This webinar provided an overview of the Strategic Communications Plan for the Coastal Texas study – USACE’s largest Civil
Works study ever undertaken. In just under 6 years, the project delivery team produced a $29B recommended plan that promises
to deliver a resilient Texas coast using a combination of ecosystem restoration and coastal storm risk management features that
function as a system to reduce the risk of coastal storm damages to natural and man-made infrastructure and to restore
degraded coastal ecosystems. Focused on redundancy and robustness, the proposed system of improvements increases the
resiliency of the Texas coast and is adaptable to future conditions. To reach communities locked-down during the Covid crisis,
the team innovated strategic communications, deploying a combination of virtual technologies to engage the public and assure
transparency across the local, regional, and national landscape. Dr. Kelly Burks-Copes (PM, Galveston District) reviewed the
Strategic Communications Plan for the study and walked through the various tools and techniques utilized to assure public
outreach used both during the study phase and planned for the next phases of the project.