A SMART Planning Policy Waiver Case Study: When Corps Policy, the Endangered Species Act, and Marine Mammal Protection Act Conflict
11 June 2020
This webinar provided a look at the specific challenges that were overcome by the
vertical team in the Unalaska (Dutch Harbor) navigation study. The Alaska region has
unique considerations in related to building infrastructure, with no shortage of protected
wildlife that require extensive consultation under several environmental laws. The Dutch
Harbor study illustrates where the Endangered Species Act, Marine Mammal Protection
Act, and Corps planning policy requirements conflict, and how this conflict required the
exploration, development, and approval of a policy waiver by the project delivery team.
This presentation explored the weighing of risk to schedule, cost, and implementation
with USACE legal and policy obligations, and highlighted the coordination and
documentation required to support this specific risk-informed decision to defer
completion of ESA consultation to the pre-construction engineering and design phase.
The webinar was presented by Quana Higgins (NWD-POD Regional Integration Team);
Evie Haberer (Environmental Reviewer, Office of Water Project Review); Kate Bliss (POD
Regulatory and Environmental Program Manager); and Mike Salyer (Alaska District
Environmental Resources Section Chief).
- PowerPoint Presentation
- Question / Answer Summary