New Policy for Conducting Civil Works Planning Studies EC - Planning Guidance Notebook Update
23 March 2023
This webinar provided an overview of the pre-publication Policy for Conducting Civil Works Planning Studies
Engineer Circular (EC), which will replace the core chapters of the USACE Planning Guidance Notebook (Engineer
Regulation 1105-2-100). Presenter Amy Frantz (Headquarters Senior Policy Advisor) shared key updates to the guidance,
which incorporates 23 years of legislation, official policy memoranda, Planning Bulletins, and implementation guidance.
She also shared the timeframe for publication of the EC and of the business line evaluation procedures (currently Appendix
E in the Planning Guidance Notebook), which will be published as separate Engineer Pamphlets.
- Webinar slides, recording, FAQ, and EC copy on the PCoP Knowledge Management Portal
Items are restricted to US Army Corps of Engineers, CAC required.