Inland Flood Risk Management Studies: Risk-Informed Business Line Introduction
16 August 2018
Mr. Nick Applegate, Economic and Risk Analysis Section Chief, Sacramento District; Mr.
Peter Blodgett, PE, Senior Hydraulic Engineer, Sacramento District; Ms. Sara Schultz,
Senior Water Resources Planner, Sacramento District; and Mr. Eric Thaut, Deputy
Director, FRM-PCX provided an overview of the Flood Risk Management business line.
The presenters discussed specific policies and guidance relevant to flood risk
management studies, as well as common challenges and risks in flood risk management.
The presentation addressed conducting iterations of risk informed planning in a flood risk
management feasibility study, including practical examples. This webinar was the second
in a series of seven business line webinars presented in the PCoP webinar series.
- PowerPoint Presentation
- View Video
- Question / Answer Summary
Items are restricted to US Army Corps of Engineers, CAC required.