Tips for USACE Interview Success
12 August 2021
This webinar presented tips for building a resume and delivering a strong interview for
USACE employees. Presenters Susan Layton (Acting Chief of Planning & Policy, South
Atlantic Division) and Rhiannon Kucharski (Chief of the Civil and Public Works Branch and
Legislative Liaison, Honolulu District) covered all aspects of the interview process,
including tips for a top-notch interview; what NOT to do during an interview; how to
prepare for various types of interviews; and tips for developing an effective resume.
Additional leadership perspectives were also provided by Joe Redican (Deputy Chief of
Planning & Policy, HQUSACE) and Wes Coleman (Chief, HQUSACE Office of Water Project
- PowerPoint Presentation
- Video -
- Question / Answer Summary
Items are restricted to US Army Corps of Engineers, CAC required.