kansas, project.
Armourdale and Central Industrial District Levee Units, Missouri River and Tributaries
at Kansas Citys, Missouri and Kansas (2015)
Recommendation to modify the Armourdale and Central Industrial District levee units to provide additional flood-risk management benefits at the Kansas Citys, Missouri and Kansas, project.
Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway Bridge Replacement at Deep Creek, Chesapeake,
Virginia (2003)
Recommendation to replace the existing U.S. Army Corps of Engineers highway bridge which crosses the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (AIWW) Dismal Swamp Canal (DSC) in the community of Deep Creek in the city of Chesapeake, Virginia.
Atlantic lntracoastal Waterway, North Landing Bridge Replacement, Virginia (2020)
Recommendation of authorization of the National Economic Development Plan to replace the existing North Landing Bridge with a 2-lane high-rise fixed bridge in the vicinity of the cities of Virginia Beach and Chesapeake, Virginia.
Baltimore Harbor Anchorages and Channels Modification of Seagirt Loop Channel, City of Baltimore, MD, Deep Draft Navigation (2023)
Recommendation of the NED plan for the modification of the West Seagirt Branch Channel segment of the federally authorized Baltimore Harbor Anchorages and Channels project. Project modifications would include widening the channel with additional widening at its bends, deepening the channel, stability through proposed channel geometry, and placement of dredged material at an approved site.
Baltimore Harbor Anchorages and Channels, Maryland and Virginia (1998)
Recommendation to improve navigation through modifications of anchorages and channels at Baltimore Harbor.
Baltimore Metropolitan, Baltimore City, MD, Coastal Storm Risk Management (2024)
This recommendation of the NED includes a risk management system of features that will reduce the risk of damages from coastal storms to critical facilities in Baltimore, MD. These features consist of floodwalls and closure structures at the southern approach of the Interstate (I)-95 Fort McHenry Tunnel and its supporting transportation critical facility (ventilation building), and floodwalls and closure structures at the southern approach of the I-895 Harbor Tunnel and its supporting transportation critical facility (ventilation building). In total, the Recommended Plan includes the construction of approximately 9,559 linear feet of fixed floodwalls with 6 closure structures.
Bayou Lafourche and Lafourche Jump Waterway, Louisiana (1995)
Recommendation to widen and deepen the channel to improve navigation at bayou Lafourche and Lafourche Jump Waterway at Port Fourchon, Louisiana.
Bayou Sorrel Lock, Louisiana (2005)
Report on replacement of Bayou Sorrel Lock in south-central Louisiana for the purposes of inland navigation and flood damage reduction.
Beneficial Use of Dredged Material for the Delaware River, Delaware (2020)
Recommendation of authorization of the National Economic Development (NED) plan to beneficially use dredged materials to manage coastal storm risk by constructing dunes and/or berms at seven different locations spanning approximately 29 linear miles along the Delaware Bay. A six-year periodic renourishment cycle is anticipated to maintain optimal coastal storm risk management.
Beneficial Use of Dredged Material for the Delaware River, New Jersey (2020)
Recommendation of authorization of a plan to beneficially use dredged materials to manage coastal storm risk by constructing dunes and/or berms at three dredged material placement locations. These communities are located along the Delaware Bay and include: Gandys Beach, Fortescue and Villas (South). A dune and berm will be constructed at Villas (South) while only berms will be constructed at Gandys Beach and Fortescue.
Biscayne Bay Coastal Wetlands Phase I Project, Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan, Central and Southern Florida Project, Miami-Dade County, Florida (2012)
Recommendation for ecosystem restoration improvements for Phase I of the Biscayne Bay Coastal Wetlands Project, located in Miami-Dade County, Florida.
Bogue Banks, Carteret County, North Carolina, Integrated Feasibility
Report and Environmental Impact Statement for Coastal Storm Damage Reduction (2014)
Recommendation for hurricane and coastal storm risk management measures at Bogue Banks, Carteret County, North Carolina.
Boston Harbor Navigation Improvement Project, Massachusetts (2013)
Recommendation for navigation improvements at Boston Harbor, Massachusetts.
Brazos Island Harbor Channel Improvement Project, Texas (2014)
Recommendation for navigation improvements for the Brazos Island Harbor (BIH) Channel Improvement Project, Texas.
Brevard County, Florida (1996)
Recommendation to implement hurricane and coastal storm risk management measures in Brevard County, Florida.
Broward County Water Preserve Areas Project, Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan, Central and Southern Florida Project, Broward and Miami-Dade Counties, Florida (2012)
Recommendation to implement ecosystem restoration improvements for the Broward County Water Preserve Areas Project, located in Broward and Miami-Dade Counties, Florida.
Brunswick Harbor Modification, Glynn County, Georgia (2022)
Recommendation of the National Economic Development plan intended to improve an existing federal navigation project at Brunswick Harbor, Georgia. The plan recommends widening the current authorized channel in three places. Pre-construction engineering and design (PED) activities, if funded, will continue under the report authorization Section 1202(12) of the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of 2016, Public Law 114-33.
Brunswick Harbor, Georgia (1998)
Recommendation for navigation improvements at Brunswick Harbor, Georgia.
C-111 Spreader Canal Western Project, Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan, Central and Southern Florida Project, Miami-Dade County, Florida (2012)
Recommendation for ecosystem restoration improvements for the C-111 Spreader Canal Western Project, located in Miami Dade County, Florida.
Calcasieu Lock, Louisiana, Modifications for Navigation Improvement (2014)
Recommendation to improve inland navigation along the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway in the vicinity of Lake Charles, Louisiana.
Canaveral Harbor Section 203 (WRDA 1986) Navigation Study, Brevard County, Florida (2013)
Recommendation for navigation improvements for Canaveral Harbor in Brevard County, Florida.
Cape Fear - Northeast (Cape Fear) Rivers, North Carolina (1996)
Recommendation for channel deepening and other navigation improvements to Wilmington Harbor on the Cape Fear - Northeast (Cape Fear) Rivers in North Carolina.
Cape Fear - Northeast Cape Fear Rivers, North Carolina, Interim Report on Improvement of Navigation, Wilmington Harbor Channel Widening (1994)
Recommendation for channel widening to improve navigation at Wilmington Harbor on the Cape Fear - Northeast Cape Fear Rivers in North Carolina.
Cedar Hammock (Wares Creek), Manatee County, Florida (1996)
Recommendation to implement flood-risk management measures for the Cedar Hammock and Wares Creek area of Manatee County, Florida.
Cedar River, Cedar Rapids, Iowa (2011)
Recommendation for flood-risk management measures along the Cedar River in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
Central and Southern Florida, Indian River Lagoon-South (2004)
Recommendation for ecosystem restoration improvements for the southern Indian River Lagoon area, located in Martin, St. Lucie, and Okeechobee Counties, Florida.
Central Everglades Planning Project, Comprehensive Everglades
Restoration Plan, Central and Southern Florida Project (2014)
Recommendation for ecosystem restoration improvements for the Central Everglades Planning Project located in Martin, Lee, Palm Beach, Broward, Miami-Dade and Monroe Counties, Florida.
Centralia, Chehalis River, Lewis County, Washington (2004)
Recommendation for flood-risk management measures for Centralia and Chehalis, Washington.
Charleston Harbor Deepening/Widening, South Carolina (1996)
Recommendation to improve navigation through deepening and widening Charleston Harbor in Charleston, South Carolina.
Charleston Harbor Post 45 Navigation Study, Charleston, South Carolina (2015)
Recommendation for navigation improvements at Charleston Harbor, Charleston, South Carolina.
Charleston Peninsula, South Carolina, Coastal Storm Risk Management (2022)
Recommendation of the NED plan for coastal storm risk management features, including a storm surge wall with gates, hydraulic pump stations, oyster reef-based living shoreline sills, floodproofing or elevating for approximately 100 structures, and mitigation for environmental impacts.
Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, Baltimore Harbor Connecting Channels (Deepening), Delaware and Maryland (1996)
Recommendation for deep-draft navigation improvements for Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, Baltimore Harbor Connecting Channels (Deepening), Delaware and Maryland.
City of Manhattan, Kansas Flood Risk Management Study (2015)
Recommendation to improve flood-risk management by modifying the existing levee project in the vicinity of Manhattan, Kansas.
Coastal Texas Protection and Restoration (2021)
Recommendation of a combined National Economic Development Plan and National Ecosystem Restoration Federal Plan that includes coastal storm risk management and ecosystem restoration features functioning as a system to reduce the risk of coastal storm damages to natural and man-made infrastructure and to restore degraded coastal wetlands within the Texas Coastal Zone Boundary.
Columbia and Lower Willamette Rivers Federal Navigation Channel, Oregon and Washington (1999)
Recommendation for navigation and ecosystem restoration improvements for the Columbia and Lower Willamette Rivers in Oregon and Washington.
Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan, Central and Southern Florida, Caloosahatchee River (C-43) West Basin Storage Reservoir Project, Hendry County, Florida (2010)
Recommendation for ecosystem restoration improvements for the Caloosahatchee River (C-43) West Basin Storage Reservoir project, located in Hendry County, Florida.
Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan, Central and Southern Florida, Caloosahatchee River (C-43) West Basin Storage Reservoir Project, Hendry County, Florida Supplemental (2011)
Recommendation for ecosystem restoration improvements for the Caloosahatchee River (C-43) West Basin Storage Reservoir project, located in Hendry County, Florida.
Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan, Central and Southern Florida, Site 1 Impoundment Project, Palm Beach County, Florida (2006)
Report on ecosystem restoration improvements for the Site 1 Impoundment Project, located in Palm Beach County, Florida.
Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan, Loxahatchee River Watershed Restoration Project, Martin and Palm Beach Counties, Florida (2020)
Recommendation of the National Ecosystem Restoration (NER) plan to deliver 98% of the wet season restoration flow target and 91% of the dry season restoration flow target for the Northwest Fork of the Loxahatchee River, thus reversing the trend of increasing salinity levels and helping conserve the remaining riverine cypress habitat designated as the first "National Wild and Scenic River" in Florida, and improving riverine and estuarine habitats that support federally managed fish species and Endangered Species Act (ESA) protected species.
Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan, Picayune Strand Restoration Project, Collier County, Florida (2005)
Report on ecosystem restoration improvements for the Picayune Strand area, located in southwestern Collier County, Florida.
Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan, Western Everglades Restoration Project, Florida, Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration (2024)
This recommendation for the NER plan includes restoring the western basin of the Everglades watershed in four regions. In Region 1, the project features will reroute water away from the Seminole Big Cypress Reservation and the Miccosukee Tribe of Indians Alligator Alley Reservation. In Region 2, the features will include canal modifications (e.g., full or partial backfilling, shallowing, berms, spreader features, or other features with hydrologic effects). In Region 3, features will include an inline weir. In Region 4, the features include canal backfill, levee degrade, and conveyance under several roads.
Cook Inlet, Alaska (1996)
Recommendation of deep draft navigation improvements at Cook Inlet, Alaska.
Corpus Christi Ship Channel, Texas, Channel Improvement Project (2003)
Recommendation for navigation improvements and ecosystem restoration for the Corpus Christi Ship Channel, Texas.
Craig, Alaska, Navigation Improvements Project (2016)
Recommendation to authorize a project to improve navigation access at Craig, Alaska.
Craney Island Eastward Expansion, Norfolk Harbor and Channels, Hampton Roads, Virginia (2006)
Report on the study to expand the existing Craney Island Dredged Material Management Area (CIDMMA) for future dredged material and ultimately for construction of a container port by the Virginia Port Authority (VPA).
Dallas Floodway Extension, Trinity River Basin, Texas (1999)
Recommendation for construction of features to provide flood-risk management, ecosystem restoration, and recreation in the area of the Trinity River Basin in Dallas, Texas.
Dare County Beaches, North Carolina (Bodie Island Portion) (2000)
Recommendation for hurricane and coastal storm risk management measures on Bodie Island, located in Dare County on the Atlantic Coast of North Carolina.
Delaware Bay Coastline, Delaware and New Jersey, Broadkill Beach, Delaware, Interim (1998)
Recommendation for hurricane and coastal storm risk management measures for the community of Broadkill Beach in Sussex County on the Atlantic coast of Delaware.
Delaware Bay Coastline, Delaware and New Jersey, Port Mahon, Delaware, Interim (1998)
Recommendation for shore protection and ecosystem restoration measures along the Delaware Bay shoreline at Port Mahon, Kent County, Delaware.
Delaware Bay Coastline, Delaware and New Jersey, Reeds Beach and Pierces Point, New Jersey, Interim (1999)
Recommendation for ecosystem restoration measures along the Delaware Bay shoreline at Reeds Beach and Pierces Point in Cape May County, New Jersey.
Delaware Bay Coastline, Delaware and New Jersey, Roosevelt Inlet-Lewes Beach, Delaware, Interim (1999)
Recommendation for hurricane and coastal storm risk management measures for the community of Lewes Beach on the Delaware Bay Coastline in Sussex County, Delaware.
Delaware Bay Coastline, Delaware and New Jersey, Villas and Vicinity, New Jersey (1999)
Recommendation for ecosystem restoration measures along the Delaware Bay at and in the vicinity of Villas, Cape May County, New Jersey.
Delaware Coast from Cape Henlopen to Fenwick Island, Delaware, Bethany Beach/South Bethany Interim (1999)
Recommendation for hurricane and coastal storm risk management measures for the towns of Bethany Beach and South Bethany, Sussex County, Delaware.
Delaware Coast from Cape Henlopen to Fenwick Island, Fenwick Island Interim (2000)
Recommendation for hurricane and coastal storm risk management measures for the town of Fenwick Island on the Atlantic Coast of Sussex County, Delaware.
Delaware Coast from Cape Henlopen to Fenwick, Delaware - Rehoboth Beach/Dewey Beach Interim (1996)
Recommendation for hurricane and coastal storm risk management measures for Rehoboth Beach and Dewey Beach in Sussex County, Delaware.
Delaware River Comprehensive Navigation Study, Main Channel Deepening, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware (1992)
Recommendation to deepen the existing channel from 40 feet to 45 feet to improve navigation on the Delaware River in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware.
Delta Islands and Levees Feasibility Report, California (2018)
Recommendation for a plan authorizing restoration of 340 acres of intertidal marsh using clean dredged material at Big Break, Contra Costa County, which is a historic marsh area formerly converted to farmland that has been inundated since a levee break in 1928.
Denver County Reach, South Platte River, Denver, Colorado (2003)
Recommendation for ecosystem restoration measures on the Denver County Reach of the South Platte River in Denver, Colorado.
Des Moines and Raccoon Rivers, Des Moines, Iowa (2006)
Report on flood damage reduction in the vicinity of Des Moines, Iowa.
Duwamish Green River Basin, King County, Washington (2000)
Recommendation for environmental restoration for the Duwamish/Green River Basin in King County, Washington.
East Rockaway Inlet to Rockaway Inlet and Jamaica Bay Reformulation, Atlantic Coast of New York (2019)
Recommendation of authorization of the National Economic Development Plan that consists of beach restoration with renourishment, extension of 5 existing groins, construction of 13 new groins, and a composite seawall along with Atlantic Ocean Shorefront Planning Reach, along with two separate high frequency flooding risk reduction features within the Jamaica Bay Planning Reach.
East St. Louis and Vicinity, Illinois (2004)
Report on ecosystem restoration and recreation in the vicinity of East St. Louis, Illinois.
Edisto Beach, Colleton County, South Carolina, Coastal Storm Damage Reduction General Investigations Study (2014)
Recommendation for coastal storm risk management improvements at the Town of Edisto Beach, South Carolina.
Elim Subsistence Harbor Study, Elim, Alaska (2021)
Recommendation of a plan to improve navigation access to Elim, Alaska based on the authority of Section 2006 of WRDA 2007, as amended (33 U.S.C. 2242), Remote and Subsistence Harbors. The recommended plan results in a safe, reliable, and efficient waterborne transportation system by providing for the safe maneuverability and protected mooring of the existing and anticipated fleet, and increasing the percentage of time that harbor facilities can be safely accessed.
Encinitas - Solana Beach Shoreline Coastal Storm Damage Reduction, San Diego County, California (2016)
Recommendation for coastal storm risk management measures along the Pacific Ocean shoreline in Encinitias and Solana Beach, California.
Espanola Valley, Rio Grande and Tributaries, New Mexico (2018)
Recommendation for authorization of a plan for ecosystem restoration along the Rio Grande in the vicinity of Espanola, New Mexico.
Fairfield and New Haven Counties, Connecticut, Coastal Storm Risk Management (2021)
Recommendation of a National Economic Development plan that will reduce the potential damage caused by coastal storms and improve safety and coastal resiliency of the Long Wharf study area in the City of New Haven through of construction of approximately 5,800 linear feet of pile-supported floodwall, along with deployable flood gates (closure structures), deployable road closure structures, and a pump station.
False Pass, Alaska (2000)
Recommendation of navigation improvements for False Pass, Alaska.
Fargo-Moorhead Metropolitan Area Flood Risk Management Project, North Dakota and Minnesota (2011)
Recommendation for flood-risk management measures in the Fargo-Moorhead metropolitan area of North Dakota and Minnesota.
Fire Island Inlet to Montauk Point, New York Reformulation (2020)
Recommendation of implementation of a plan that is mutually acceptable between the Secretary of the Army and the Secretary of the Interior, in accordance with the provisions of the enabling legislation of the Fire Island National Seashore, section 8, P.L. 88-587. This mutually acceptable plan provides a systems approach for coastal storm risk management that balances the risks to human life and property, while maintaining and restoring the natural coastal processes and ecosystem integrity from Fire Island Inlet east to Montauk Point along the Atlantic Coast of Suffolk County, Long Island, New York.
Flagler County, Florida, Hurricane and Storm Damage Reduction Project (2014)
Recommendation for hurricane and coastal storm risk management measures in Flagler County, Florida.
Florida Keys, Monroe County, Florida Coastal Storm Risk Management (2021)
Recommendation of the National Economic Development Plan which includes dry floodproofing 53 critical infrastructure building at risk to damage from coastal storms and nonstructural measures to reduce coastal storm damage to 4,698 residential and 1,052 nonresidential at risk structures.
Folly Beach, South Carolina Coastal Storm Risk Management (2021)
Recommendation of the National Economic Development plan combined with measures for the mitigation of erosion attributable to the federal navigation jetties at Charleston Harbor. The recommended plan includes construction of a 5.85-mile main dune and berm combination beach fill and will reduce the potential damage caused by coastal storms and improve the safety and coastal resilience of the Folly Beach area in South Carolina.
Fourche Bayou Basin, Little Rock, Arkansas (1981)
Recommendation implement channel modifications to improve flood-risk management, construction of recreation facilities, and environmental preservation of bottomlands on Fourche Bayou Basin in Little Rock, Arkansas.
Freeport Harbor Channel Improvement Project, Brazoria County, Texas (2013)
Recommendation for navigation improvements for the Freeport Harbor Channel Improvement Project in Brazoria County, Texas.
Galveston Harbor and Channel, Texas (Galveston Channel 40-Foot Project) (1970)
Galveston Harbor Channel Extension Project, Houston-Galveston Navigation Channels, Texas (2017)
Recommendation for authorization of a plan that will deepen a portion of the existing Galveston Harbor Channel project.
Grand River Basin Ecosystem Restoration, Iowa and Missouri (2020)
Recommendation of authorization of a project that will make significant National Ecosystem Restoration contributions in association with wetland and aquatic habitat improvement within the Lower Grand River Basin. The project will also provide long-term economic benefits to critical transportation infrastructure and agriculture from flood risk reduction by reducing excessive sedimentation and log jams.
Great Egg Harbor Inlet to Townsends Inlet, New Jersey (2006)
Study of shore protection opportunities at Great Egg Harbor Inlet to Townsends Inlet
Green River Locks and Dams 3, 4, 5 and 6 and Ban·en River Lock and Dam 1,
Kentucky (2015)
Recommendation for deauthorization of unused navigation facilities on the Green and Barren Rivers in Kentucky.
Guanajibo River, Puerto Rico (1996)
Recommendation to implement flood-risk management measures for the Guanajibo River area of Puerto Rico.
Gulf Intracoastal Waterway - Aransas National Wildlife Refuge, Texas (1996)
Recommendation to construct measures on the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway to protect critical habitat of the whooping crane (a federally listed endangered species) near the Aransas National Wildlife Refuge in Aransas and Calhoun Counties, Texas.
Gulf Intracoastal Waterway - Sargent Beach, Texas (1992)
Recommendation to implement measures to protect navigation on the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway at Sargent Beach, Texas.
Gulf Intracoastal Waterway, Brazos River Floodgates and Colorado River Locks, Navigation Feasibility Study, Texas (2019)
Recommendation of a plan to improve the existing Gulf Intracoastal Waterway inland navigation project at the Brazos River Flood Gate (BRFG) and Colorado River Lock (CRL) structures.
Gulf Intracoastal Waterway, Coastal Resilience Study, Brazoria and Matagorda Counties, Texas (2023)
Construction of the GIWW channel in Matagorda and Brazoria Counties was completed in the 1940s. Since original construction a barrier system has served as a protective feature to the navigation channel from coastal storm events. and erosive forces of the Gulf of Mexico. Over time, coastal storms, natural erosion, and anthropogenic disturbances (e.g., erosion due to vessel traffic) have caused this barrier system to almost disappear in some reaches in the study area. In other reaches, the barrier system is expected to significantly erode in size over the 50-year period of analysis. Projected sea level rise exacerbates the erosion concerns. The feasibility study findings show that if no action is taken to restore the barrier system, the GIWW navigation channel in the study area is expected to become vulnerable, affecting its reliability, resiliency, safety, environmental sustainability, and resulting in a reduction of economic efficiency. The recommended plan will improve navigation, significantly reduce the maintenance requirement. and provide resiliency along the GIWW in Matagorda County.
Gulf Intracoastal Waterway, High Island to Brazos River, Texas (2004)
Recommendation for navigation improvements for the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway from High Island to Brazos River, Texas.
Gulf lntracoastal Waterway, Brazos River to Port O'Connor, Matagorda Bay Re-Route, Texas (2002)
Recommendation for navigation improvements for the Mortagorda Bay reach of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway in Texas.
Haines, Alaska (2004)
Recommendation of improvements to navigation through expansion of an existing harbor at Haines, Alaska.
Hamilton Army Airfield Wetland Restoration, California (1999)
Recommendation for ecosystem and wetland restoration measures at the Hamilton Army Airfield and adjacent properties in the city of Novato, Marin County, California.
Hamilton Army Airfield Wetland Restoration, California (2004)
Report modifying the Hamilton Army Airfield Wetland Restoration, California project.
Hamilton City, Glenn County, California (2004)
Report on the study of flood damage reduction and ecosystem restoration at Hamilton City, Glenn County, California
Hashamomuck Cove, New York, Coastal Storm Risk Management Feasibility Study Chief's Report (2019)
Recommendation for approximately 1.5 miles of beach restoration for flood and storm damage reduction in Hashamomuck Cove and the coves east and west of Hashamomuck Cove, including periodic nourishment to maintain the integrity of the design beach template over the 50 year period of analysis.
Hocking River Basin, Ohio Monday Creek Sub-basin (2006)
Feasibility study of ecosystem restoration project features within the Monday Creek sub-basin of the Hocking River Basin, Ohio
Houston Ship Channel Expansion Channel Improvement Project, Harris, Chambers, and Galveston Counties, Texas, Final Integrated Feasibility Report - Environmental Impact Statement (2020)
Recommendation of authorization of the National Economic Development (NED) plan that will contribute to the economic efficiency of commercial navigation in the Houston Ship Channel.
Houston-Galveston Navigation Channels, Texas (1996)
Recommendation to improve navigation by deepening to 47 feet and to implement ecosystem restoration measures at the Houston-Galveston Navigation Channels, Texas.
Howard A. Hanson Dam, Green River, Washington (1999)
Recommendation for ecosystem restoration and additional storage for municipal and industrial (M&I) water supply for the existing Howard A. Hansen Dam project, Green River, Washington.
Hudson Raritan Estuary, New Jersey, Liberty State Park (2006)
Report on the Hudson Raritan Estuary, Liberty State Park, ecosystem restoration study
Hudson River Habitat Restoration, New York (2020)
Recommendation of a National Ecosystem Restoration Plan that includes three individual projects to restore approximately 22.8 acres of tidal wetlands, 8.5 acres of side channel and tidal wetland complex, and 1,760 linear feet of living shoreline with 0.6 acres of tidal wetland, and would reconnect 7.8 miles of tributary habitat to the Hudson River.
Hudson-Raritan Estuary Ecosystem Restoration, New York and New Jersey (2020)
Recommendation of construction authorization of a National Ecosystem Restoration Plan that will provide for the restoration of approximately 381 acres of estuarine wetland habitat including 16 acres/six miles of tidal channels, 50 acres of freshwater riverine wetland habitat, 27 acres of coastal and maritime forest habitat, 39 acres of shallow water habitat and 52 acres of oyster habitat, among other features.
Humboldt Harbor and Bay, California (1995)
Recommendation for improvements to the existing navigation project at Humbolt Harbor and Bay, California.
Jackson Hole, Snake River, Wyoming (2000)
Recommendation for environmental restoration measures along the Snake River in Teton County, Wyoming.
Jacksonville Harbor Mile Point Navigation Study, Duval County, Florida (2012)
Recommendation for navigation improvements for Jacksonville Harbor Mile Point, Duval County, Florida.
Jacksonville Harbor Navigation Study Final Integrated General Reevaluation Report
II and Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement, Duval County, Florida (2014)
Recommendation for navigation improvements for Jacksonville Harbor, Duval County, Florida, located on the St. John's River.
Jacksonville Harbor, Duval County, Florida (1999)
Recommendation for navigation improvements for Jacksonville Harbor, Duval County, Florida.
Jacksonville Harbor, Duval County, Florida (2003)
Reevaluation of the Jacksonville Harbor project authorized by WRDA 1999.
Jefferson County Ecosystem Restoration Feasibility Study, Jefferson County, Texas Chief's Report (2019)
Recommendation of authorization of the National Ecosystem Restoration (NER) Plan, which includes construction of 5,170 linear feet of armoring along the southern bank of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway (GIWW), and restores 6,048 acres of brackish marsh habitat in six restoration units.
Johnson Creek, Arlington, Texas, Upper Trinity River Basin (1999)
Recommendation for construction of features to provide flood-risk management, ecosystem restoration, and recreation on Johnson Creek within the city of Arlington, Texas.
Jordan Creek Flood Risk Management Study, Springfield Missouri (2013)
Recommendation to implement detention basins and channel widening to improve flood-risk management along Jordan Creek in Springfield, Missouri.
Kaweah River Basin Investigation, Feasibility Study, California (1996)
Recommendation for flood-risk management and water supply improvements for the Kaweah River Basin in California.
Lackawanna River at Olyphant, Pennsylvania (1992)
Recommendation for flood-risk management improvements for the Lackawanna River in Olyphant, Pennsylvania.
Lackawanna River at Scranton, Pennsylvania (1992)
Recommendation for flood-risk management improvements for the Lackawanna River in Scranton, Pennsylvania.
Lake Worth Inlet, Florida (1996)
Recommendation to mitigate shoreline erosion and damages caused by navigation improvements at Lake Worth Inlet, Palm beach Harbor, Florida.
Lake Worth Inlet, Palm Beach Harbor, Navigation Improvements Project, Palm
Beach County, Florida (2014)
Recommendation for navigation improvements at Lake Worth Inlet of Palm Beach Harbor in Palm Beach County, Florida.
Las Vegas Wash and Tributaries (Tropicana and Flamingo Washes), Nevada (1992)
Recommendation for flood-risk management improvements for Las Vegas Wash and Tributaries (Tropicana and Flamingo Washes), Nevada.
Leon Creek Watershed, San Antonio, Texas (2014)
Recommendation to implement structural and nonstructural measures for the purpose of flood-risk management for the Leon Creek Watershed in San Antonio, Texas.
Licking River Basin, Cynthiana, Kentucky (2006)
Report on flood damage reduction for the communities of Cynthiana, Millersburg, and Paris, in the Licking River Basin, Kentucky
Lido Key, Sarasota County, Florida (2004)
Recommendation for hurricane and coastal storm risk management measures for Lido Key in Sarasota County, Florida.
Little Colorado River at Winslow, Navajo County, Arizona, Flood Risk Management Project (2018)
Recommendation for authorization of a plan to reduce flood risks to the community in and near Winslow, Arizona, including new and reconstructed levees, improvement of conveyance under the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad Bridge, and a flood warning system.
Little Talbot Island, State Road A1A/SR-105, Duval County, Florida (1999)
Recommendation for hurricane and coastal storm risk management measures along State Road A1A/SR-105 in Duval County, Florida.
Long Beach Island, New York (1996)
Recommendation for hurricane and coastal storm risk management measures for Long Beach Island, New York, from Jones Inlet to East Rockaway Inlet, on the Atlantic Coast of Long Island, located in Nassau County.
Los Angeles River Ecosystem Restoration, Los Angeles, California (2015)
Recommendation to implement ecosystem restoration measures in and along the Los Angeles River in Los Angeles, California.
Louisiana Coastal Area (LCA), Barataria Basin Barrier Shoreline Restoration Project, Lafourche, Jefferson, and Plaquemines Parishes, Louisiana (2012)
Recommendation for ecosystem restoration measures for Barataria Basin Barrier Shoreline in Lafourche, Jefferson, and Plaquemines Parishes, Louisiana.
Louisiana Coastal Area, Louisiana, Ecosystem Restoration (2005)
Recommendation for ecosystem restoration measures for the Louisiana Coastal Area.
Louisiana Coastal Area, Louisiana, Ecosystem Restoration, Six Projects Authorized by Section 7006(e}(3) of Water Resources Development Act of 2007 (2010)
Report includes Amite River Diversion Canal Modification, Convey Atchafalaya River Water to Northern Terrebonne Marshes, Houma Navigation Control Lock, Small Diversion at Convent/Blind River, Terrebonne Basin Barrier Shoreline Restoration, Medium Diversion at White Ditch
Louisville Metropolitan Flood Protection System Reconstruction, Jefferson and Bullitt Counties, Kentucky (2020)
Recommendation of the National Economic Development Plan that reduced flood risks to the Louisville, Kentucky metropolitan area. The principle features of the plan include reconstruction of 14 flood pump stations and their ancillary features, construction of a permanent closure and an alternative access road, and construction of 530 linear feet of floodwall.
Lower Cache Creek, Yolo County, Woodland and Vicinity, California (2021)
Recommendation of authorization of the National Economic Development Plan to reduce flood risk in the City of Woodland, California. The principal features of the recommended plan include new levee and seepage berm construction, the improvement and construction of cutoff walls for existing levees, construction of several miles of drainage channel, and the installation of an inlet weir and closure structures across roads and railways.
Lower Colorado River Basin Phase I, Texas (2006)
Report on the study of flood damage reduction, ecosystem restoration, and recreation for the Lower Colorado River Basin
Lower San Joaquin River Flood Risk Management Feasibility Study Report, California (2018)
The recommended plan reduces flood risk along the San Joaquin River within the metropolitan area of Stockton, California by reducing the problems associated with seepage, stability and erosion for the levees along the San Joaquin River, Calaveras River, Fourteenmile Slough, Tenmile Slough, and Mosher Slough.
Lower Willamette River Environmental Dredging and Ecosystem Restoration Project, Oregon (2015)
Recommendation for authorization of a plan to restore ecosystem functions by reconnecting floodplain habitats to the rivers and improving fish and wildlife habitats in the vicinity of Portland, Oregon.
Lynnhaven River Basin Ecosystem Restoration Project, Virginia (2014)
Recommendations for ecosystem restoration measures in the Lynnhaven River Basin in Virginia.
Malibu Creek Ecosystem Restoration, Los Angeles and Ventura Counties, California (2020)
Recommend of authorization of a Locally Preferred Plan (LPP) to restore the Malibu Creek ecosystem, the principle features of which include: removal of the Rindge Dam concrete spillway apron and concrete arch, removal of 780,000 cubic yards of impounded sediment, and modification and/or removal of eight partial aquatic upstream habitat barriers on tributaries to Malibu Creek.
Mamaroneck and Sheldrake River Basins (2017)
Recommendation for a flood risk management project for the Mamaroneck and Sheldrake River Basins, Village of Mamaroneck, New York.
Marin County Shoreline, San Rafael, California (1994)
Recommendation for hurricane and coastal storm risk management measures for the Marin County Shoreline in San Rafael, California.
Marmet Lock Replacement, Kanawha River, West Virginia (1994)
Recommendation for navigation improvements at the Marmet Locks and Dam on the Kanawha River in West Virginia.
Matagorda Ship Channel Improvement Project, Port Lavaca, Texas Chief's Report (2019)
Recommendation of authorization of the National Ecosystem Development (NED) plan to modify the Matagorda Ship Channel, in part to allow for accommodation of larger vessels.
Matilija Dam, Ventura County, California (2004)
Recommendation to implement ecosystem restoration and recreation measures on the Ventura River in Ventura County, California.
May Branch, Fort Smith, Arkansas (2006)
Report on the study of flood damage reduction along May Branch in Fort Smith, Arkansas
Memphis Metropolitan Stormwater, North DeSoto County Feasibility Study, DeSoto County, Mississippi (2023)
This recommendation for the Memphis Metropolitan Stormwater - North DeSoto County Feasibility Study consists of two parts: a recommendation of the OSE plan for the flood risk management (FRM) plan, and a recommendation of the NER plan for the aquatic ecosystem restoration (AER) plan. The FRM Plan and the AER plan both produce economic and environmental benefits which are separately identifiable. The FRM plan is a risk management system of features that will reduce the risk of flooding to lives, property, and residential, commercial, and public infrastructure. The AER plan will address habitat degradation resulting from chronic channel incision, loss of bottomland hardwood forests, and loss of fish passage connectivity.
Metropolitan Region of Cincinnati, Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana - Duck Creek Interim Feasibility Report (1994)
Recommendation for flood-risk management improvements along Duck Creek in Cincinnati and Fairfax, Ohio.
Metropolitan Region of Louisville, Kentucky, and Indiana - Pond Creek Interim Feasibility Study (1994)
Recommendation for flood-risk management and wetland restoration improvements along Pond Creek in Jefferson County, Kentucky.
Metropolitan Region of Louisville, Kentucky, Beargrass Creek Basin (1998)
Recommendation for flood-risk management improvements in the Beargrass Creek basin in the metropolitan region of Louisville, Kentucky.
Metropolitan Washington, District of Columbia, Coastal Storm Risk Management (2024)
This recommendation of a non-NED plan based on OSE and EQ considerations includes authorizing a risk management system of features that will reduce the risk of damages from coastal storms to the Arlington Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP) in Arlington County, VA. The recommended plan includes the following system of structural features: a floodwall with an elevation of +14.3 ft NAVD88 and a length of 1,180 linear feet to be constructed along the north bank of Four Mile Run stream between the stream and the critical infrastructure facility; a 70ft long aluminum stop log closure structure at the east end of the floodwall along South Eads Street; 1,280 linear feet of +1 ft concrete elevated curb; and sluice and flap gates.
Miami Harbor Channel, Florida (1996)
Recommendation to modify the previously authorized Miami Harbor Channel project in Florida to include deepening the channel to 34 feet along two berths.
Miami Harbor, Miami-Dade County, Florida (2005)
Report on the navigation study for Miami Harbor in Miami-Dade County, Florida
Miami-Dade Back Bay, Miami-Dade County, Florida, Coastal Storm Risk Management (2024)
This recommendation of a non-NED plan includes nonstructural features that will manage the risk of damages from coastal storms to residential and non-residential buildings as well as critical facilities in a subset of vulnerable disadvantaged and Environmental Justice communities in Miami-Dade County. These features consist of elevating up to 2,052 residential buildings to approximately the 0.5% annual exceedance probability, floodproofing up to 403 nonresidential commercial buildings to four feet above ground, and floodproofing up to 27 Critical Infrastructure facilities to four feet above ground.
Miami-Dade County, Florida, Main Segment, Coastal Storm Risk Management (2022)
Recommendation of the NED plan for coastal storm risk management features, including a 6.1 miles of periodic beach nourishment
and the sourcing of the sand needed for beach nourishment, the planting of native vegetation, and contributions to the creation of habitat for nesting sea turtles and shore birds.
Mid-Chesapeake Bay Island Ecosystem Restoration Project, Chesapeake Bay, Dorchester County, Maryland (2009)
Recommendation for ecosystem restoration in the Middle Chesapeake Bay at James and Barren Islands in Dorchester County, Maryland.
Middle Creek, Lake County, California (2004)
Recommendation for ecosystem restoration measures and incidental flood-risk management at Middle Creek, Lake County, California.
Middle Rio Grande Flood Protection, Bernalillo to Belen, New Mexico at
Albuquerque Chief's Report (2020)
Recommendation of authorization of the National Economic Development (NED) plan to reduce flood damages in the vicinity of Albuquerque, New Mexico by constructing approximately 48 miles of engineered levee and creating approximately 266 acres of riparian habitat in the floodway to reduce the overall impact on endangered species to an acceptable level.
Mill Creek Flood Risk Management Study, Nashville, Tennessee (2015)
Recommendation for flood-risk management improvements along Mill Creek in Nashville, Tennessee.
Minnesota River, Marsh Lake Ecosystem Restoration Project, Minnesota (2011)
Recommendation for ecosystem restoration measures along the Minnesota River at Marsh Lake, a part of the Lac qui Parle Reservoir, west of Appleton, Minnesota.
Mississippi Coastal Improvements Program (MSCIP), Hancock, Harrison, and Jackson Counties, Mississippi, Comprehensive Plan Report (2009)
Recommendation for coastal storm risk management and ecosystem restoration measures in the coastal counties of Hancock, Harrison, and Jackson, Mississippi.
Mississippi River Gulf Outlet (MRGO) Ecosystem Restoration, Louisiana (2012)
Recommendation for ecosystem restoration measures for the areas in the vicinity of the Mississippi River Gulf Outlet (MRGO) in Louisiana.
Mississippi River Gulf Outlet (MRGO), St. Bernard Parish, Louisiana, Deep Draft Deauthorization Study (2008)
Report on the deauthorization of the Mississippi River - Gulf Outlet (MRGO) deep draft navigation channel in Louisiana
Mississippi River, Hatchie-Loosahatchie, Mississippi River Mile 775-736, Tennessee and Arkansas, Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration (2024)
This recommendation of the NER plan provides positive ecosystem and social benefits by addressing significant and ecologically important habitats in Arkansas and Tennessee. The recommended plan includes 38 ecological restoration measures and two recreational measures, all of which are separable elements that could be implemented independently.
Monarch-Chesterfield, Missouri (2000)
Recommendation for flood-risk management measures in the vicinity of Chesterfield, Missouri.
Monongahela-Youghiogheny River Basin, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia, Lower Monongahela River Navigation System (1992)
Recommendation for navigation improvements on the lower Monongahela River in Pennsylvania.
Montauk Point, New York (2006)
Report on the study to reduce hurricane and storm damages at Montauk Point, New York
Morganza to the Gulf of Mexico, Louisiana (2013)
A supplement to the 2002 and 2003 Morganza to the Gulf Chief's Reports that confirmed the authorized project alignment as the alignment that best meets the Federal objective.
Morganza, Louisiana, to the Gulf of Mexico, Mississippi River and Tributaries (2002)
Recommendation to implement hurricane and coastal storm risk management measures for the Morganza to the Gulf of Mexico Area of Louisiana.
Morganza, Louisiana, to the Gulf of Mexico, Mississippi River and Tributaries - Supplemental Report (2003)
Recommendation to modify the sponsor's in-kind services, as laid out in the 2002 Morganza to the Gulf Chief's Report.
Morro Bay Harbor, California (1992)
Recommendation for improvements to the existing navigation project at Morro Bay Harbor, California.
Napa River Salt Marsh Restoration, California (2004)
Report on the study of ecosystem restoration and recreation in the Napa River Basin, Napa, Sonoma, and Solano Counties, California
Navigation Improvements, Diomede, Alaska Final Interim Feasibility Report,
Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact (2015)
Recommendation to authorize a project to improve navigation access at Little Diomede, Alaska.
Neuse River Basin, Ecosystem Restoration Project, North Carolina (2013)
Recommendation for ecosystem restoration measures in the Neuse River Basin in North Carolina.
New Harmony, Indiana (Wabash River) (1996)
Recommendation for streambank protection measures along the Wabash River at New Harmony, Indiana.
New Haven Harbor Navigation Improvement Project, Connecticut (2020)
Recommendation of authorization of the National Economic Development Plan to modify the New Haven Harbor Navigation Project in the vicinity of New Haven, Connecticut, including deepening the main ship channel, maneuvering area, and turning basin and extending the entrance channel to allow for the deepening; widening the turning basin; widening the inner channel; widening the entrance channel; and widening the channel bend near the East Breakwater. Dredged material from the project will be placed at several open water sites within the harbor and Long Island Sound and a portion of the dredged material that would otherwise have been placed in Long Island Sound will be used in the harbor to create a 58 acre salt marsh at Sandy Point in West Haven, Connecticut.
New Jersey Shore Protection Study, Barnegat Inlet to Little Egg Inlet (Long Beach Island), New Jersey, Interim (2000)
Recommendation for hurricane and coastal storm risk management measures for Barnegat Inlet to Little Egg Inlet (Long Beach Island), New Jersey.
New Jersey Shore Protection Study, Brigantine Inlet to Great Egg Harbor Inlet, Absecon Island Interim (1996)
Recommendation for hurricane and coastal storm risk management measures for Absecon Island on the Atlantic coast of Atlantic County, New Jersey.
New Jersey Shore Protection Study, Manasquan Inlet to Barnegat Inlet (2003)
Recommendation for hurricane and coastal storm risk management measures for Manasquan Inlet to Barnegat Inlet, New Jersey.
New Jersey Shore Protection, Hereford Inlet to Cape May Inlet, New Jersey (2015)
Recommendation for hurricane and coastal storm risk management measures for coastal communities located between Hereford Inlet and Cape May Inlet in Cape May County, New Jersey.
New Jersey Shore Protection, Lower Cape May Meadows - Cape May Point, New Jersey (1999)
Recommendation to improve shoreline erosion and ecosystem restoration at Lower Cape May Meadows - Cape May Point, New Jersey.
New Jersey Shore Protection, Townsends Inlet to Cape May Inlet Interim (1998)
Recommendation for hurricane and coastal storm risk management for Townsends Inlet to Cape May Inlet on the Atlantic coast of Cape May County, New Jersey.
New York - New Jersey Harbor Deepening Channel Improvements, New York and New Jersey (2022)
Recommendation of the NED plan for channel improvements features, including deepening the Ambrose Channel to -58 feet, deepening the Ambrose Channel to -55 feet, Deepening the Port Jersey Channel to -55 feet, Deepening the Kill Van Kull Channel to -55 feet, and compensating for unavoidable environmental impacts to a regulated subtidal shallow habitat.
New York and New Jersey Harbor Anchorages, New York, New Jersey (2020)
Recommendation of authorization of the National Economic Development (NED) plan to address the need for anchorage improvements in the New York and New Jersey Harbor by deepening and widening the Gravesend Anchorage.
New York and New Jersey Harbor Navigation Study (2000)
Recommendation to improve navigation by deepening various channels at New York and New Jersey Harbor.
Nome, Alaska (1999)
Recommendation of improvements to navigation through construction of a new entrance to Nome Harbor in Nome, Alaska.
Norco Bluffs, Santa Ana River, Riverside County, California (1996)
Recommendation to provide bluff stabilization along the Santa Ana River in Norco, California.
Norfolk Coastal Storm Risk Management Study, Virgina (2019)
Recommendation for authorization of a plan that will significantly reduce the coastal storm risk and associated damage to structures in the City of Norfolk to include four storm surge barriers along various bodies of water in addition to various nonstructural features as well as natural and nature-based features to increase resiliency.
Norfolk Harbor and Channels Navigation Improvements Project, Virginia (2018)
Recommendation for authorization of a plan for navigation channel deepening and widening in the Norfolk Harbor, Virginia.
Oakland Harbor Turning Basins Widening, Oakland, California (2024)
This recommendation of the NED plan includes authorizing modifications to the Inner Harbor Turning Basin and Outer Harbor Turning Basin to allow vessels to operate within the Oakland Harbor more efficiently. Dredged material from the project will be placed at appropriate landfills and at a beneficial use site for the protection, restoration, or creation of aquatic wetland habitats as either foundation (non-cover) or cover material. Specifics of the plan include widening the Oakland Harbor inner turning basin diameter to 1,835 feet to a depth of -50 feet mean lower low water (MLLW); widening the Oakland Harbor outer turning basin diameter to 1,965 feet to a depth of -50 feet MLLW; installing approximately 2,380 linear feet of stabilization bulkhead and 4.6 acres of fast lands at the Alameda site; and excavating approximately 2.7 million cubic yards of excavated and dredged sediment, with beneficial use placement of approximately 454,000 cubic yards of dredged material during construction.
Oakland Harbor, California (1999)
Recommendation for hurricane and coastal storm risk management measures for the Marin County Shoreline in San Rafael, California.
Ohio River Ecosystem Restoration Program, Kentucky, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia (2000)
Recommendation to implement ecosystem restoration measures along the Ohio River corridor within the states of Kentucky, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia.
Ohio River Mainstem Systems Study - Interim Report on J.T. Myers and Greenup Locks and Dams, Indiana, Kentucky, and Ohio (2000)
Recommendation for navigation improvements at J.T. Myers and Greenup Locks and Dams on the Ohio River in Indiana, Kentucky, and Ohio.
Ohio River Shoreline, Paducah, Kentucky Reconstruction (2012)
Recommendation for flood-risk management improvements along the left bank of the Ohio River at Paducah, Kentucky.
Okaloosa County, Florida, Costal Storm Risk Management (2021)
Recommendation of the National Economic Development plan intended to reduce the risk of potential damage caused by coastal storms. The plan recommends a beach nourishment project along the Gulf of Mexico coastline of Okaloosa County.
Orestimba Creek, West Stanislaus County, California (2013)
Recommendation for flood-risk management measures along Orestimba Creek in the San Joaquin Basin near the city of Newman, California.
Papillion Creek Tributaries and Lakes, Nebraska (2022)
Recommendation of the National Economic Development plan intended to help with flood control, recreation, fish and wildlife enhancement, and water quality. The recommended plan includes the construction of a dam with a conservation pool and sediment detention, a dry dam, a new levee/floodwall, nonstructural features, elevation of residential structures, dry floodproofing, and recreational features in and along the tributaries and lakes of the Papillon Creek area.
Pawcatuck River Coastal Storm Risk Management Project (2018)
Recommendation for authorization of a plan to provide coastal storm risk management through proposed elevation and flood proofing work on 385 structures in the area of the Pawcatuck River in Rhode Island.
Pawleys Island, South Carolina (2006)
Report on the study of hurricane and storm damage reduction for Pawley's Island
Peckman River Basin, New Jersey Flood Risk Management Feasibility Study Report (2020)
Recommendation of authorization of the National Economic Development (NED) plan that consists of a diversion culvert connecting the Peckman and Passaic Rivers; associated weirs; levees and floodwalls; channel modifications; and nonstructural measures within the ten percent floodplain upstream of Route 46, which will reduce the risk of flood damage to flood-prone areas of Little Falls and Woodland Park, New Jersey.
Peoria Riverfront Development, Illinois (2003)
Recommendation for ecosystem restoration measures in Peoria Lake on the Illinois in the vicinity of Peoria, Illinois.
Pine Flat Dam Fish and Wildlife Habitat Restoration, Fresno County, California (2002)
Recommendation to implement environmental restoration measures at Pine Flat Dam and Reservoir and downstream along the lower Kings River in Fresno County, California.
Pinellas County, Florida, Treasure Island and Long Key Segments, Coastal Storm Risk Management (2021)
Recommendation of the National Economic Development plan including periodic beach nourishment, with dune and berm features, for the Treasure Island and Long Key Segments of the Pinellas County, Florida Beach Erosion Control project. The recommended modification of the project will reduce coastal storm risk.
Ponce de Leon Inlet, Florida (1999)
Recommendation to improve navigation by constructing a 1,000-foot-long seaward extension of a jetty, with scour apron, and placing aids to navigation at the Ponce de Leon Inlet in Volusia County, Florida.
Poplar Island Environmental Restoration Project Expansion, Chesapeake Bay, Talbot County, Maryland (2006)
Report on the general reevaluation of the Poplar Island, Maryland, project
Port Everglades Navigation Improvements Project, Broward County, Florida (2015)
Recommendation for navigation improvements for Port Everglades in Broward County, Florida.
Port Lions, Alaska (2006)
Report on navigation improvements for Port Lions, Alaska
Port of Iberia, Louisiana (2006)
Report on navigation improvements from the Port of Iberia in south-central Louisiana to the Gulf of Mexico
Port of Long Beach Deep Draft Navigation Supplemental Chief's Report, Los Angeles County, California (2022)
This supplemental Chief's Report for the Port of Long Beach, California, navigation improvements clarifies the cost sharing proposed for the project recommended by the October 2021 Chief's Report.
Port of Long Beach Deep Draft Navigation, Los Angeles County, California (2021)
Recommendation of a National Economic Development Plan which includes navigation improvements involving deepening channels and basins that will contribute to the efficiency of commercial navigation for the Port of Long Beach
Port of Long Beach, San Pedro Bay, California (1996)
Recommendation for improvements to the existing navigation project at the Port of Long Beach, California.
Port of Los Angeles Channel Deepening Project, California (2000)
Recommendation for deepening the existing navigation project at Los Angeles, California, from -45 feet to -53 feet.
Port of Nome Modifications, Nome, Alaska (2020)
Recommendation of a plan that results in a safe, reliable and efficient waterborne transportation system for the movement of commerce, national security benefits, and recreation at the Port of Nome, that allows for economic opportunities in the region and supports the long term viability of surrounding villages. This plan utilizes authority provided by Section 2006 WRDA 2007, as amended, Remote and Subsistence Harbors, which provides that in conducting a study of harbor and navigation improvements the Secretary may recommend a project without demonstrating that the improvements are justified solely by National Economic Development benefits, if the Secretary determines that the improvements meet certain criteria.
Port Sutton Channel, Tampa Harbor, Hillsborough County, Florida (2000)
Recommendation to modify the existing project for the Port Sutton Channel at Tampa Harbor in Florida by deepening from 34' down to 42' and by widening from 200' up to 290'.
Portland Metro Levee System, Portland, Oregon (2021)
Recommendation of authorization of the National Economic Development Plan which reduces flood risks to the Portland, Oregon metropolitan area via improvements to portions of the existing Portland Metro Levee System.
Portsmouth Harbor and Piscataqua River Navigation Improvement Project, New
Hampshire and Maine (2015)
Recommendation for navigation improvements for Portsmouth Harbor and Pisctaqua River in New Hampshire and Maine.
Prado Basin Ecosystem Restoration, San Bernardino, Riverside and Orange Counties, California (2021)
Recommendation a plan for ecosystem restoration within the extent of the Santa Ana River Mainstem Project downstream of Prado Dam in San Bernardino, Riverside, and Orange Counties, California. The recommended National Ecosystem Restoration (NER) Plan would have beneficial impacts to water and biological resources, restoring riparian and riverine vegetation communities and habitat functions within Prado Basin and along the mainstem of the Santa Ana River downstream of Prado Dam.
Princeville, North Carolina, Flood Risk Management Study (2016)
Recommendation for modifications to the flood-risk management project for the town of Princeville in Edgecomb County, North Carolina.
Puerto Rico, Coastal Storm Risk Management (2024)
This recommendation of a non-NED plan, including both national and regional economic development benefits, other social benefits, and environmental benefits, consists of two separable elements-Ocean Park and Rincón. The Ocean Park plan includes the construction of two floodwalls, the first with a length of approximately 1,600 feet in the Barbosa Park area and the second floodwall approximately 1,200 feet long in the vicinity of Las Marías skate park, both with an elevation of 7 feet. The Rincón plan is a non-structural plan that includes the acquisition of 71 vulnerable parcels along approximately 1.1 miles of shoreline.
Puget Sound Nearshore Ecosystem Restoration, Washington (2016)
Recommendation for construction of a National Ecosystem Restoration (NER) Plan that will restore aquatic ecosystem structure and function to three sites in the Puget Sound Nearshore the Duckabush River Estuary, the Noonsack River Delta, and the North Fork Skagit River Delta.
Rahway River Basin, New Jersey Coastal Storm Risk Management (2020)
Recommendation of authorization of the National Economic Development Plan to reduce the risk of damages from flooding in the lower Rahway River Basin, including nonstructural measures for 110 structures, installation of a levee and a floodwall, and elevation of a roadway in Woodbridge.
Raritan Bay and Sandy Hook Bay, Highlands, New Jersey, Coastal Storm Risk Management (2020)
Recommendation of authorization of the National Economic Development Plan to reduce the risk of damages from flooding to the portions of northeastern New Jersey, within the New York City metropolitan area to include I-Type and T-Type floodwalls along the Sandy Hook Bay shoreline.
Raritan Bay and Sandy Hook Bay, Port Monmouth, New Jersey (2000)
Recommendation for coastal storm risk management measures for the community of Port Monmouth, New Jersey.
Raritan Bay and Sandy Hook Bay, Union Beach, New Jersey (2006)
Report on the study to reduce hurricane and storm damages at the community of Union Beach, New Jersey
Red Lake River at Crookston, Minnesota (1998)
Recommendation to implement two downstream high-flow cutoff channels and a combination of levees and road raises to improve flood-risk management on the Red Lake River in Crookston, Minnesota.
Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee and Kentucky (1999)
Recommendation for ecosystem restoration measures in the vicinity of Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee and Kentucky.
Rhode Island Coastline, Rhode Island, Coastal Storm Risk Management (2023)
This recommendation for a risk management system of features will reduce the risk of damages from coastal storms to residential structures, commercial structures, and critical facilities on the Rhode Island Coastline. The project recommended for Congressional authorization includes the elevation of residential structures, floodproofing non-residential structures, and floodproofing critical infrastructure facilities.
Rillito River (El Rio Antiguo), Pima County, Arizona (2004)
Recommendation to implement measures for ecosystem restoration and recreation measures, while realizing incidental flood-risk management measures, on the Rillito River (El Rio Antiguo) in Pima County, Arizona.
Rio Culebrinas at Aguadilla and Aguada, Puerto Rico, Flood Risk Management (2020)
Recommendation of authorization of the National Economic Development Plan to reduce flood risks to Aguadilla and Aguada, which have a combined population of approximately 120,000 inhabitants. The principle features of the plan include two levees, interior drainage features, and net creation of approximately 12 acres of wetlands for mitigation of unavoidable impacts to approximately 10 acres of wetlands in the levee right-of-way.
Rio de Flag, Flagstaff, Arizona (2000)
Recommendation to implement measures for ecosystem restoration and recreation measures, while realizing incidental flood-risk management measures, on the Rillito River (El Rio Antiguo) in Pima County, Arizona.
Rio Grande and Tributaries, Remainder Colorado (1991)
Recommendation to construct 32,100 feet of earthen levee along both banks of the Rio Grande for the purpose of flood-risk management in the vicinity of Alamosa, Colorado.
Rio Grande de Arecibo, Puerto Rico (1994)
Recommendation for flood-risk management measures on the Rio Grande de Arecibo in Puerto Rico.
Rio Grande de Loiza, Puerto Rico (1992)
Recommendation for flood-risk management measures on the Rio Grande de Loiza in Puerto Rico.
Rio Grande de Manati Flood Risk Management, Ciales, Puerto Rico (2020)
Recommendation of the National Economic Development plan intended to provide protection from floods within the Rio Grande de Manati basin in Ciales, Puerto Rico. The plan recommends acquisition and demolition of 59 structures in the floodplain to mitigate against future flood events.
Rio Grande de Manati, Barceloneta, Puerto Rico (1999)
Recommendation for flood-risk management improvements for the Rio Grande de Manati in Barceloneta, Puerto Rico.
Rio Grande, Environmental Management Program, CO, NM, TX, Sandia Pueblo to Isleta Pueblo, New Mexico Ecosystem Restoration Feasibility Study and Environmental Assessment (2019)
Recommendation of authorization of the National Ecosystem Restoration Plan for the restoration of 261 acres of riparian forest habitat (bosque) that parallels the Rio Grande in Bernalillo County, New Mexico.
Rio Guanajibo Flood Risk Management, Mayaguez, Hormigueros, and San German, Puerto Rico (2022)
Recommendation of the NED plan for Flood Risk Management refinements identified in the validation report for the cities of Mayaguez and Hormigueros and possible action in San German, including channel improvements and replacement of a highway bridge
Rio Guayanilla Flood Risk Management, Guayanilla, Commonwealth of Puerto Rico (2020)
Recommendation of authorization of the National Economic Development Plan to reduce flood risks to the community in and near Guayanilla, Puerto Rico. The principal features of the plan include construction of an engineered diversion channel, a combination of levees and floodwalls installed upstream of the diversion channel, and a flood warning system/response plan.
Rio Nigua at Salinas, Puerto Rico (1997)
Recommendation to construct two levee elements to improve flood-risk management along the Rio Nigua at Salinas, Puerto Rico.
Rio Salado, Salt River, Phoenix and Tempe, Arizona (1998)
Recommendation to implement environmental restoration and recreation opportunities for the Rio Salado (Salt River) in Phoenix and Tempe, Arizona.
Riverside Oxbow, Upper Trinity River, Fort Worth, Texas (2003)
Recommendation for ecosystem restoration on the Riverside Oxbow of the Upper Trinity River in Fort Worth, Texas.
Roseau River, Roseau, Minnesota (2006)
Report on the study of flood damage reduction, along the Roseau River in the vicinity of Roseau, Minnesota
Sabine Pass to Galveston Bay, Texas (2017)
Recommendation for Coastal Storm Risk Management (CSRM) and Ecosystem Restoration (ER) project within six counties of the upper Texas coast (Orange, Jefferson, Chambers, Harris, Galveston, and Brazoria Counties).
Sabine-Neches Waterway Channel Improvement Project, Southeast Texas and Southwest Louisiana (2011)
Recommendation for navigation improvements for the Sabine-Neches Waterway in Southeast Texas and Southwest Louisiana.
Salt Creek, Graham, Texas (1998)
Recommendation to implement nonstructural flood-risk management, environmental restoration, and recreation features on Salt Creek in Graham, Texas.
Salt River (Rio Salado Oeste), Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2006)
Report on the study of ecosystem restoration, flood damage reduction, and recreation opportunities on the Salt River, Rio Salado Oeste in Phoenix, AZ
Salt River (Va Shly'ay Akimel), Maricopa County, Arizona (2005)
Report on the study of ecosystem restoration and recreation opportunities on the Salt River (Va Shly'ay Akimel), Maricopa County, Arizona
San Clemente Shoreline, Orange County, California (2012)
Recommendation for coastal storm risk management improvements along the Pacific Ocean shoreline in San Clemente, California.
San Juan Harbor Navigation Improvements Feasibility Study, San Juan, Puerto Rico (2018)
Recommendation for authorization of a plan to provide navigation improvements at San Juan Harbor, Puerto Rico to increase security, safety and efficiency, including deepening of channels with associated channel widening and turning basins.
San Juan Metropolitan Area, Puerto Rico, Coastal Storm Risk Management (2021)
Recommendation of the National Economic Development plan that will reduce the risk of potential damage caused by coastal storms. The recommended plan includes the construction of structural and natural and nature-based features along back bay areas in the municipality of San Juan and the adjacent municipality communities of Catano, Guaynabo, and Toa Baja.
San Lorenzo River, California (1994)
Recommendation for flood-risk management measures for the San Lorenzo River at Santa Cruz, California.
Sand Creek Watershed, Wahoo, Nebraska (2000)
Recommendation for ecosystem restoration and recreation measures within the Sand Creek watershed in Saunders County, Nebraska.
Sand Point, Alaska (1998)
Recommendation to construct an enclosed 8.6-acre basin and maneuvering area and a 3-acre entrance channel to improve navigation at Sand Point, Alaska.
Sandbridge Beach, Virginia Beach, Virginia (1992)
Recommendation to improve hurricane and coastal storm risk management for Sandbridge Beach in Virginia Beach, Virginia.
Santa Barbara County Streams, Lower Mission Creek, California (2000)
Recommendation for flood-risk management improvements along the lower Mission Creek in the city of Santa Barbara, California.
Santa Barbara Harbor, California (1994)
Recommendation to implement measures to decrease Federal channel maintenance costs associated with shoaling at Santa Barbara Harbor in California.
Santa Cruz River, Paseo de las Iglesias, Pima County, Arizona (2006)
Report on the study of flood damage reduction and ecosystem restoration opportunities on the Santa Cruz River, Paseo de las Iglesias, Pima County, Arizona
Saugus River and Tributaries, Massachusetts (1990)
Recommendation for flood-risk management improvements for the Saugus River and tributaries in Lynn, Malden, Revere, and Saugus, Massachusetts.
Savan Gut, St. Thomas, United States Virgin Islands, Flood Risk Management (2020)
Recommendation of authorization of the National Economic Development Plan to reduce flood damages to the Jane E. Tuitt Elementary School and the Central Business District in downtown Charlotte Amalie, including a gabion channel, a debris barrier, a series of drop structures, and other structural measures.
Savannah Harbor Expansion Project, Georgia and South Carolina (2012)
Recommendation for improving the existing Savannah Harbor Navigation Project in Georgia and South Carolina.
Savannah Harbor, Georgia (1992)
Recommendation for improvements to the existing navigation project at Savannah Harbor, Georgia.
Savannah Harbor, Georgia and South Carolina (1999)
Recommendation for navigation improvements at Savannah Harbor in Georgia and South Carolina.
Seattle Harbor Navigation Improvement Project, Seattle, Washington (2018)
Recommendation for authorization of a project that will contribute to the economic efficiency of commercial navigation in the Seattle Harbor, including deepening of existing channels.
Selma, Alabama, Flood Risk Management and Bank Stabilization (2021)
Recommendation of a plan for riverbank stabilization measures to reduce damages to historic buildings in downtown Selma. The recommended plan includes a flood response plan to provide for life safety in the surrounding city wards and an approximately 1,000 foot soldier-pile wall along the Alabama River.
Seward, Alaska (1999)
Recommendation to improve navigation through construction of a 1,700-foot rubblemound breakwater and removing most of the existing breakwater at Seward, Alaska.
Shoal Creek, Austin, Texas (1992)
Recommendation to implement channel improvements for the purpose of flood-risk management on Hancock Creek in Austin, Texas.
Silver Strand Shoreline, Imperial Beach, California (2003)
Recommendation to improve coastal storm risk management through beach nourishment at Imperial Beach, San Diego County, California.
Skokomish River Basin Ecosystem Restoration, Washington (2015)
Recommendation for ecosystem restoration measures along the Skokomish River in Mason County, Washington.
Smith Island, Somerset County, Maryland (2001)
Recommendation for ecosystem restoration at Smith Island, Somerset County, Maryland.
Souris River Basin Flood Risk Management Study, Bottineau, McHenry, Renville, and Ward Counties, North Dakota (2019)
Recommendation for authorization of a plan to reduce flood risk in the Souris River Basin by the construction of a diversion channel with associated features, a north diversion levee with a 1.21 mile recreation trail connecting to an existing trail system, and west tieback levee.
South Central Coast, Louisiana Hurricane and Storm Damage Risk Reduction (2022)
Recommendation of a plan that reduces hurricane and storm damage by implementing a risk management system of localized storm surge risk reduction features in Iberia, St. Martin, and St. Mary Parishes. The recommended plan is the National Economic Development (NED) Plan and includes elevation of 1,790 residential structures, dry floodproofing of 265 non-residential structures, and wet floodproofing of 185 non-residential structures.
South Fork of the South Branch of the Chicago River, Bubbly Creek, Illinois Ecosystem Restoration Chief's Report (2020)
Recommendation of authorization of the National Ecosystem Restoration Plan including several sustainable and effective measures for restoring the Bubbly Creek ecosystem within the City of Chicago: substrate restoration, riparian plantings including the removal of invasive species, and submergent plantings.
South Platte River and Tributaries, Adams and Denver Counties, Colorado (2019)
Recommendation of authorization of a project that will make significant contributions to both the National Environmental Restoration and National Economic Development accounts. The NER portion of the recommended plan includes the restoration of aquatic, wetland, and riparian habitats along the South Platte River. The NED portion of the recommended plan includes widening or enlarging an approximately 2.75 mile-long system of open channel and culverts along the Weir Gulch waterway and removing approximately 360 properties from the one percent Annual Exceedence Probability defined 100-year floodplain, which will reduce the population at risk within the Weir Gulch community by over 60 percent.
South River, Raritan River Basin, New Jersey (2003)
Recommendation for measures to improve coastal storm risk management and ecosystem restoration along the South River in Middlesex County, New Jersey.
South Sacramento County Streams, San Joaquin River Basin, California (1998)
Recommendation for flood-risk management measures in the area of south Sacramento County, California.
South San Francisco Bay Shoreline, Santa Clara County, California (2015)
Recommendation for flood-risk management, ecosystem restoration, and recreation measures along South San Francisco Bay in Santa Clara County, California.
South Shore Staten Island, Fort Wadsworth to Oakwood Beach, Richmond County, New York, Coastal Storm Risk Management (2024)
This recommendation for the NED plan includes authorization of a risk management system of features that will improve life safety risk for over 30,000 people; reduce the risk of damages from coastal storms to over 7,300 residential and commercial structures; and reduce risk of damages to public infrastructure and critical facilities including a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). Note: the recommended plan is confirmed as the NED plan identified in the 2016 Director's Report, but changes have been made to the design due to updated coastal modeling.
Southeast Alaska Harbors (Sitka), Alaska (1992)
Recommendation to improve navigation by protecting and expanding existing harbor facilities at the Southeast Alaska Harbors in Sitka, Alaska.
Southwest Coastal Louisiana (2016)
Recommendation for hurricane and coastal storm risk management and ecosystem restoration measures in three parishes in southwestern Louisiana.
Southwest Valley, Bernalillo County, New Mexico (2004)
Recommendation to implement flood risk management measures in the area of Southwest Valley, Bernalillo County, New Mexico.
St. George Harbor Improvement, St. George, Alaska (2020)
Recommendation of a plan that results in a safe, reliable and efficient waterborne transportation system for the movement of commerce and subsistence vessels to St. George that allows for economic opportunities on the island and supports the long term viability of the city. This plan utilizes authority provided by Section 2006 WRDA 2007, as amended, Remote and Subsistence Harbors, which provides that in conducting a study of harbor and navigation improvements the Secretary may recommend a project without demonstrating that the improvements are justified solely by National Economic Development benefits, if the Secretary determines that the improvements meet certain criteria.
St. John's County, Florida - South Ponte Vedra Beach, Vilano Beach, and Summer Haven Reaches - Coastal Storm Risk Management Project (2017)
Recommendation for coastal storm risk management project in St. John's County, Florida.
St. Johns County, Florida, Ponte Verda Beach Coastal Storm Risk Management (2024)
This recommendation of the NED plan includes a system of features that will reduce the risk of damages caused by coastal storms to structures and infrastructure in South Ponte Vedra Beach, St. Johns County. Natural and nature-based features to be included are approximately 5.1 miles of beach and dune nourishment in the South Ponte Vedra segment; an approximately 20-foot dune extension; an approximately 20-foot equilibrated berm width at an elevation of 13 feet; a taper into the existing beach at the north end; and a taper into the existing beach at the south end.
St. Louis Riverfront -Meramec River Basin Ecosystem Restoration Feasibility Study, Missouri Chief's Report (2019)
Recommendation of authorization of the National Ecosystem Restoration (NER) plan to restore a total of approximately 1,600 acres of aquatic and riparian habitat in the Meramec River Basin.
St. Lucie County, Florida Coastal Storm Risk Management Project (2017)
Recommendation for coastal storm risk management project in St. Lucie County, Florida.
St. Paul Harbor, Alaska (1996)
Recommendation for harbor improvements and environmental restoration at St. Paul, Alaska.
St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana Coastal Storm and Flood Risk Management (2024)
This recommendation of the NED plan includes structural and nonstructural features, each as separable elements, to reduce the risk of damages from coastal storms, riverine, and rainfall flooding to residential and commercial structures, public infrastructure, and critical facilities in St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana. The structural features of the recommended plan consist of a levee and floodwall system (with related features) for coastal storm risk management, while the nonstructural features include the elevation of 5,583 residential structures and the dry floodproofing of 827 non-residential structures.
Stillaguamish River, Snohomish County, Washington (2000)
Recommendation for ecosystem restoration measures on the Stillaguamish River in Snohomish County, Washington.
Surf City and North Topsail Beach, North Carolina Coastal Storm Damage Reduction Report (2010)
Recommendation for coastal storm risk management measures along the Atlantic Ocean shoreline of the towns of Surf City and North Topsail Beach, North Carolina.
Sutter Basin, California (2014)
Recommendation for flood-risk management measures in Sutter Basin, California.
Swope Park Industrial Area, Blue River, Kansas City, Missouri (2003)
Recommendation for flood-risk management improvements on the Blue River at the Swope Park Industrial Area of Kansas City, Missouri.
Tacoma Harbor Navigation Improvement Project, Washington (2022)
Recommendation of a project that will contribute to the economic efficiency of commercial navigation in Tacoma Harbor. The recommended plan is the National Economic Development (NED) Plan and includes deepening the channel project depth of the Blair Waterway to -57 feet Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW) and restoring up to 64 acres of nearshore and subtidal habitat through the beneficial use of dredged material at the Saltchuk site.
Tampa Harbor, Big Bend Channel, Florida (1998)
Recommendation for navigation improvements on Big Bend Channel at Tampa Harbor, Florida.
Tampa Harbor, Pinellas and Hillsborough Counties, Florida, Deep Draft Navigation (2024)
This recommendation of a non-NED plan is for navigation improvements to increase transportation efficiencies in the Tampa Harbor Federal Navigation Channel. Improvements include: deepening main stem cuts to 47 feet; deepening upper channels; extension of Egmont Cut 1; extension of the federal channel; turn widener improvements; and turning basin improvements.
Tanque Verde Creek, Pima County, Arizona (2003)
Recommendation for flood-risk management improvements for Tanque Verde Creek in the city of Tucson, Pima County, Arizona.
Tar Pamlico River Basin, North Carolina, Flood Risk Management (2024)
This recommendation of a non-NED plan based on OSE and EQ considerations includes a flood risk management system of features that will reduce the risk of damages from inland flooding to residential and commercial structures in the Tar Pamlico River Basin. The Recommended Plan includes the following system of nonstructural features which are intended to provide flood risk reduction: dry Floodproofing of 94 commercial structures; elevation of 35 residential structures; elevation and flood venting of 18 structures; and flood venting of 8 structures.
The Great Lakes and Mississippi River Interbasin Study - Brandon Road, Will County, Illinois (2019)
Recommendation of authorization of a National Ecosystem Restoration Plan to protect ecosystems in the Great Lakes Basin by implementing a risk management plan that includes prudent structural measures at Brandon Road Lock and Dam to minimize the risk of upstream transfer and establishment of ANS from the Mississippi River Basin into the Great Lakes Basin.
The Resacas, In the Vicinity of the City of Brownsville, Texas, Ecosystem Restoration Feasibility Study (2018)
Recommendation for authorization of a plan to restore a total of approximately 845 acres of unique and critically endangered aquatic and terrestrial complexes along the Resaca de la Guerra and Resaca del Rancho Viejo through the restoration of 44 "stepping stone" areas near the City of Brownsville, Texas.
Three Forks of Beargrass Creek Ecosystem Restoration, Louisville, Kentucky (2022)
Recommendation of a project that will retore the aquatic ecosystem of the Three Forks of Beargrass Creek in Louisville, Kentucky, which will also help with flood control. The recommended plan is the National Economic Restoration (NER) Plan and includes providing scarce aquatic and riparian habitat in an urban setting by increasing 297 Average Annual Habitat Units through restoration of 620 acres of habitat at 12 sites in the Beargrass Creek watershed.
Three Rivers Southeast Arkansas, Arkansas and Desha Counties, Arkansas (2018)
Recommendation for authorization of a plan to promote a long-term sustainable navigation system by reducing the risk of a cutoff forming near the entrance channel of the McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System between the Arkansas and White Rivers.
Topeka Flood Risk Management Project, Topeka, Kansas (2009)
Recommendation for flood-risk management improvements on the Kansas River in the vicinity of Topeka, Kansas.
Town of Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania (2006)
Report on the study of flood damage reduction in the town of Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania
Tres Rios, Arizona (2000)
Recommendation to implement environmental restoration measures and to realize incidental flood-risk management and recreation opportunities for the Salt, Gila, and Agua Fria Rivers (Tres Rios) west of Phoenix, Arizona.
Truckee Meadows, Nevada (2014)
Recommendation for flood-risk management measures for the Truckee Creek meadows area near the city of Reno, Nevada.
Tucson Drainage Area, Arizona (1998)
Recommendation for flood-risk management improvements for the drainage area located in the southeast portion of Tucson, Arizona. The Tucson Drainage Area Chief's Report was partially revised to correct figures related to non-federal sponsor credit.
Tule River Basin Investigation, California (1999)
Recommendation for flood-risk management and agricultural water-supply storage improvements for the Tule River Basin, California.
Tulsa and West-Tulsa Levee Feasibility Study, Tulsa County, Oklahoma (2020)
Recommendation of authorization of a plan to reduce flood risks in terms of flood damages, reduce flood risk to public health, safety and life, and minimize residual flood risks to the extent justified along the TWT Levee System in Tulsa County including both structural and nonstructural features. The ASA(CW) approved an exception to the requirement for USACE to recommend the National Economic Development (NED) plan, and instead allow the Corps to recommend a plan based on overriding life-safety risks and contribution to the Other Social Effects Account.
Turkey Creek Basin, Kansas and Missouri (1999)
Recommendation to implement a channel modification, a levee, and interceptor diversion structures for the purpose of improving flood-risk management in the Turkey Creek Basin in the states of Kansas and Missouri.
Turkey Creek Basin, Kansas City, Missouri, and Kansas City, Kansas (2003)
Study of flood damage reduction improvements in the Turkey Creek basin.
Turpentine Run, St. Thomas, United States Virgin Islands, Flood Risk Management (2020)
Recommendation of authorization of the National Economic Development Plan to reduce flood damages along Turpentine Run in St. Thomas, USVI. The plan involves replacement of the existing concrete channel with a new channel having greater capacity.
Unalaska (Dutch Harbor) Channels, Alaska (2020)
Recommendation of the National Economic Development (NED) plan to improve access to Unalaska, Alaska through construction of deep draft navigation improvements.
Unalaska, Alaska (2004)
Recommendation for navigation improvements through construction of one rubblemound breakwater and two floating breakwaters at Unalaska, Alaska.
University City Branch, River Des Peres, Missouri, Final General Reevaluation Report (GRR) with Integrated Environmental Assessment, University City, St. Louis County, Missouri, Flood Risk Management (2024)
This recommendation for the NED plan includes modifications to previously authorized flood risk management recommendations for the River Des Peres in Missouri. This report recommends modifying the project with an implementable flood risk management system of features that will reduce the risk of damage from inland flooding to residential and commercial structures, public infrastructure, and critical facilities.
Upper Barataria Basin, Louisiana, Hurricane and Storm Damage Risk Reduction (2022)
Recommendation of a plan that provides hurricane and storm damage risk reduction in the parishes of Ascension, Assumption, Jefferson, Lafourche, St. Charles, St. James, and St. John the Baptist through the construction of structural measures. The recommended plan is the National Economic Development (NED) Plan that includes the construction of a 30.6-mile levee system around the communities of Boutte, Paradis, Bayou Gauche, and Des Allemands based on the 1% Annual Exceedance Probability (AEP) storm level of risk reduction.
Upper Des Plaines River and Tributaries, Illinois and Wisconsin (2015)
Recommendation for flood-risk management, recreation, and ecosystem restoration along the Upper Des Plaines Reiver and its tributaries in northeastern Illinois and southeastern Wisconsin.
Upper Guadalupe River, Santa Clara County, California (1998)
Recommendation for flood-risk management improvements on the Upper Guadalupe River in Santa Clara County, California.
Upper Mississippi River-Illinois Waterway System (2004)
Recommendation for navigation and ecosystem restoration improvements for the Upper Mississippi River - Illinois Waterway System.
Upper Newport Bay, Orange County, California (2000)
Recommendation to implement ecosystem restoration measures at Upper Newport Bay, California.
Upper Ohio Navigation Study, Pennsylvania (2016)
Recommendation for construction of a new 110 feet wide x 600 feet long lock chamber at each of Emsworth, Dashields, and Montgomery Locks and Dams in place of existing auxiliary river chambers.
Upper Turkey Creek Basin Flood Risk Management Study, Merriam, Kansas (2015)
Recommendation to construct a levee and floodwall system to improve flood-risk management on Turkey Creek in the city of Merriam, Kansas.
Valley Creek Flood Risk Management, Bessemer and Birmingham, Alabama (2021)
Recommendation of authorization of the National Economic Development Plan for flood risk management and recreation features for the cities Bessemer and Birmingham, Alabama as well as several surrounding municipalities.
Walton County, Florida, Hurricane and Storm Damage Reduction, General Investigations Study (2013)
Recommendation for hurricane and coastal storm risk management improvements along the Gulf of Mexico shoreline in Walton County, Florida.
West Onslow Beach and New River Inlet (Topsail Beach), North Carolina (2009)
Recommendation to implement hurricane and coastal storm risk management measures along a 5-mile reach of Atlantic Ocean shoreline at Topsail Beach, North Carolina.
West Sacramento General Reevaluation Report, California (2016)
Recommendation for flood-risk management measures along the Sacramento River within the metropolitan area of West Sacramento, California.
West Shore Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana, Hurricane and Storm Damage
Risk Reduction Study (2015)
Recommendation for hurricane and storm risk management measures along the east bank of the Mississippi River in St. Charles, St. John the Baptist, and St. James Parishes, Louisiana.
Westchester County Streams, Byram River Basin, Fairfield County, Connecticut and Westchester County, New York, Flood Risk Management Feasibility Study (2020)
Recommendation of authorization of the National Economic Development Plan to reduce the risk of damages from fluvial flooding to the Town of Greenwich, Connecticut and the Village of Port Chester, New York. The principal features of the plan include removing and replacing the two bridges that carry U.S. Route 1 over the Byram River in the Village of Port Chester, New York.
Western Sarpy/Clear Creek Interim, Lower Platte River and Tributaries, Saunders and Sarpy Counties, Nebraska (2000)
Recommendation for flood-risk management improvements along the Lower Platte River in Saunders and Sarpy Counties, Nebraska.
Westminster, East Garden Grove, California Flood Risk Management Chief's Report (2020)
Recommendation of authorization of a Locally Preferred Plan to reduce flood risks to the communities located within the Westminster watershed in Orange County, California, including modification of approximately 25 miles of existing drainage channels to increase storage capacity and improve conveyance efficiency.
Westwego to Harvey Canal, Louisiana, (Lake Cataouatche Area) (1996)
Recommendation to improve hurricane and storm risk management to the Lake Cataouatche area and tie the line of protection to the Westgo to Harvey Canal project.
Whiteman's Creek, Arkansas (1992)
Recommendation for flood-risk management improvements in the Whiteman's Creek subbasin of the St. Francis River basin in Jonesboro, Arkansas.
Whitewater River Basin, Thousand Palms, Riverside County, California (2000)
Recommendation for flood-risk management improvements in a portion of the Whitewater River basin near Thousand Palms in Riverside County, California.
Willamette River Basin Review Reallocation Study, Oregon (2019)
Recommendation of a project that will contribute to the long-term benefit of the people and environment in the Willamette River Basin, Oregon and the Nation by repaying a portion of dam construction and operations and maintenance costs to the U.S. Treasury for access to stored water behind the USACE Valley Project (WVP) dams. The National Economic Development (NED) plan includes reallocation of storage in the Corps WVP reservoirs to meet Municipal and Industrial (M&I) water supply, Fish and Wildlife (F&W) water supply, and Agricultural Irrigation (Al) water supply needs.
Willamette River Floodplain Restoration Project, Lower Coast Fork and Middle Fork, Oregon. (2014)
Recommendation for ecosystem restoration along the Lower Coast and Middle Forks of the Willamette River near Eugene, Oregon.
Willamette River Temperature Control, McKenzie Subbasin, Oregon (1996)
Recommendation to add ported intake structures at the Cougar Lake and Blue River Lake projects to achieve more desirable downstream water temperatures for anadromous and native fish species in the McKenzie Subbasin of the Willamette River in Oregon.
Wolf Creek Hydropower, Cumberland River, Kentucky (1994)
Recommendation to improve hydroelectric power capacity at the existing Wolf Creek Dam and Lake Cumberland, Kentucky project.
Wolf River, Memphis, Tennessee (2000)
Recommendation for ecosystem restoration measures in the vicinity of Wolf River in Memphis, Tennessee.
Wood River at Grand Island, Nebraska (1994)
Recommendation for a diversion channel to improve flood-risk management for Wood River in Grand Island, Nebraska.
Wood River Levee System Reconstruction, Madison County, Illinois (2006)
Report on proposed modifications to the Wood River Levee System located in Madison County in southwestern Illinois
Wrangell, Alaska (1999)
Recommendation for navigation improvements through construction of two rubblemound breakwaters at Wrangell, Alaska.
Yuba River Basin, California (1998)
Recommendation for flood-risk management improvements in the Yuba River Basin of California.
Yuba River Ecosystem Restoration Feasibility Report, California (2019)
Recommendation of authorization of a plan to restore approximately 179 acres of aquatic and riparian habitat in the Yuba River watershed, specifically along the lower Yuba River.