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Planning Ahead

2012: Volume

  • The USACE Veterans Curation Program Soldiers On
    There are convergences in Federal service and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Veterans Curation Program is proof in action. Consider the following pieces of information that seemingly stand alone or appear at first to be unrelated: for the last one hundred years the Corps has been accumulating archeological materials and associated records that require, by law and regulation, a level of care and treatment that assures their continuing preservation; overseas contingency operations including Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) and Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) have produced veterans and wounded warriors who are unable, or lack the skills needed to compete in the mainstream job market; the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (otherwise known as the "Stimulus Bill") was oriented to developing projects and programs that provided short term investments to put Americans to work; and, the Corps' Mandatory Center of Expertise (MCX) for Curation and Management of Archeological Collections (CMAC) in St. Louis District, has answered the call for innovative and rapid responses to a range of Federal needs including the completion of the three-year Iraq Mass Graves Investigation Program.

  • Primavera P2 Template for Dam Safety Project
    The Risk Management Center is completing development of a Dam Safety Risk Management (DSRM) Primavera template that will be added into the P2 Architect by the 3rd quarter of FY12. The template was formulated from the policy guidance presented in ER 1110-2-1156, and provides a comprehensive schedule and work plan that covers all dam safety study activities from initial DSAC notification to approval of Dam Safety Modification Studies. The template is customizable for each project, includes logical successor and predecessor activities, and identifies major activity milestones that will be tracked at the national level. The use of this standardized P2 template is essential to assure that the District, RMC, and Design Center work efforts on dam safety projects are fully coordinated, and the respective teams are working from a common schedule with standardized reporting milestones.
