Recent Environmental Streamlining and Risk-Informed Decision Making (One Federal Decision)
1 November 2018
Ms. Lauren Diaz (HQ OWPR), with the support of the other environmental reviewers
within the Office of Water Project Review (Mr. Mark Matusiak, Ms. Evie Haberer, Mr. Jeff
Trulick, and Ms. Julie Alcon), provided an overview of recent initiatives focused on timely
environmental compliance, including Executive Order 13807 on "One Federal Decision"
and Section 1005 of WRRDA 2014. The webinar tied these initiatives together in the
context of risk-informed decision making within the environmental discipline, so that
environmental compliance can be conducted in a timely manner and fully integrated into
a 3x3 compliant study.
- PowerPoint Presentation
- Planning Toolbox NEPA Collection
- Question / Answer Summary