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Risk-Informed Decision Making and Planning Support Tools

  • Analysis of Tradeoffs Approaches Applicable to USACE Civil Works Planning
      This report summarizes tradeoffs approaches that USACE study teams can use when taking a multi-criteria, collaborative approach to analyzing comprehensive benefits to inform decision-making and the selection of a recommended alternative. This report presents various tradeoffs approaches including their general descriptions, data needs, advantages, disadvantages, levels of collaborative engagement, and overall levels of effort. Case studies are included as examples of how USACE study teams have used some of these tradeoffs approaches in planning studies.

  • Corps Risk Analysis Gateway
      This web site maintained by the Institute for Water Resources (IWR) is your gateway to understanding the Corps model for risk analysis including, assessing, managing and communicating risk, and includes information, guidance, applications and other resources.

  • Displaying the Results of Alternatives Evaluation and Comparison: "Table of Effects"
      This tip sheet developed by the USACE Plan Formulation Community of Practice provides examples of approaches to developing and displaying a "table of effects" in a USACE feasibility report, presenting the performance of each alternative, relative to the baseline, the study objectives, the four formulation and evaluation criteria, and any other screening or selection criteria used in the analyses. Teams are encouraged to use these examples and build off of them to best display the effects of alternatives in their feasibility reports, including by using available editable examples tables and editable example diagrams.

  • Displaying the Results of Alternatives Evaluation and Comparison: "Table of Effects" - Working Example Diagrams
      This PowerPoint file contains working examples of editable "Table of Effects" diagrams for use by study teams.

  • Displaying the Results of Alternatives Evaluation and Comparison: "Table of Effects" - Working Example Tables
      This Word file contains working examples of editable "Table of Effects" tables for use by study teams.

  • Implementing Risk Informed Decision Making in Planning Webinar
      This webinar aims to ensure participants understand how Risk Informed Planning enables USACE to deliver on its commitments. The deck provides additional detail on how the recent Director's Policy Memorandum (2018-05) supports implementation of risk informed decision making in the planning phase. Together with the presentations "Risk 101 - Common Understanding of Enterprise Risk Management and Risk Informed Decision Making in Planning" and "Risk Informed Planning Tools for Project Delivery Teams", this series describes how the Corps of Engineers is operationalizing risk-informed decision making in planning project delivery.

  • e-Risk Register Tool  Corps Castle
      The e-Risk Register is an online tool designed by the USACE Institute for Water Resources to assess, manage, and view project risks in a consistent and integrated manner across Civil works project lifecycles. Training on use of the e-Risk Register website, including how to add new projects and how to find current and legacy APT projects, is available through the "Need Help?" link within the Tool.

  • Planning Manual Part II: Risk-Informed Planning
      The Planning Manual Part II: Risk Informed Planning documents the state of the practice in risk-informed planning for the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Planning Community of Practice. It is a continuation of the original Planning Manual, published by the USACE Institute for Water Resources in 1996.

  • Planning Quick Takes: Timely Topics for Risk-Informed Planning Studies - Version 2.0
      Planning Quick Takes: Timely Topics for Risk-Informed Planning Studies is intended for all USACE planners, whether novice, journeyman, or senior, who may benefit from learning about the various tools and techniques that can collectively be used to facilitate the iterative six-step risk-informed planning process. Formerly known as the Planning Mentor Handbook, Planning Quick Takes provides a summary of many risk-informed planning concepts, including examples and references to other sources for more detail.

  • Principles of Risk Analysis for Water Resources
      This report represents an effort to document the state of the practice in risk analysis for use by US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). Transparent and defensible analysis provides a critical piece of information for decision making. It is incumbent on the analyst to inform others about sources and validity of all the data, models, and assumptions that are part of the analysis. The analyst must also acknowledge and highlight the key uncertainties by reporting a range of values with their likelihoods when possible. Additionally, the impacts of uncertainty on the results, and the overall confidence in the values of decision variables presented to decision makers must be part of any decision document.

  • Risk 101 - Common Understanding of Enterprise Risk Management and Risk Informed Decision Making in Planning Webinar
      This webinar aims to develop a high-level common understanding of the goals of implementing an Enterprise Risk Management System at the Corps of Engineers, and specifically about applying to risk management to planning activities to improve project delivery. The presentation covers how the Planning Community of Practice is applying recent direction from the Director of Civil Works to operationalize risk in delivering an effective and efficient Civil Works Planning Program. The presentation reinforces that the tenets of enterprise risk management have are a cornerstone of SMART Planning (the "R" in SMART is "Risk-Informed"). Together with the presentations "Risk Informed Planning Tools for Project Delivery Teams" and "Implementing Risk Informed Decision Making in Planning", this series describes how the Corps of Engineers is operationalizing risk- informed decision making in planning project delivery.

  • Risk Informed Planning Tools for Project Delivery Teams Webinar
      This webinar aims to orient planning project delivery teams to risk informed planning tools, including rapid iteration and the risk register. The deck provides links for more information about these tools that teams will find useful. Together with the presentations "Risk 101 - Common Understanding of Enterprise Risk Management and Risk Informed Decision Making in Planning" and "Implementing Risk Informed Decision Making in Planning", this series describes how the Corps of Engineers is operationalizing risk- informed decision making in planning project delivery.

  • Scoping Guide for Civil Works Planning Studies
      This guide highlights some of the key procedures, processes, and guidance that a study team should use during the initial scoping phase of a study, which is generally the first 90 to 120 days from the execution of the Feasibility Cost Share Agreement (FCSA). It especially highlights best practices for collaboration during initial scoping, which is critical for a study's success during this fast-paced timeframe when the foundation of the study is being developed. It also outlines best practices for confirming, refining, and adjusting the scope throughout the study. The guide does not discuss the process required in law for National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) scoping.


  • Analyzing Tradeoffs in Civil Works Planning (5 September)
    This two-part webinar mini-series provided an overview of Qualitative (5 September) and Quantitative (19 September) Approaches to Tradeoff Analysis in Civil Works Planning. Under current and future USACE planning guidance, tradeoff analysis is required to fully evaluate, compare, and recommend an alternative. Both webinars were presented by Michelle Hilleary (Supervisory Environmental Planner, IWR), Kelly Baxter (Economist, IWR), and Kat McCain (Operating Director, ECO-PCX).

  • Planning Fundamentals: An Introduction to the Scoping Guide for Civil Works Planning Studies (9 November)
    This webinar is part of the Planning Fundamentals Series and introduced the Scoping Guide for Civil Works Planning Studies, a new resource for project delivery teams to conduct feasibility phase scoping. This presentation provided an overview of what scoping for planning studies is, the contents of the Scoping Guide, and how the resource can assist teams. This webinar was presented by Rhiannon Kucharski (Chief of Planning, Honolulu District) and Leigh Skaggs (Senior Plan Formulator, St. Paul District), lead developers of the Scoping Guide and members of the PCoP's Planning Workforce Development Committee.
  • A Decade of USACE Planning Charettes (27 July)
    This webinar provided a history of USACE Planning charettes, how they’ve changed over the years, best practices, and recommendations for improving their effectiveness moving forward. The content of this webinar was developed as part of presenter Jeff Herzog’s (New England District Planner and Planning Associates Cohort of 2023 member) Planning Associates Applied Learning Assignment, which focused on reviewing and recommending updates to the SMART Planning Charette Handbook, last updated in 2013.

  • Introduction to the New e-Risk Register (15 December)
    This webinar provided an overview of the new e-Risk Register, which will provide study teams and the vertical team a high- quality tool to better assess, manage, and view all risks for a particular project in a consistent and integrated manner across project lifecycles and the full enterprise. Presenter Erin Rooks (Economist, Institute for Water Resources) discussed the migration of the Assistance for Project Teams (APT) Tool into the new e-Risk Register and re-oriented planners to these existing tools within the new application, in addition to demonstrating the new tool. Finally, the webinar described how the e-Risk Register is different from the Planning Risk Register.

  • After Action Reviews – Lessons Learned by Using Innovative, Data-Driven Approaches and Methodology (23 September)
    This webinar provided an overview of recent After Action Reviews (AARs) on USACE Civil Works planning and project delivery efforts. Planners, project managers, and leaders can apply the information gathered from any AAR to document lessons learned and opportunities for change in the enterprise. The webinar was presented by Dr. Nadia Mohandessi (Emergency Management Continuous Improvement Program Manager, Readiness Support Center) and Gwyn Jarrett (Program Manager with the NWD/POD Regional Integration Team). Andy MacInnes, Water Resource Certified Planner (MVN) and Regional Technical Specialist (MVD), co-facilitated and developed the AARs discussed with Dr. Mohandessi.
  • Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) and IWR Planning Suite (9 September)
    This webinar provided an overview of the Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) module withing the Institute for Water Resources (IWR) Planning Suite II. Presenter Eric Johnson (Economist, IWR) provided an overview of the MCDA module’s ability to consider the influence of multiple criteria on project alternatives; how the module helps planners and economists clarify and convey tradeoffs across multiple criteria; and how the module can assist study teams in the evaluation of multiple benefit types across the four accounts (National Economic Development, Environmental Quality, Regional Economic Development, and Other Social Effects).
  • Planning Quick Takes: Timely Topics for Risk-Informed Planning Studies (15 July)
    This webinar provided an overview of the recently-completed “Planning Quick Takes: Timely Topics for Risk-Informed Planning Studies,” which was previously known as the “Planning Mentor Handbook.” Planning Quick Takes is intended to be used by all project delivery team members and not just Planning Mentors, and offers brief summaries on many risk-informed planning topics. The webinar focused on three new topics added to the document: Life Safety Assessment, Climate Change Assessment, and Incorporating the Four P&G Accounts and was presented by Leigh Skaggs (Senior Planner, St. Paul District), Karen Miller (Senior Planner, Huntington District), Kendall Zaborowski (Planning Team Lead, Dam Safety Modification Mandatory Center of Expertise), Ariane Pinson (Climate Specialist, Albuquerque District), Dena Abou-El-Seoud (Senior Economist, Great Lakes & Ohio River Division), and Zack Hartley (Regional Economist, Chicago District).
  • 3x3x3 Exemption Lessons Learned, NWK Grand River Ecosystem Restoration Study (11 February)
    This webinar provided an overview of how to utilize an exemption from the 3x3x3 process to inform more complete and defendable planning decisions. Presented by Kaely Megaro (Kansas City District), Scott Nicholson (Office of Water Project Review), and Jeremy Weber (Northwestern Division), the presentation highlighted lessons learned from the Grand River Ecosystem Restoration Study, with an emphasis on the value of scoping and reaching vertical team alignment on an exemption early in the study process.

  • Planning Mentor Handbook - A Tool for Mentors (and Others) Assisting PDTs (1 October)
    This webinar, presented by Karen Miller (Planning Mentor Program manager) and Leigh Skaggs (lead author, Planning Mentor Handbook) provided an overview of the purpose of the Planning Mentor Program, the role of Planning Mentors, and the recently published Planning Mentor Handbook. The presenters discussed each of the major topics covered in the handbook and provide examples of how each of the risk-informed planning tools described in the document were employed in a variety of USACE studies or activities. While originally envisioned as an aid to Planning Mentors, the handbook is applicable to any planner who wants to learn more about risk-informed planning and how to apply it.

  • DPM 2019-02: Operationalizing Risk-Informed Decision Making in Project Management (Planning Phase) (11 July)
    This webinar discussed the content and implications of Directors Policy Memorandum (DPM) Civil Works (CW) 2019-02, Operationalizing Risk-Informed Decision Making in Project Management (Planning Phase). The webinar was presented by Ms. Andrea Bias- Streat (Deputy, Program & Project Management Community of Practice) and provided an overview of key highlights of the memo, including its purpose of reaffirming key project management responsibilities during the Planning phase of a project, with the goal of ensuring consistency across the USACE enterprise.

  • Teaching Ourselves Risk Informed Planning (13 December)
    This webinar featured MSC, District, and Planning Core Curriculum efforts to "Teach Ourselves Risk Informed Planning." The webinar will be presented by Judy McCrea (SPD Plan Formulation Specialist), Matt Rea (NWD Plan Formulation Specialist), Tim Fleeger (NWD District Support Planner), Leigh Skaggs (Plan Formulation Reviewer, OWPR), and Susan Conner (Planning Branch Chief, Norfolk District). From regional workshops and book clubs to hands-on sessions on rapid planning iterations, the presenters discussed various ways that MSCs and Districts provide formal and informal training on the evolving feasibility and planning process. The webinar also addressed updates to the Planning Core Curriculum to reflect risk informed planning
  • Incorporating Risk-Informed Decision Making for Costal Storm Risk Management Studies (18 October)
    Mr. Steve Couch (New York District), Ms. Carrie McCabe (Fort Worth District Regional Planning and Environmental Center at Galveston District) and Mr. Jeff Gebert (Philadelphia District) provided an overview of the Coastal Storm Risk Management (CSRM) business line, and discussed business line specific policies and guidance relevant to these studies as well as common challenges and risks. The presentation was moderated by Larry Cocchieri, CSRM Planning Center of Expertise (North Atlantic Division). The presentation addressed conducting iterations of risk informed planning in a CSRM feasibility study with a focus on the various areas where CSRM studies differ from other types of business line studies.
  • New Guidance: Implementing Risk-Informed Decision Making in Civil Works (4 October)
    Ms. Karen Miller (WRCP, LRH), Mr. Eddie Douglass (HQ RIT Planner), and Mr. Aaron Hostyk (HQ Office of Counsel) discuss recently signed guidance developed in response to the Implementation Plan for the Directors Policy Memorandum Civil Works Programs 2018-05 SUBJECT: Improving Efficiency and Effectiveness in USACE Civil Works Project Delivery (Planning Phase and Planning Activities). DPM CW 2018-05 provided direction to incorporate risk-informed decision making in project development. A cross-discipline Civil Works Implementation team has been working together to provide additional CoP- specific guidance to further assist PDTs to improve efficiency and effectiveness in project delivery. This webinar focused on the 31 August Office of Counsel's memo, The Role of Counsel in Operationalizing Risk-Informed Decision Making During Project Development, and the recently signed Planning Bulletin 2018-01, Feasibility Study Milestones.
  • Risk 101 - Common Understanding of Enterprise Risk Management and Risk Informed Decision Making in Planning (1 August)
    This webinar aims to develop a high-level common understanding of the goals of implementing an Enterprise Risk Management System at the Corps of Engineers, and specifically about applying to risk management to planning activities to improve project delivery. The presentation covers how the Planning Community of Practice is applying recent direction from the Director of Civil Works to operationalize risk in delivering an effective and efficient Civil Works Planning Program. The presentation reinforces that the tenets of enterprise risk management have are a cornerstone of SMART Planning (the "R" in SMART is "Risk-Informed"). Together with the presentations "Risk Informed Planning Tools for Project Delivery Teams" and "Implementing Risk Informed Decision Making in Planning", this series describes how the Corps of Engineers is operationalizing risk- informed decision making in planning project delivery. This webinar was presented to the DPMs in a joint PPM CoP and PCoP Webinar.
  • Risk Informed Planning Tools for Project Delivery Teams (1 August)
    This webinar aims to orient planning project delivery teams to risk informed planning tools, including rapid iteration and the risk register. The deck provides links for more information about these tools that teams will find useful. Together with the presentations "Risk 101 - Common Understanding of Enterprise Risk Management and Risk Informed Decision Making in Planning" and "Implementing Risk Informed Decision Making in Planning", this series describes how the Corps of Engineers is operationalizing risk- informed decision making in planning project delivery. This webinar was presented to the DPMs in a joint PPM CoP and PCoP Webinar.
  • Operationalizing Risk-informed Decision Making in Planning (18 January)
    Ms. Sue Hughes, Planning Community of Practice Deputy, provided an update to the community of ongoing activities to operationalize risk-informed decision making in planning.

  • Planning Manual Part II: Risk-Informed Planning (17 August)
    This webinar introduced Risk-Informed Planning and the new publication available from IWR titled Planning Manual Part II: Risk Informed Planning.

  • Flood Risk Management and New Risk Communication Tool in The Netherlands (20 October)
    Ms. Vera Konings from Rijkswaterstaat, Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment, the Netherlands presented on Flood Risk Management and the new Risk Communication Tool in the Netherlands. Ms. Konings is working with the USACE Risk Management Center as part of a partnership between USACE and the Netherlands. She explained the Dutch water system and provided information on the three circles of flood risk management activities including operations and maintenance, periodic assessments and long-term strategies. Ms. Konings demonstrated the Netherlands risk communication website: residents input their zip code and receive specific information regarding the flood risk to their home and helps them decide whether to stay or evacuate during a flood. The website also provides visual information to communicate the risks associated with flooding.
  • Project Success in 6 Easy Steps: Risk Management (15 September)
    All PDTs will encounter risk. Successful PDTs will manage risk. Project Managers will learn best practices across the life cycle that save time, money & relationships. When Risk Management is integrated with the organizations culture and every day PDT activities, project delivery outcomes significantly improve and project objectives are achieved. Doris Marlin, HQUSACE Project and Program Management CoP, presented this webinar for the PPM and Planning Communities.

  • Risk-Informed Decision Making (6 August)
    Dr. Charlie Yoe shares his informed perspectives on Risk-Informed Decision Making in the context of Planning. This webinar highlights why risk management is vital to the agency

  • Utilizing Risk Assessment Methodologies for Public Safety and Flood Risk Management (15 May)
    An overview of life-safety risk assessments and how they are incorporated into flood risk management studies, particularly in the dam and levee safety programs. The presentation describes tools and procedures for assessing safety risks and shows example results.

  • SMART Planning Charette Facilitation Webinar (21 February)

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