Collaboration and Public Participation Center of Expertise (CPCX)
Managing conflicts and engaging the public are key skills for USACE professionals. The CPCX enhances these skills and equips Corps personnel to implement collaborative decision-making processes in field operations.
Corps Risk Analysis Gateway
This site developed by the Institute of Water Resources provides specific resources on risk analysis including risk management, assessment, and communication.
Ecosystem Management and Restoration Research Program Webinar Series
The Ecosystem Management and Restoration Research Program (EMRRP) webinar series helps further inform users about the physical and biological processes and interactions within ecosystems, modeling tools that assess the impacts or benefits associated with management strategies or restoration efforts, tools and guidelines informing alternatives comparisons and decision-making, and trainings that enable the broad application of the tools developed under the program.
Ecosystem Restoration Gateway: Learning
EPA Watershed Academy
The EPA Watershed Academy is a free set of webinars, educational modules, and publications that provide an introduction to watershed management, the Clean Water Act, watershed ecology, climate change, and more.
IWR Risk Webinar Series
This IWR webinar series provides an introduction to risk management terminology and offers information on how risk-informed decision making applies to all positions and activities.
Shared Vision Planning
Shared Vision Planning (SVP) is a collaborative approach to formulating water management solutions that combines three disparate practices: 1) traditional water resources planning, 2) structured public participation, and 3) collaborative computer modeling. IWR's SVP website includes tools, techniques, resources, references, and training materials. The USACE Shared Vision Planning webpage contains numerous SVP resources and tools, including methods, models, case studies, references, other educational material, and links to relevant training.
Silver Jackets Program Webinar Series
The Silver Jackets program hosts monthly lessons learned and information-sharing webinars. Webinar presentations, recordings, and transcripts are posted online.
USACE Climate 101 Training
This self-paced course is designed to enhance knowledge of USACE's response to climate change, including basics about climate change, its impact on the environment and USACE activities, and how USACE is responding to address these impacts.
USACE Knowledge Now Videos
The Knowledge Now website provides a platform for sharing videos and lessons learned for USACE's Communities of Practice.
USACE Nonstructural Working Group
The USACE Nonstructural Working Group facilitates communication and learning within the USACE community, to support the study and use of nonstructural measures. Webinars, project examples, and nonstructural training materials are available to USACE teams.
USFW National Conservation Training Center
The National Conservation Training Center offers many types of learning opportunities including professional, formal, and informal training for the conservation community. These courses are offered through various formats including in-person and online.