Section 401 Water Quality Certification Update
31 March 2022
This webinar, originally presented on 11 March 2021, provided an overview of the new Section 401 Water Quality Certification Rule
and its requirements and was presented by Jamie Higgins (Environmental Policy Reviewer, HQUSACE Office of Water Project
Review). Districts must request a water quality certification from the appropriate certifying authority to ensure compliance of a
project with relevant water quality requirements. The presentation focused on changes to the Section 401 rule and how they
should be implemented in Planning and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documents based on this District requirement.
Please note that the 31 March 2022 webinar addressed EPA’s reversion to the 1971 rule due to a court ruling vacating the 2020
rule. However, that ruling has been overturned by the Supreme Court and the 2020 Rule is still in effect. Please stay tuned for
additional information as EPA engages in rulemaking to revise the 2020 401 Certification Rule. EPA plans to finalize the Rule in
the Spring of 2023.
Items below are restricted to US Army Corps of Engineers, CAC required.
- PowerPoint Presentation
- Question / Answer Summary