An Introduction to the Net Emissions Analysis Tool (NEAT)
19 October 2023
This webinar provided an overview of the Net Emissions Analysis Tool (NEAT). Presenter Jason Emmons (Air Quality and
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Analysis Sub-CoP) discussed the quantification of gross and net greenhouse gases (GHG) with
their associated social costs, which should be included in National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documents per the
White House Council on Environmental Quality’s Interim NEPA Guidance on Consideration of Greenhouse Gas Emissions
and Climate Change. Despite the numerous models available for quantifying emissions, a model is needed that can quantify
and integrate air pollutant and GHG emissions from diverse emissions sources to compute the net effects relevant for
USACE projects. To this end, the NEAT model was developed to utilize output data from pre-existing air pollutant and GHG
emissions models while providing the capability to quantify GHG fluxes from Federal actions such as wetland restoration,
flood risk management, and vertical construction. NEAT leverages the benefits of pre-existing models, while innovating
new capabilities for quantifying emissions using an expandable tabular methodology that can accommodate additional
GHG sources and sinks as needed. NEAT combines results from these sources and sinks to calculate the net emissions for
air pollutants and GHG species and their corresponding social costs over a project lifetime. These calculations are essential
for project planners in USACE as they quantify net emissions for NEPA purposes.
- PowerPoint Presentation
- Video
- Q&A Summary
Items are restricted to US Army Corps of Engineers, CAC required.