Planning Quick Takes: Timely Topics for Risk-Informed Planning Studies
15 July 2021
This webinar provided an overview of the recently-completed “Planning Quick Takes:
Timely Topics for Risk-Informed Planning Studies,” which was previously known as the
“Planning Mentor Handbook.” Planning Quick Takes is intended to be used by all project
delivery team members and not just Planning Mentors, and offers brief summaries on
many risk-informed planning topics. The webinar focused on three new topics added to
the document: Life Safety Assessment, Climate Change Assessment, and Incorporating
the Four P&G Accounts and was presented by Leigh Skaggs (Senior Planner, St. Paul
District), Karen Miller (Senior Planner, Huntington District), Kendall Zaborowski (Planning
Team Lead, Dam Safety Modification Mandatory Center of Expertise), Ariane Pinson
(Climate Specialist, Albuquerque District), Dena Abou-El-Seoud (Senior Economist, Great
Lakes & Ohio River Division), and Zack Hartley (Regional Economist, Chicago District).
- PowerPoint Presentation
- Question / Answer Summary
- Webinar - Planning Mentor Handbook - A Tool for Mentors (and Others) Assisting PDTs
- Video -
Items are restricted to US Army Corps of Engineers, CAC required.