Army Career Tracker
The Army Career Tracker (ACT) integrates training and education into one personalized, easy-to-use website. Users can search multiple Army education and training resources, monitor their career development, and receive personalized advice from their supervisor and Army leadership. To join the Construction, Engineering, and Infrastructure Career Field Army Career Tracker community, after logging in, select "Communities," then "Civilian," then "Construction, Engineering and Infrastructure." Next, click "Follow this Community" on the top right of the landing page. This will provide you access with specific training opportunities for this Career Field. Individual Development Plans (IDPs) may also be created and maintained on this platform.
Army E-Learning (Internal)
This site provides links to on-line courses for learning a new language, new computer software, how to develop software, security and enterprise systems and more. Some courses offer college credits.
Army Management Staff College - University Partnerships
The Army Management Staff College has partnerships with several universities which allow for transfer of credits towards academic degrees.
Army Training Requirements and Resources (ATRRS)
The Army Training Requirements and Resources System (ATRRS) is a Headquarters, Department of the Army (HQDA) Human Resources Management system. ATRRS is used Army-wide to manage individual institutional training requirements and resources. The ATRRS webpage provides links to both required and optional training courses.
Civilian Human Resources Training Application System - CES Course Registration
CHRTAS is an automated management system that allows users to develop and record completed training, apply for Civilian Human Resource, and apply for Civilian Education (CES) courses.
ArmyIgnitED is the virtual gateway for all eligible Active Duty, National Guard and Army Reserve Soldiers to request Tuition Assistance (TA) online, anytime, anywhere for classroom and distance learning. ArmyIgnitED is also the virtual gateway for Army Civilians to apply for their Civilian education, training, and leader development events.