SMART PLANNING & Effective Stakeholder Collaboration
9 June 2015
Gigi Coulson (New Orleans District) and Joel Benegar (San Francisco District) provides updated recommendations on how to cost
effectively and efficiently incorporate vital public and stakeholder involvement into our diverse array of SMART planning projects.
There is no one-size-fits-all solution and we understand that without proper consideration of public involvement and stakeholder
collaboration, our projects can be left with significant risks and uncertainties during our formal public reviews. This webinar will
offer background about the challenge and importance of incorporating public involvement into our projects. It will also provide
suggestions and possible strategies on how we might use existing collaborative tools to implement public involvement strategies
and help your project avoid common pitfalls.
- PowerPoint Presentation
- Conflict Resolution & Public Participation Center of Expertise
- Conflict Resolution & Public Participation Center of Expertise SharePoint
Items are restricted to US Army Corps of Engineers, CAC required.