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Training Resources - Planning Webinars

Flood Risk Management Planning Webinar 5 - Implementing Non-Structural Measures in HEC-FDA

25 July 2019

    This webinar provided insight into how nonstructural measures can be analyzed using the Corps-certified HEC-FDA model. The webinar was presented by Brian Maestri (National Nonstructural Committee member) and Britt Corley (Nonstructural Working Group member), both economists stationed in New Orleans District. The presentation covered the following topics: defining nonstructural measures, modeling nonstructural measures using the HEC-FDA model through use of modules to adjust the structure inventory, providing economic results for nonstructural plans using risk-based methods, incorporating sensitivity analyses for the participation rates of nonstructural plans, and using structure detail output information to evaluate increments of a nonstructural plan. This is the fifth in a series of webinars from the FRM Planning Center of Expertise (FRM-PCX) focused on helping PDTs with current and relevant challenges on their FRM Planning studies through tips, tools, and lessons learned.

  • PowerPoint Presentation
  • Video -
  • Question / Answer Summary

     Corps Castle Items are restricted to US Army Corps of Engineers, CAC required.