Newsletters, Headquarters strategies, budgets and other topics.
USACE Campaign Plan
This site has information about the USACE Campaign Plan, its goals and additional materials.
- Beneficial Uses of Dredged Material
USACE will implement up to 10 projects for the beneficial use of dredged material
pilot program.
Environmental Operating Principles
The Corps' Environmental Operating Principles provide corporate direction to ensure the workforce recognizes the Corps' role in, and responsibility for, sustainable use, stewardship, and restoration of natural resources across the Nation and, through the international reach of its support missions.
Revolutionize USACE Civil Works
USACE is taking bold actions to improve its performance and engineer solutions for the nation's toughest challenges through the Revolutionize USACE Civil Works initiative. Traditional delivery of the annual Civil Works program is being overhauled by using innovative tools, modernizing internal processes, and pursuing alternative financing approaches.
USACE Responses to Climate Change
Climate change has the potential to affect all of the missions of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. USACE is developing and implementing practical, nationally consistent, and cost-effective approaches and policies to reduce potential vulnerabilities to the Nation's water infrastructure resulting from climate change and variability.
Water Resources Development Acts & Implementation Guidance
The Water Resources Development Acts and other "WRDAs" (including 2014's Water Resources Reform and Development Act, WRRDA) are omnibus water bills which provide congressional authorization for Corps of Engineers projects across the nation. The first WRDA was passed in 1974. Prior to 1974, Congress authorized the Corps' flood damage reduction and navigation enhancement projects in the same bill but under different titles including "River and Harbor Acts" and "Flood Control Acts."