Meet Your Navigation Planning Centers of Expertise
25 January 2024
This webinar provided an overview of the Navigation Planning Centers of Expertise (PCX) – Deep Draft, Inland, and Small
Boat Harbor. Presenters Russell Iwamura (Planning Chief, POD, SBH-PSCX), Erin Stockdale (Planning Chief, POA, SBH-
PSCX), Patrick PJ Donovan (Chief, PCXIN-RED), and Todd Nettles (Technical Director, DDNPCX) introduced their centers,
their staff, their roles and responsibilities related to USACE planning studies, and how they can assist teams. These PCXs
are integral to any navigation study, including various review, data management, and focused production tasks; they also
provide expertise and training.
- PowerPoint Presentation
- Video
Items are restricted to US Army Corps of Engineers, CAC required.