3x3x3 Exemption Lessons Learned, NWK Grand River Ecosystem Restoration Study
11 February 2021
This webinar provided an overview of how to utilize an exemption from the 3x3x3 process
to inform more complete and defendable planning decisions. Presented by Kaely Megaro
(Kansas City District), Scott Nicholson (Office of Water Project Review), and Jeremy
Weber (Northwestern Division), the presentation highlighted lessons learned from the
Grand River Ecosystem Restoration Study, with an emphasis on the value of scoping and
reaching vertical team alignment on an exemption early in the study process.
- PowerPoint Presentation
- Example 3x3x3 Exemption Package
This document is the compiled 3x3x3 exemption package for the NWK Grand River Ecosystem Restoration Study with all requirements and signed approvals.
- Video -
- Question / Answer Summary
Items are restricted to US Army Corps of Engineers, CAC required.