Planning Fundamentals: Plan Formulation Strategies and Required Plans
14 September 2023
This webinar is part of the Planning Fundamental Series and offered an overview of plan formulation strategies and
required plans. Senior Economist Nick Applegate (HQUSACE Office of Water Project Review) and Regional Integration Team
(RIT) Planner Nate Richards (North Atlantic Division RIT) discussed the importance of critical thinking and the application of
strategies that fit the study area and mission for successful plan formulation. The presenters reviewed different methods
and examples for developing and executing effective plan formulation strategies, how the required alternatives in the new
Planning Engineer Regulation 1105-2-103 (Policy for Conducting Civil Works Planning Studies) should factor into plan
formulation, and common plan formulation problems to avoid.
- PowerPoint Presentation
- Video
- Q&A Summary
Items are restricted to US Army Corps of Engineers, CAC required.