This page contains policy documents that have been superseded and/or expired.
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Interim Delegation of Authority - Approval Levels for Section 14, 103, 107, 204, 205, 206, and 1135 Decision Documents; Locally Preferred Plan; and Costs in Excess of Federal Project Limit (expired 5/29/24)
This subject memo from the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works (ASA(CW)) temporarily extends the delegation of authority approval levels for the Continuing Authorities Program (CAP) Section 14, 103, 107, 204, 205, 206, and 1135 decision documents, Locally Preferred Plans, and costs in excess of the Federal Project Limit through 31 December 2023. This memorandum was superseded by the ASA(CW) memorandum, Delegation of Authority - Approval Levels for Section 14 Decision Documents, Locally Preferred Plans, and Costs in Excess of Federal Project Limit, dated 29 May 2024.
Planning Update for Section 8119 of the Water Resources and Development Act of 2022 (WRDA 2022), Technical Assistance (expired 16 January 2024)
This memorandum provides guidance on the provision of assistance under the Section 22 Planning Assistance to States (PAS) program to economically disadvantaged communities, in accordance with Section 8119 of WRDA 2022. Eligible entities that meet the definition of economically disadvantaged community as defined under Section 160 of WRDA 2020 may request technical assistance and comprehensive water resource planning support under the PAS program at full federal cost. This memorandum was superseded by the Director of Civil Works memorandum, Update for Section 22 of the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of 1974, as amended (42 U.S.C. 1962d-16), dated 16 January 2024.
2021 USACE Climate Preparedness and Resilience Policy Statement (expired 6/2024)
This policy statement by the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works (ASA(CW)) from 2021 establishes USACE policy to integrate climate change preparedness and resilience planning and actions across all activities. This statement was superseded by the 2024 USACE Climate Preparedness and Resilience Policy Statement.
Continuing Authorities Program (CAP) - Approval Level for Locally Preferred Plans (expired 6/27/24)
This memo delegates authority to approve policy waivers for Locally Preferred Plans (LPPs) from the Chief of Engineers to MSC Commanders when the non-federal sponsor has agreed to pay for all cost over the federal share of federal plan and the LPP has outputs that are in kind, and equal to or greater than the outputs of the federal plan. This memorandum was superseded by the memorandum, Delegation of Authority - Continuing Authorities Program (CAP) Approval Level for Locally Preferred Plans, dated 27 June 2024.
Continuing Authorities Program (CAP) - Approval Level for Section 14, Section 103, Section 107, Section 204, Section 205, Section 206, and Section 1135 Decision Documents (expired 6/27/24)
This memo authorizes MSC Commanders to further delegate to District Commanders the approval of CAP decision documents for Sections 14, 103, 107, 204, 205, 206, and 1135 that are consistent with policy. This memorandum was superseded by the memorandum, Delegation of Authority - Continuing Authorities Program (CAP) Approval Level for Section 14, Section 103, Section 107, Section 204, Section 205, Section 206, Section 208, and Section 1135 Decision Documents, dated 27 June 2024.
Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ), Memorandum for Heads of Federal Departments and Agencies: Implementation of Updated National Environmental Policy Act Regulations (expired)
This memorandum provides direction for Federal departments and agencies on the CEQ's final rule updating its regulations at 40 CFR parts 1500-1508 implementing the procedural provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act, 42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq. (NEPA), published on 16 July 2020. The final rule modernizes and clarifies the CEQ regulations to facilitate more efficient, effective, and timely NEPA reviews by Federal departments and agencies in connection with proposals for agency action.
Delegation of Authority - Approval Levels for Section 14 Decision Documents, Locally Preferred Plans, and Costs in Excess of Federal Project Limit (expired 5/29/24)
The subject memo from the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works (ASA(CW)) authorizes and encourages Headquarters' delegation of certain decisions within the Continuing Authorities Program. These delegations of authority are effective immediately and supersede all previous delegations of this authority without prejudice to any prior actions. Per the 1 August 2023 ASA(CW) Memorandum, "Interim Delegation of Authority - Approval Levels for Section 14, 103, 107, 204, 205, 206, and 1135 Decision Documents; Locally Preferred Plan; and Costs in Excess of Federal Project Limit," these delegations are temporarily extended through 31 December 2023. This memorandum was superseded by the ASA(CW) memorandum, Delegation of Authority - Approval Levels for Section 14 Decision Documents, Locally Preferred Plans, and Costs in Excess of Federal Project Limit, dated 29 May 2024.
Memorandum: Signature of Federal Register Documents for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Expired 1/12/24)
This memorandum was superseded by the 12 January 2024 memorandum, Delegation of Signature Authority for Federal Register Documents for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. This memorandum from the Assistant Secretary of the Army Civil Works outlines the delegation of signature authority for regulations, notices, and guidance documents to various USACE entities for publishing in the Federal Register.
Director's Policy Memorandum 2019-01: Policy & Legal Compliance Review (Expired 6/1/23)
This memorandum was superseded by EP 1105-2-61, Feasibility and Post-Authorization Study Procedures and Report Processing Requirements. The original bulletin established procedures for implementing Director's Policy Memorandum 2018-05: Improving Efficiency and Effectiveness in USACE Civil Works Project Delivery (Planning Phase and Planning Activities), 3 May 2018 to ensure consistency across USACE and all MSCs in the conduct of policy and legal compliance review.
Economic Guidance Memorandum 19-06: Supplemental Guidance for Section 1121 of the Water Resources Development Act of 2016, as amended - Tribal Partnership Program Reduced Cost Share Eligibility Criteria (Ability to Pay) (Expiration April 2022)
This EGM Memorandum provides the general guideline for determining Tribal partners' ability to pay, a walkthrough of finding the data for determining a Tribal partner's ability to pay, and the procedure for figuring the reduced cost share amount. This EGM has since been superseded by EGM 22-04.
Planning Bulletin 2019-01: Watershed Studies (Expired 4/1/2022)
The purpose of this guidance is to provide clarification of procedures associated with the USACE-led single phase watershed studies, integrating recent updates in law and advancing the concepts of watershed planning described in EC 1105-2-411, Watershed Plans. This bulletin updates milestone nomenclature, submittal requirements, and vertical team alignment. This bulletin superseded and replaced Planning Bulletin 2016-03: Watershed Studies. It also superseded the specific sections of the Engineer Circular 1105-2-411: Watershed Plans that reference feasibility study milestones or processes. This Planning Bulletin has since been replaced by Engineer Regulation 1105-2-102: Watershed Studies, dated 1 April 2022.
DPM CW 2018-01: Section 408 - Interim Changes for Immediate Implementation and Future Policy Revisions (Expiration: 10 September 2018)
This guidance is expired. The purpose of this memorandum is to immediately implement policy changes in the US Army Corps of Engineers process for reviewing Section 408 requests; provide information related to additional intended future policy changes; and, describe expectations for the vetting process of the new policy document. This memorandum expired on the issuance of Engineer Circular 1165-2-220: Policy And Procedural Guidance For Processing Request To Alter US Army Corps Of Engineers Civil Works Projects Pursuant to 33 USC 408, 10 September 2018.
Engineer Circular 1165-2-217: Water Resource Policies and Authorities, Review Policy for Civil Works (Expiration: 31 March 2020)
This Circular establishes an accountable, comprehensive, life-cycle review strategy for Civil Works products by providing a seamless process for review of all Civil Works projects from initial planning through design, construction, and Operation, Maintenance, Repair, Replacement and Rehabilitation (OMRR&R). It also provides the procedures for ensuring the quality and credibility of USACE decision, implementation, and operations and maintenance documents and work products. This Circular is superseded by Engineer Regulation 1165-2-217, Water Resource Policies and Authorities, Review Policy for Civil Works, dated 21 May 2021.
Engineer Regulation 1105-2-100: Planning Guidance Notebook, Appendix F - Amendment #3, Continuing Authorities Program (Expired 3/1/19)
Appendix F Amendment #3 of the Planning Guidance Notebook has been superseded by the March 2019 EP 1105-2-58, Continuing Authorities Program.
Implementation Guidance for Section 1001 of the Water Resources Reform and Development Act of 2014 (WRRDA 2014), Vertical Integration and Acceleration of Studies (Revised) (Expired March 2019)
Section 1001 of WRRDA 2014 (Public Law 113-121) provides that, to the extent practicable, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) final feasibility reports will be completed in three years and will have a maximum Federal cost of $3 million and that USACE district, division and headquarters review will be concurrent. This implementation guidance applies to every feasibility study for a proposed project that will require specific authorization if the feasibility cost sharing agreement (FCSA) for the study is executed after June 10, 2014. It also applies to other USACE planning decision documents including, but not limited to, Limited Re-Evaluation Reports and General Re-Evaluation Reports. This guidance is superseded by the revised and reissued Section 1001 implementation guidance, dated 8 March 2019.
Implementation Guidance for Section 1038(2) of the Water Resources Reform and Development Act of 2014 (WRRDA 2014), Integrating Section 1122(i) of the Water Resources Development Act of 2016, Reduction of Federal Cost for Hurricane and Storm Damage Reduction Projects (expired 11/7/2022)
This implementation guidance for Section 1038 of WRRDA 2014 was rescinded and replaced by Implementation Guidance for Section 125(a)(2)(C) of the Water Resources Development Act of 2020, Beneficial Use of Dredged Material, signed 7 November 2022.
Planning Bulletin 2018-01(S) Feasibility Study Milestones Supplemental Guidance (Rxpired 6/1/23)
This Planning Bulletin was superseded by EP 1105-2-61, Feasibility and Post-Authorization Study Procedures and Report Processing Requirements. The original bulletin supplemented Planning Bulletin 2018-01: Feasibility Study Milestones.
Planning Bulletin 2018-01: Feasibility Study Milestones (Expired 6/1/23)
This Planning Bulletin was superseded by EP 1105-2-61, Feasibility and Post-Authorization Study Procedures and Report Processing Requirements. The original bulletin clarified the decisions and processes associated with feasibility study milestones.
Planning Bulletin 2018-02: Exemption Procedures for Planning Studies Exceeding Cost and Schedule Limits (Expired 6/1/23)
This Planning Bulletin was superseded by EP 1105-2-61, Feasibility and Post-Authorization Study Procedures and Report Processing Requirements. The original bulletin clarified procedures associated with study cost and schedule exemptions from the "3x3x3 rule" as defined in Section 1001 of WRRDA 2014 (33 U.S. Code §2282c), which provides that, to the extent practicable, final feasibility reports and studies will be completed in three years and will have a maximum Federal cost of $3 million.
Engineer Regulation 1105-2-101: Risk Assessment for Flood Risk Management Studies (Expired 7/15/2019)
This regulation provides guidance on risk assessment requirements for flood management studies including but not limited to feasibility studies, post-authorization changes, general reevaluation studies, dam and levee safety studies, and major rehabilitation studies. This regulation is jointly promulgated by Planning and Engineering. The risk framework is a decision-making process that comprises three tasks: risk assessment, risk communication, and risk management, which can be advantageously applied to a variety of water resources management problems. These requirements are part of a broader decision making process that includes similar assessments for risks to the natural environment as well as the social and cultural well-being of people potentially impacted by flood management activities. This regulation was superseded by ER 1105-2-101: Risk Assessment for Flood Risk Management Studies, 15 July 2010.
Extension of EC 1165-2-216, Policy and Procedural Guidance for Processing Requests to Alter US Army Corps of Engineers Civil Works Projects Pursuant to 33 U.S.C. 408 (Expiration: 10 September 2018)
This document is superseded by EC 1165-2-220, dated 10 September 2018.
Implementation Guidance for Section 1119 of the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) 2016, Indian Tribes (Expired December 2023)
Section 1119 of WRDA 2016 further amends Section 1156 of WRDA 1986 (33 U.S.C. 2310). Section 1119 of WRDA 2016 extends the non-federal cost sharing waiver provision for studies and projects in specified territories of the United States and in Puerto Rico to Indian Tribes as defined in Section 102 of the Federally Recognized Indian Tribe List Act of 1994 (25 U.S.C. 5130). This memo is superseded by the memo titled: Implementation Guidance for Section 1156 of the Water Resources Development Act of 1986, as amended by Section 8114 of the Water Resources Development Act of 2022, Cost Sharing Provisions for the Territories and Indian Tribes, dated 1 December 2023.
Implementation Guidance for Section 1126 of the Water Resources Development Act of 2016 (WRDA 2016), Study of Water Resources Development Projects by Non-Federal Interests (Expired July 2018)
Section 1126 further amends Section 203 of WRDA 1986 (33 U.S.C. 2232) to allow the Secretary, if requested by the non-federal interest, to provide technical assistance to the non-federal interest relating to any aspect of a feasibility study if the non-federal interest pays all costs of providing such technical assistance. Section 1126 of WRDA 2016 is enclosed.
Planning Bulletin 2017-01: Feasibility Study Milestones (Expired 10/1/18)
The purpose of this Planning Bulletin is to clarify the decisions and processes associated with feasibility study milestones. The USACE feasibility study process is a progression of planning decisions from study scoping through the final recommendation of the Chief of Engineers for a specific water resources project. During the course of a feasibility study, five milestones mark the confirmation and endorsement of decisions made by the project delivery team (PDT) (e.g., developing an array of alternatives based on a defined water resources problem) and the PDT's proposed path forward. This bulletin rescinded and replaced PB 2013-03: SMART Planning Milestones, and was superseded by Planning Bulletin 2018-01: Feasibility Study Milestones.
Revisions to Implementation Guidance for Section 1030 of the Water Resources Reform and Development Act (WRRDA) of 2014, Continuing Authorities (Expired March 2019)
Section 1030 of WRRDA 2014 increases the programmatic limits and per project limits for certain Continuing Authority Program (CAP) authorities and for the Flood Plain Management Services (FPMS) Program. In addition, it provides that the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of 2007 cost sharing amendment for beneficial use of dredged material does not apply to certain projects. Further, it provides that the entire non-federal share for projects under Section 1135 of WRDA 1986 may be provided by in-kind contributions. Finally, Section 1030 directs that the Secretary publish in the Federal Register the criteria used for prioritizing the annual funding for CAP projects and on an annual basis the status of each CAP project. This guidance is superseded by Engineer Pamphlet 1105-2-58, Continuing Authorities Program, dated 1 March 2019.
Engineering and Construction Bulletin 2016-16: Updated USACE Mega Projects Guidance (Expired August 2023)
This ECB provides updated guidance on management controls for projects or programs designated by HQUSACE Civil Works and Military Programs' Directors as "Mega Projects" or "Mega Programs" and replaces ECB 2014-14 previously issued on 04 June 2014. The revisions laid out below improve integrated accountability and follow-through at all levels within USACE. This ECB was replaced by Engineering and Construction Bulletin 2023-11: USACE Mega Projects - Overall Project Delivery Guidance, dated August 2023.
Interim Guidance on Section 408 Decision Level (Expiration: 10 September 2018)
This memorandum provides revised guidance on the decision level for Section 408 requests and replaces the decision level guidance in Paragraph 6.t. in Engineer Circular 1165-2-216 (Procedural Guidance for Processing Requests to Alter U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Civil Works Projects Pursuant to 33 USC 408). EC 1165-2-216 has been wholly replaced by EC 1165-2-220, dated 10 September 2018.
Planning Bulletin 2016-02 Civil Works Review (Expired 1/17/19)
This bulletin provided interim Civil Works review policy while a replacement for the expired EC 1165-2-214 was being developed. That policy has now been published as EC 1165-2-217, Civil Works Review, superseding this bulletin.
Planning Bulletin 2016-03: Watershed Studies (Expired 1/17/19)
This planning bulletin (PB) provides guidance on U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)-led single phase watershed studies, integrating recent updates in law and advancing the concepts of watershed planning described in Engineering Circular (EC) 1105-2-411 (Watershed Plans). Most notably, this PB updates milestone nomenclature and associated requirements, integrates Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Risk Informed, Timely (SMART) Planning principles and vertical team alignment, and provides some minor adjustments to the review and approval process. All new watershed studies initiated after the publication date of this PB, including those under the Tribal Partnership Program, shall follow the processes described in this PB. Ongoing watershed planning efforts shall embrace the concepts and comply with this PB, where possible and practical. When doing any watershed assessment or similar technical report that is going to Congress, please include the following disclaimer at the front of the report - preferably as its own page. This language was developed with Army Counsel in order to make it clear these reports or assessments are not for budgetary purposes and therefore do not require OMB review prior to submittal to Congress. "DISCLAIMER: The information presented in this report is to provide a strategic framework of potential options to address problems within the watershed. Options identified will follow normal authorization and budgetary processes of the appropriate agencies. Costs presented were rough order magnitude estimates used for screening purposes only." This bulletin was superseded by Planning Bulletin 2019-01: Watershed Studies, 17 January 2019.
Engineer Circular 1165-2-216: Water Resource Policies and Authorities - Policy And Procedural Guidance for Processing Requests to Alter US Army Corps of Engineers Civil Works Projects Pursuant to 33 USC 408 (Expiration: 30 June 2001)
This circular establishes policy and provides supplemental guidance on analyzing and implementing compensation requirements to existing water supply and/or hydropower users in the event flood control storage is reallocated to municipal and industrial water supply. Basic guidance on reallocation procedures can be found in ER 1105-2-100.
Engineering and Construction Bulletin 2015-18: Technical Lead for E&C Deliverables - Applicability: Directive and Policy
This ECB was cancelled and is no longer active.
Implementation Guidance for Section 1001 of the Water Resources Reform and Development Act of 2014 (WRRDA 2014) - Vertical Integration and Acceleration of Studies (Expired July 2018)
Implementation Guidance for Section 1001 was revised and reissued on 19 July 2018; the 2015 guidance is rescinded.
Planning Bulletin 2015-01: Vertical Team Alignment in Study Scoping (Expired 12/11/18)
This bulleting reiterates the information needed by a study during scoping and outlines the procedures for achieving vertical team alignment on the scope that is necessary to support the 3x3 Compliance Memorandum required by Planning Bulletin 2014-01. The bulletin applies to all feasibility studies, including GRRs, post-authorization studies requiring Washington-level review, and watershed studies. This bulletin is superseded by Planning Bulletin 2018-02: Exemption Procedures for Planning Studies Exceeding Cost and Schedule Limits.
Planning Bulletin 2015-02: Single Phase Planning Studies (Expired 6/1/2023)
This Planning Bulletin was superseded by EP 1105-2-61, Feasibility and Post-Authorization Study Procedures and Report Processing Requirements. The original bulletin provided additional guidance on the planning studies that must be conducted in a single phase, without a separate Federally funded reconnaissance or initial assessment phase.
Application and Compliance of SMART Planning and the 3x3x3 Rule to Watershed Assessment Studies (expired April 2022)
This memorandum from the Chief, Office of Water Project Review, describes the review and approval process for Watershed Plans. This memorandum was superseded by Engineer Regulation 1105-2-102: Watershed Studies.
Engineer Circular 1165-2-216: Water Resource Policies and Authorities - Policy And Procedural Guidance for Processing Requests to Alter US Army Corps of Engineers Civil Works Projects Pursuant to 33 USC 408 (Expiration: 30 September 2017)
The purpose of this Engineer Circular is to provide policy and procedural guidance for processing requests by private, public, tribal, or other federal entities, to make alterations to, or temporarily or permanently occupy or use, any USACE federally authorized Civil Works project, referred to as "USACE project" within this document, pursuant to 33 USC 408 (Section 408). EC 1165-2-220, dated 10 September 2018, wholly replaces this expired Engineer Circular.
Engineering and Construction Bulletin 2014-10: Guidance for Climate Change Adaptation Engineering Inputs to Inland Hydrology for Civil Works Studies, Designs, and Projects
This ECB was replaced by the 18 September 2016 ECB 2016-25: Guidance for Incorporating Climate Change Impacts to Inland Hydrology in Civil Works Studies, Designs, and Projects.
Implementation Guidance for Section 1030 of the Water Resources Reform and Development Act of 2014, Continuing Authorities
Section 1030 of WRRDA 2014 increases the programmatic limits and per project limits for certain Continuing Authority Program (CAP) authorities and for the Flood Plain Management Services (FPMS) Program.
Implementation Guidance for Section 1032 of the Water Resources Reform and Development Act of 2014 (WRRDA 2014) - Territories of the United States
This implementation guidance was superseded by Implementation Guidance for Section 1119 of the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of 2016, Indian Tribes, dated 11 May 2017. Section 1032 of WRRDA 2014 amends Section 1156 of WRDA 1986 to provide that the waiver of up to $200,000 of non-federal cost-sharing for studies and projects in specified territories of the United States be adjusted to account for inflation. In addition, it adds Puerto Rico as a territory eligible for this waiver of non-Federal cost sharing.
Planning Bulletin 2014-01: Application and compliance of SMART Planning and the 3x3x3 Rule (Expired 6/1/2023)
This Planning Bulletin was superseded by EP 1105-2-61, Feasibility and Post-Authorization Study Procedures and Report Processing Requirements. The original bulletin clarified the current study categories in the active Planning Portfolio.
Delegation of Authority in Section 2034(a)(5)(A) of the Water Resources Development Act of 2007 (expired 1/1/2018)
This memo was superseded by the memorandum Delegation of Authority in Section 2034(a)(5)(A) of the Water Resources Development Act of 2007 (WRDA 2007), as amended (33 U.S.C. 2343), dated 8 January 2018
Director of Civil Works' Policy Memorandum #2: Continuing Authority Program Planning Process Improvements (August 27, 2013) (expired 3/1/19)
Director of Civil Works' Policy Memorandum #2: Continuing Authority Program Planning Process Improvements (August 27, 2013) been superseded by the March 2019 EP 1105-2-58, Continuing Authorities Program.
Engineer Circular 1165-2-215: Water Resource Policies and Authorities, Use and Dissemination of Dam and Levee Inundation Map Data (Expiration: 31 July 2016)
This circular provides guidance on the use and release of dam and levee inundation maps and all appurtenant data such as the models and assumptions used to develop the maps, including those used in feasibility studies, CAP, and other planning activities.
Planning Bulletin 2013-01: Dam Safety Considerations for Water Supply Storage Allocation and Reallocation Studies (superseded 11 January 2013)
This guidance supplements the requirements of ER 1105-2-100 Planning Guidance Notebook and other applicable Engineer Regulations and Engineer Circulars.
Planning Bulletin 2013-03: SMART Planning Milestones
This Planning Bulletin was replaced by PB 2017-01: Feasibility Study Milestones.
Real Estate Policy Guidance Letter No. 31-Real Estate Support to Civil Works Planning Paradigm (3x3x3) (Expired 1/11/19)
This memorandum provides interim policy and guidance for real estate efforts associated with feasibility studies under the new Planning Paradigm, "SMART Planning," and the 3x3x3 rule. In accordance with the 3x3x3 rule, all feasibility studies should be completed within three years, at a cost of no more than $3 million, utilize three levels of vertical team coordination, and be of a "reasonable" report size. This document was superseded and replaced by Real Estate Policy Guidance Letter No.31-Real Estate Support to Civil Works Planning, 11 January 2019.
The Role of Counsel in the SMART Planning Process (superseded 11 February 2013)
On 8 February 2012, the DCG-CEO directed implementation of a new process- SMART Planning-for conducting civil works feasibility studies. This memorandum provides additional guidance to Managing Counsels, Division Counsels, and District Counsels on their roles in the SMART Planning process.
Engineer Circular 1165-2-214: Water Resource Policies and Authorities, Civil Works Review (Expiration 20 February 2018)
This EC has been superseded by EC 1165-2-217: Water Resource Policies and Authorities, Review Policy for Civil Works.
Engineer Regulation 1165-2-208: Water Resources Policies and Authorities; In-Kind Contribution Provisions of Section 221 of the Flood Control Act of 1970, As Amended
This circular replaces EC 1165-2-208 and provides guidance on the in-kind contribution credit provisions of Section 221 of Flood Control Act of 1970 as amended by Section 2003 of Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) 2007.
Implementation Guidance for Section 111 of the FY12 Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act, Contributed Funds (Expired)
Section 111 of the Fiscal Year 2012 Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act (FY 12 E&WDAA) (Public Law 112-74, Division B) amends the contributed funds authority codified in 33 U.S.C. 70lh. It expands this authority, which allows USACE to accept voluntarily contributed funds from States and political subdivisions, to include all water resources development project purposes. In addition, it expands the contributed funds authority to cover all phases of a project from study and design for authorized studies through construction and operation and maintenance for authorized projects. Further, it defines "States" as the several States, the District of Columbia, commonwealths, territories, and possessions of the United States, and Federally recognized Indian tribes. Finally, Section 111 requires Committee notification prior to the initiation of negotiations for the acceptance of contributed funds under 33 U.S.C. 701h. This implementation guidance supersedes the guidance in ER 1165-2-30, Acceptance and Return of Required, Contributed or Advanced Funds, dated 30 October 1998, as it pertains to Contributed Funds and CECW-P Memorandum, Subject: Contributed Funds, dated 2 July 2007.
Planning Bulletin 2012-02: Planning SMART Guide (Expired 6/1/23)
This Planning Bulletin was superseded by EP 1105-2-61, Feasibility and Post-Authorization Study Procedures and Report Processing Requirements. The original bulletin clarified feasibility study milestones (SMART Planning milestones).
Planning Bulletin 2012-02: Planning SMART Guide (superseded) (superseded 11 January 2013)
This Planning Bulletin was superseded on 11 January 2013.
Planning Bulletin 2012-04: 3x3x3 Rule Exemption Process (Expired 12/11/18)
Any feasibility study with a Chiefs Report scheduled for completion after December 2014 and scoped for greater than three years until completion, or that costs more than an additional $3 million to complete starting from the rescoping, requires a Senior Leaders panel review and DCG-CEO exemption from the rule and approval to proceed. Reissued 11 January 2013 with updates to the package to be submitted when requesting an exemption from completion of a feasibility study within 3 years and under $3 million. This bulletin is superseded by Planning Bulletin 2018-02: Exemption Procedures for Planning Studies Exceeding Cost and Schedule Limits.
Planning Bulletin 2012-04: 3x3x3 Rule Exemption Process (superseded) (superseded 11 January 2013)
This Planning Bulletin was superseded on 11 January 2013.
Regional Economic System (RECONS) Model Certification (Expired 9/24/19)
Memorandum about the Regional Economic Systems (RECONS) Model Certification. RECONS 2.0 is now the certified version of this model.
Tribal Consultation Policy
This memorandum dated 1 November 2012 formalizes tribal consultation procedures for USACE and provides an outline of USACE responsibilities to federally recognized Tribes as well as a framework for consulting with them. This memorandum was superseded by the Updated U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Civil Works Tribal Consultation Policy from the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works, dated 5 December 2023.
Director of Civil Works' Policy Memorandum #1: Continuing Authority Program Planning Process Improvements (expired 3/1/19)
Director of Civil Works' Policy Memorandum #1: Continuing Authority Program Planning Process Improvements been superseded by the March 2019 EP 1105-2-58, Continuing Authorities Program.
Engineer Circular 1165-2-212: Sea-Level Change Considerations for Civil Works Programs (Expiration: 30 September 2013)
This circular provides United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) guidance for incorporating the direct and indirect physical effects of projected future sea-level change cross the project life cycle in managing, planning, engineering, designing, constructing, operating, and maintaining USACE projects and systems of projects.
Engineer Regulation 1110-2-1156: Safety of Dams - Policy and Procedures
This regulation prescribes the guiding principles, policy, organization, responsibilities, and procedures for implementation of risk-informed dam safety program activities and a dam safety portfolio risk management process within the United States Army, Corps of Engineers (USACE).
Engineer Circular 1105-2-411: Planning - Watershed Plans (Expiration: 15 January 2012)
The purpose of this Circular is to provide guidance for conducting watershed planning and preparing watershed plans led by the Corps under Section 729 of WRDA 1986, as amended, and other specifically authorized watershed planning authorities. This Circular is superseded by Engineer Regulation 1105-2-102: Watershed Studies, dated 1 April 2022.
Engineer Circular 1110-2-6067: Engineering and Design - USACE Process for the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Levee System Evaluation (Expiration: 31 Aug 2012)
This circular provides a consolidated document that will guide USACE procedures for levee system evaluations in support of the NFIP as administered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
Engineer Circular 1110-2-6071: Engineering and Design - Remote Control and Operation of Water Control Systems (Expiration: 31 Jul 2012)
This circular establishes policy for the implementation and operation of remotely operated, remotely controlled, and automatically operated water control systems owned or operated by USACE.
Engineer Circular 11-2-198: Programs Management- Execution of the Annual Civil Works Program (Expiration: 30 September 2010)
This circular provides USACE program and project management policies and practices to ensure that the FY 2010 Civil Works Program is executed in accordance with the Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2010.
Engineer Circular 11-2-199: Army Programs- Corps of Engineers Civil Works Direct Program, Program Development Guidance FY 2012 (Expiration: 31 March 2011)
This circular provides guidance for development and submission of USACE direct Civil Works Program for FY12.
Engineer Circular 1130-2-215: Project Operations, Corps Project Notebook: A Database of USACE Project Geographic Locations (Expiration: 30 September 2012)
This circular provides guidance for updating the USACE Corps Project Notebook.
Engineer Circular 1165-2-210: Water Supply Storage and Risk Reduction Measures for Dam Safety (Expiration: Sep 2011)
This circular establishes policy and provides guidance on dam safety deficiencies on water supply storage in USACE reservoirs.
Engineer Circular 25-1-344: Human Resources Recission (Expiration: 30 June 2010)
This circular disseminates a recission notice.
Engineer Regulation 200-2-3: Environmental Compliance Policies (expired Nov 2022)
This regulation establishes the policy for the management of USACE environmental compliance-related operations and maintenance (O&M) activities. It was updated in 2022 under the same ER number and title.
Engineer Circular 11-2-190: Office of Homeland Security- Reemployed Annuitant Office Program (Expiration: 31 May 2011)
This circular establishes the policy for reemploying and deploying annuitants.
Engineer Circular 11-2-194: Army Programs- Corps of Engineers Civil Works Direct Program; Program Development Guidance Fiscal Year 2011 (Expiration: 31 March 2010)
This circular provides guidance for development and submission of the USACE direct Civil Works Program for FY11.
Engineer Circular 11-2-195: Programs Management- Execution of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act 2009 - Civil Works Program (Expiration: 30 September 2010)
This circular provides USACE program and project management guidance to govern execution of Civil Works funds provided by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Public Law 111-5 as amended (the Recovery Act).
Engineer Circular 1165-2-209: Water Resource Policies and Authorities, Civil Works Review Policy (Expiration: 31 January 2013)
This circular provides a process for review of all Civil Works projects from initial planning through design, construction, and operation, maintenance, repair, replacement, and rehabilitation. Superseded by 1165-2-214.
Engineer Circular 1165-2-211: Water Resource Policies and Authorities; Incorporating Sea-Level Change Considerations in Civil Works Programs (Expiration: 1 July 2011)
This circular provides guidance for incorporating direct and indirect effects of sea-level change to USACE projects.
Engineer Circular 25-1-333: Logistics Management Recission (Expiration: 31 December 2008)
This circular provides guidance on logistics management recission.
Engineer Circular 25-1-335: Information Management - Recission (Expiration: 29 March 2011)
This circular provides guidance on information management recission,
Engineer Circular 25-1-341: Information Management Radio and Frequency Management Policy (Expiration: 30 July 2011)
This circular establishes and implements policy and guidance for the governance of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) radio and frequency management practices.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Invasive Species Policy (expired 2/21/23)
o This policy memorandum established a consistent, nationwide invasive species policy that was applied to all Civil Works projects and programs, complementing the requirements of the National Invasive Species Act. This memo required Civil Works planning documents to address invasive species concerns in the analysis of project impacts. Collaboration with Federal, State, and local agencies was maintained in developing those analyses. This memorandum was rescinded and replaced by the 2023 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Invasive Species Policy memorandum.
Engineer Circular 1105-2-410: Water Resources Policies and Authorities; Review of Decision Documents (Expiration: 30 Sep 2010)
This circular is incorporated into EC 1165-2-209. This circular provides procedures to ensure quality and credibility of USACE decision documents through independent review processes.
Engineer Circular 11-2-193: Corps of Engineers Civil Works Direct Program; Program Development Guidance Fiscal Year 2010 (Expiration: 31 March 2009)
This circular provides guidance for development and submission of USACE direct Civil Works Program for FY10.
Engineer Circular 1165-2-208: Water Resources Policies and Authorities; In-Kind Contribution Provisions of Section 221 (Expiration: 30 Sep 2010, Replaced by ER 1165-2-208)
This circular provides guidance on the in-kind contribution provisions of Section 221 of Flood Control Act of 1970 as amended by WRDA 2007.
Engineer Circular 25-1-320: Information Management- Enterprise IT Business Solutions Policy (Expiration: 28 Aug 2010)
This circular establishes and implements policy and guidance for the governance of USACE Enterprise IT Business Solutions.
Engineer Regulation 1110-2-1302: Civil Works Cost Engineering
This ER was replaced by the 30 June 2016 update of ER 1110-2-1302.
Engineer Circular 11-2-187: Corps of Engineers Civil Works Direct Program; Program Development Guidance Fiscal Year 2009 (Expiration: 31 March 2008)
This circular provides guidance for development and submission of USACE direct Civil Works Program for FY09.
Engineer Regulation 1105-2-100: Planning Guidance Notebook, Appendix H - Amendment #1, Policy Compliance Review and Approval of Decision Documents (expired 7/1/2023)
Appendix H of the Planning Guidance Notebook has been superseded by Engineer Pamphlet 1105-2-61, Feasibility And Post-Authorization Study Procedures And Report Processing Requirements.
Engineer Regulation 1165-2-503: Resources Policies and Authorities - Office of Management and Budget Clearance for The Questionnaires for U.S. Army Engineer Civil Works Studies and Projects (expired 6/1/23)
This regulation established instructions on clearance for the questionnaires for U.S. Army Engineer Civil Works Studies and Projects (OMB Control Number 0710-0001). This regulation was superseded by Engineer Regulation 25-1-115: Guidance for Preparation and Processing of Information, dated 1 June 2023.
Memo: Peer Review Process
The U. S. Army Corps of Engineers independent technical review (ITR) and peer review processes are essential to improving project safety and quality of the products we provide to the American people. We have an effective ITR process for planning and engineering products that must be strengthened. The 2002 report on "Review Procedures for Water Resources Project Planning" from the National Research Council and the recent Interagency Performance Evaluation Taskforce (IPET) report clearly show the importance of external peer review in improving our plans, projects and programs.
Policy Guidance on Authorization and Budget Evaluation Criteria for Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration Projects, March 2007 (Expired)
This document provides policy guidance on authorization and budget evaluation criteria for aquatic ecosystem restoration projects.
Section 2036c: Wetlands Mitigation
This memorandum provides guidance on the use of mitigation banks for wetlands mitigation as described in Section 2036(c) of the Water Resources Development Act of 2007."
Section 2039a: Monitoring Ecosystem Restoration
This guidance was replaced by Implementation Guidance for Section 1161 of the Water Resources Development Act of 2016 (WRDA 2016), Completion of Ecosystem Restoration Projects, dated 19 October 2017.
Engineer Circular 11-2-187: Final Draft, Corps of Engineers Civil Works Direct Program; Program Development Guidance Fiscal Year 2008 (Expiration: 31 March 2007)
This circular provides guidance for development and submission of USACE direct Civil Works Program for FY08.
Engineer Regulation 1105-2-101: Risk Analysis for Flood Damage Reduction Studies (Expired 7/17/2017)
This regulation was superseded by Engineer Regulation 1105-2-101: Risk Assessment for Flood Risk Management Studies, 17 July 2017.
Engineer Circular 1105-2-405 Division Engineers Submittal of Final Decision Document for Projects Requiring Specific Authorization (Expiration: 31 March 2006)
This EC is obsolete because it has been incorporated into Appendix H (amendment 1) of ER 1105-2-100. The purpose of this circular is to set forth modified procedures for major Subordinate Commands (MSC) and District Commanders to prepare and transmit the results of the studies and their recommendations contained in decision documents that require authorization by the United States Congress.
Engineer Circular 1105-2-406 District Engineers Presentation of Final Decisions Document for Projects Requiring Specific Authorization (Expiration: 31 March 2006)
This EC is obsolete because it has been incorporated into Appendix H (amendment 1) of ER 1105-2-100. This circular establishes a Civil Works Review Board (CWRB) and sets forth procedures for Major Subordinate Commands (MSC) and District Commanders to present the results of the studies and their recommendations contained in decision documents for projects that require authorization by the United States Congress.
Engineer Circular 1105-2-407: Planning Models Improvement Program: Model Certification (Expiration: 30 June 2007)
This EC is obsolete because it has been revised and reissued as an EC 1105-2-412. This circular establishes the process and requirements for certification of planning models.
Engineer Circular 1105-2-408: Peer Review of Decision Documents (Expiration; 30 September 2007)
This circular has been incorporated into EC 1105-2-410. This circular establishes procedures to ensure the quality and credibility of Corps decision documents by adjusting and supplementing the current review process.
Engineer Circular 1105-2-409: Planning in a Collaborative Environment (Expiration: 30 September 2007)
This circular will be incorporated into permanent guidance. This circular lists procedures for the conduct of water resources planning and preparation of feasibility level (decision) reports that require authorization from Congress and those approved under delegated authority.
Engineer Regulation 1105-2-100: Planning Guidance Notebook, Appendix D - Amendment #1, Economic and Social Considerations (Expired 4/1/19)
Appendix D of the Planning Guidance Notebook has been superseded by the revised 1 April 2019 version.
External Peer Review
This is a letter to the American Society of Civil Engineers from Major General Riley.
Memo: Requirements for Type I Independent External Peer Review (IEPR) Reports and Posting
This memorandum supplements Civil Works Review Policy (reference 1 a.) to standardize and accelerate the process for posting Type I IEPR reports and responses by the Chief of Engineers with the purpose of increasing the responsiveness and transparency of the USACE Planning program. Roles and responsibilities of the members of the vertical team in this process are also presented.
Engineer Circular 1105-2-404: Planning Civil Works Projects Under the Environmental Operating Principles (Expiration: 1 May 2004)
The purpose of this Circular is to reaffirm the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers general policy and further describe the specific procedures for formulating and evaluating Civil This circular was incorporated into Appendix E of the Planning Guidance Notebook. Works projects consistent with environmental sustainability as defined in the Corps of Engineers Environmental Operating Principles and Implementation Guidance.
Engineer Regulation 1110-1-8159: Dr. Checks
This regulation provides policy and procedures for implementing the Design Review and Checking System (Dr. Checks). It was replaced by the 2015 version of ER 1110-1-8159.
Engineer Circular 1105-2-218: Implementation Procedures, MOA between FEMA and Department of the Army, HMGP and Flood Damage Reduction Projects (Expiration: 30 Sept 2002)
The purpose of this guidance is to discuss the requirements and procedures for the implementation of the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) entered into on 29 March 2000 by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Department of the Army (DA) regarding the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) and the Corps of Engineers flood damage reduction projects
Engineer Circular 1105-2-219: Cost Allocation for Multipurpose Projects including Ecosystem Restoration (Expiration: 30 Sept 2002)
The purpose of this Circular is to provide policy and procedures for the allocation of costs for multipurpose projects that include ecosystem restoration as a project purpose.
Engineer Regulation 1105-2-100: Planning Guidance Notebook, Appendix B, Public Involvement, Collaboration, and Coordination (Expired 9/1/18)
This appendix explains the benefits of, and requirements for, stakeholder engagement, collaboration, and coordination in Civil Works planning studies. These activities are critical to study success because they may foster trust and credibility between the Corps and the communities we serve; increase collective understanding of problems; reduce controversy and litigation risks; and improve the quality and execution of our decisions.
Engineer Regulation 1105-2-100: Planning Guidance Notebook, Appendix C, Environmental Evaluation and Environmental Compliance (Expired 4/1/19)
Appendix C of the Planning Guidance Notebook has been superseded by the revised 1 April 2019 version
Engineer Regulation 1105-2-100: Planning Guidance Notebook, Appendix F - Amendment #2, Continuing Authorities Program (Expired 8/1/2018)
Engineer Regulation 1105-2-100: Planning Guidance Notebook, Full Publication (Expired 12/1/2023)
ER 1105-2-100, the Planning Guidance Notebook will be superseded by several different pieces of new guidance. For the full suite of guidance replacing the PGN, visit the Core Civil Works Planning Guidance page.
Engineer Circular 1105-2-217: The Continuing Authorities Program Interim Guidance (Expiration: 31 December 2001)
This circular transmits interim guidance for implementation of nine legislative authorities under which the Secretary of the Army, acting through the Chief of Engineers, is authorized to plan, design, and construct certain types of water resource and ecosystem restoration projects without additional project-specific Congressional authorization.
Planning Guidance Memorandum 99-01: Reconnaissance Phase Guidance (This memorandum supersedes Planning Guidance Letter 96-3.)
This letter provides implementation guidance for the reconnaissance phase.
Engineer Pamphlet 1165-2-2: Indices of Interagency and International Agreements (Rescinded)
This EP was rescinded.
Engineer Regulation 1110-1-8158: Corps-Wide Centers of Expertise Program (expired 4/15/2011)
This regulation was superseded by ER 1110-8-8158: Centers of Expertise Program, dated 1 April 2022.
Engineer Regulation 1165-2-30: Water Resources Policies and Authorities - Acceptance and Return of Required, Contributed, or Advanced Funds (expired 4/17/19)
This regulation compiles existing authorities for acceptance and return of appropriate portions of required, contributed or advanced funds in connections with Civil Works projects. This ER is rescinded by Revised Implementation Guidance for Section 1166 of the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of 2018, Advance Funds for Water Resources Development Projects, dated 17 April 2019.
Engineer Circular 1105-2-214: Project Modifications for Improvement of the Environment and Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration (Expiration: 31 December 2001)
This document is no longer active and should be used for historical purposes only. This EC provides guidance for the implementation of Section 1135 of the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of 1986 and Section 206 of WRDA 1996, P.L. 104-303. These sections provide programmatic authority for the Corps to undertake cost effective ecosystem restorations that are limited in cost and meet certain other criteria.
Engineer Regulation 200-2-3: Environmental Compliance Policies (expired Oct 1010)
This ER was replaced by the 29 October 2010 update of ER 200-2-3.
Evaluation of Environmental Investments Procedures: Interim Overview Manual (Expired)
The purpose of this report is to support Corps planners by identifying Evaluation of Environmental Investments Research Program (EEIRP) products that can be used in applying the six-step planning process to environmental projects.
Engineer Regulation 1110-2-8154: Water Quality and Environmental Management at Corps Civil Works Projects (expired 2018)
This regulation provides direction for the water quality management of USACE Civil Works Projects. It was updated in 2018 under the same ER number and title.
Engineer Regulation 11-2-201: Civil Work Activities - Funding, Work Allowances, and Reprogramming (Expired)
This regulation sets forth procedures and policies on funding, work allowances and reprogramming for Corps of Engineers Civil Works activities.
Policy Guidance Letter No. 44: Relocations and Removals at Navigation (Harbor) Projects
PGL 44 was rescinded by Director of Civil Works, Memo subject: Policy Guidance Letter 44 Revisions - Relocation of Utilities at Navigation Projects Under Section 101 of the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of 1986, as Amended, 14 September 2017
Engineer Regulation 1110-2-1156: Dam Safety- Organization, Responsibilities, and Activities
This regulation prescribes the policy, organization, responsibilities, and procedures for implementing dam safety activities within the Corps of Engineers.
Policy Guidance Letter No. 35: Environmental Dredging (Expired)
This policy guidance letter establishes Corps policy and procedures for undertaking environmental dredging as part of operation and maintenance of existing navigation projects. This letter was rescinded by Policy Guidance Letter No. 49.
Engineer Regulation 1165-2-122: Water Resources Policies and Authorities - Studies of Harbor or Inland Harbor Projects by Non-federal Interests
This ER is superseded by ER 1165-2-209, Studies of Water Resources Development Projects by non-federal Interests, issued 4 February 2016.
National Economic Development Procedures Manual: Deep Draft Navigation (This version was replaced by IWR 10-R-4.)
This manual is one of a series of guides to computing National Economic Development (NED) benefits of Federal water resources development projects. Basic guidance for NED evaluation is contained in the U.S. Water Resources Council's "Economic and Environmental Principles and Guidelines for Water and Related Land Resources Implementation Studies" (P&G). This manual explains the concept and application of NED evaluation to harbor project sponsors, and assists individuals who perform evaluation studies to comply with P&G requirements expeditiously. The evaluation procedures described in the manual apply to a wide range of harbor and waterway projects where sponsors cost-share studies and project implementation. The procedures are designated "Deep Draft Navigation" in the P&G, but apply to all commercial navigation projects that are not part of the "Inland Waterways System." The manual covers theoretical and practical aspects of benefits evaluation, provides sources of information to identify and estimate future project use, and contains examples of benefit calculations.
National Economic Development Procedures Manual: Overview Manual for Conducting National Economic Development Analysis (This version was replaced by IWR 09-R-2.)
This version was replaced by IWR 09-R-2.
Policy Guidance Letter No. 24: Restoration of Fish and Wildlife Habitat Resources (Expired)
This letter provides additional guidance for accomplishing fish and wildlife habitat restoration in accordance with Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works), "Statement of New Environmental Approaches" dated June 25, 1990 and Chief of Engineers Memorandum, 14 February 1990, subject: "Strategic Direction for Environmental Engineering." This letter was rescinded by Policy Guidance Letter No. 24R.
Engineer Regulation 1165-2-124: Water Resources Policies and Authorities - Construction of Harbor and Inland Harbor Projects by Non-Federal Interests.
This ER is superseded by ER 1165-2-211, "Operation and Maintenance of Improvements Carried Out by non-federal Interests to Authorized Harbor or Inland Harbor Projects.
Policy Guidance Letter No. 23: Improvements for Navigating Safety and Reduction in Damages from Tide and Wave Sources (Expired)
This letter provides guidance on improvements for navigation safety and reduction in damages from tide and wave sources. This letter was rescinded by Policy Guidance Letter. No. 28.
Engineer Regulation 1165-2-120: Water Resources Policies and Authorities - Reimbursement for Advance Non-Federal Construction of Federally Authorized Harbor and Inland Harbor Improvements
This ER is superseded by ER 1165-2-211, "Operation and Maintenance of Improvements Carried Out by non-federal Interests to Authorized Harbor or Inland Harbor Projects.
Policy Guidance Letter No. 05: New Start Construction Projects - Responsibility for Alteration and Relocations of Utilities Through the Line of Protection- Flood Control Projects (Expired)
This letter provides guidance on new start construction projects, including responsibility for alteration and relocations of utilities through the line of protection at flood control projects. This letter was rescinded by Policy Guidance Letter No. 5R.
Engineer Manual 1110-2-5026: Beneficial Uses of Dredged Material (expired 7/1/15)
This manual provides guidance for planning, designing, developing, and managing dredged material for beneficial uses, incorporating ecological concepts and engineering designs with biological, economical, and social feasibility. This 1987 manual was superseded by EM 1110-2-5025 in July 2015.
Policy Guidance Letter No. 02: New Start Construction Projects - Responsibility for Alteration of Railroad Bridges Flood Control (Expired 4 Nov 1993)
This letter provides clarification on Section 7 k(l)b of EC 1165-2-144, subject: "Policy Guidance for New Start Construction Projects" which discusses the policy on railroad bridge relocations for flood control projects in. This letter was rescinded by Policy Guidance Letter No. 2R.
Engineer Manual 1110-2-5025: Dredging and Dredged Material Disposal (expired 7/1/15)
This manual provides guidance for activities associated with new work and maintenance projects and the evaluation and selection of equipment and evaluation of disposal alternatives. This 1983 manual was superseded by EM 1110-2-5025 in July 2015.
Engineer Regulation 1105-2-30: Principles and Standards for Water and Related Land Resources Planning: Level C; Final Rule
This final rule establishes the principles and standards for Level C water and related land resources planning. The purpose of the rule is to provide Federal agencies with uniform requirements for Level C implementation studies. Planning in accordance with this rule is intended to ensure consistency among the agencies and consistency with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) and the CEQ NEPA regulations.
Engineer Regulation 1165-2-28: Corps of Engineer Participation in Improvements for Environmental Quality (Rescinded)
This ER was rescinded.
Engineer Regulation 11-2-220: General Investigations (Expired)
This regulation furnishes guidance and establishes procedures pertaining to programming and budgeting of Civil Works functions under the General Investigations appropriations title and for the General Investigations function under the Flood Control, Mississippi River and Tributaries title.
Green Book - Report to the Federal Inter-Agency River Basin Committee: Proposed Practices for Economic Analysis of River Basin Projects (1950)
This document is the predecessor to the Principles and Guidelines. It is commonly referred to as the "Green Book." The Subcommittee of Benefits and Costs wrote this document.
ATRT Lead Checklist for Planning and Decision Documents (Expired January 2013)
This ATRT Lead checklist and supporting appendices were developed by a PCX Tiger Team in November 2009 as per direction and support of the National Planning Centers of Expertise Guild.
Charge to Project Delivery Team and Reviewers Template (Expired January 2013)
This ATR Charge to Project Delivery Team and Reviewers Template (Template) was developed by a Review Team in July 2010 as per direction and support of the National Planning Centers of Expertise Guild (PCX Guild). The Template is designed to be a companion document to the previously PCX Guild approved ATRT Lead Checklist (03.12.10) and completed charges are to be attached to the respective study Review Plan document.