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Planning Community Toolbox
USACE Castle
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Training Resources - PROSPECT Training Recommendations

  • USACE Learning Center
    The USACE Learning Center provides job-related training through technical and professional courses to meet the unique needs of the Army Corps of Engineers, including the Planning Core Curriculum and other planning-related courses. Current and upcoming year course schedules and catalogs can be found on the USACE Learning Center home page.


  • Planning Training and Planner Database (6 July)
    Ms. Jodi Creswell, Environmental Planning Branch Chief, St. Paul District, provided an update on Planning Training, the Planning Associates Program and the Planner Database. The webinar gave an overview of the three core planning PROSPECT courses that all planners are required to take. Ms. Creswell encouraged planners to update their profile in the Planner Database and provided information on the FY18 Planning Associates Program.

  • Planning Training Updates (17 September)
    The Planning Essentials and Plan Formulation and Evaluation Capstone Development/Instructor Teams, represented by Jodi Creswell (HQ Planning CoP), Tim Fleeger (LRP), and Leigh Skaggs (HQ OWPR), provided an overview of the new Planning Core Curriculum courses and shared details about the Planning Essentials and Plan Formulation and Evaluation Capstone Courses.