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Planning Ahead

2011: Volume

  • National Pilot Program Launches
    National Pilot Program Launches

  • Reading About Leadership and Book Reviews by Michael Wyatt, St. Paul District
    Reading about leadership and the discussion and preparation of book reviews has become a staple part of the overall Planning Associates Program. The emphasis on reading for personal and professional growth became all too apparent with arrival of a Fed-Ex delivery to each Planning Associate last October containing a small library of books devoted to the subject of leadership. Throughout the course of the year, the Planning Associates are expected to work their way through each book and then summarize each through a short written report before discussing the reading materials as a group.

  • Planning Associates Class of 2011 Attend Planning Fundamentals Class Phoenix, Arizona, January 2011 by Cherilyn Gibbs, Little Rock District
    After a two month break that allowed us to celebrate the holidays, catch up on our home office work, and read a couple of books (The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell and Good to Great by Jim Collins), we packed our suitcases and traveled to Phoenix, Arizona to attend a course on the basic fundamentals of Civil Works planning.

  • Planning Associates 2011 Attend Watershed Planning Course San Antonio, Texas, February 2011 by John Ortlieb, Rock Island District
    During the period from February 7-11, 2011, the Planning Associates travelled to San Antonio, Texas to gain an appreciation and understanding of the Corps efforts in the area of the watershed planning through formal training via the Watershed Planning course, hosted by the Southwestern Division.

  • Planning Associates 2011 Visit Mississippi Valley Division and Engineer Research and Development Center by Lauren O. Kruse, Fort Worth District
    During the period from February 1-4, 2011, the Planning Associates Class of 2011 travelled to Vicksburg, Mississippi to visit the Mississippi Valley Division (MVD) and tour the Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC). The purpose of the visit was to introduce the Planning Associates to the unique programs and challenges in the MVD, to tour the ERDC facilities, and to learn about the diverse engineering and scientific research conducted at ERDC in support of the Civil Works Mission.

  • The Floodplain Management Services Program Marks a 50-Year Contribution to Flood Risk Management by Stuart A. Davis, Institute for Water Resources
    The "first door to the Corps," is how Sue Hughes, Deputy Chief of the Planning Community of Practice characterized the Floodplain Management Services (FPMS) program at December 2010 program marking the 50th anniversary of the program. Over 100 Corps personnel participated in the program either in person at the Corps Washington, DC headquarters or via webcast.

  • Road to a Chief's Report: American River Watershed (Common Features) Project, Natomas Basin, Sacramento and Sutter Counties, California by Alicia Kirchner and members of the Project Delivery Team
    In December 2010, a Chief's Report was signed for the Natomas Basin Project in Sacramento, California. This was the most recent in a chain of events aimed toward reducing the risk of flooding to the greater Sacramento region. Flood management in the area comes through a combination of storage and conveyance, and Congress has authorized improvements to various project features over the past 20 years. Investigations continue to explore further reduction of flood risk, and the Natomas Post Authorization Change (PCA)/Interim General Re-evaluation Report (GRR) is vital to reducing flood risk to the Sacramento region.

  • Cedar River-Cedar Rapids, Iowa Flood Risk Management Feasibility Study "Lessons Learned" by Christopher Haring, Rock Island District
    The Cedar River, Cedar Rapids, Iowa Flood Risk Management Project Feasibility Study Report with Integrated Environmental Assessment (Study) was authorized by Congress in 2006 to investigate flood risk management (FRM) alternatives for the City of Cedar Rapids, Iowa (City). The purpose of the Study was to formulate and evaluate cost effective, environmentally-sensitive, and technically sound FRM alternatives to reduce risk to the City. A Feasibility Cost Share Agreement (FCSA) between the City and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Rock Island District (District) was signed in early May 2008 to initiate a study for a portion of the City known as the Time Check Levee Area.

  • Issue 1 (June)
    Planning CoP Happenings; National Pilot Program Launches; Planning Community Toolbox Launches; Modernizing Principles and Guidelines; Report on 31st Annual South Pacific Division Planning CoP Workshop; Road to a Chief's Report: American River Watershed (Common Features) Project, Natomas Basin, Sacramento and Sutter Counties, California; Cedar River-Cedar Rapids, Iowa Flood Risk Management Feasibility Study "Lessons Learned"; The Floodplain Management Services Program Marks 50-Year Contribution to Flood Risk Management; Planning Associates Class of 2011 Update

  • Issue 2 (September)
    Activities Last Month; Activities This Month; News Items; Recently Released Publications; Upcoming Events
