The Principles and Requirements for Federal Investments in Water Resources (or PR&G) are intended to provide a common framework for analyzing a diverse range of water resources projects, programs, activities, and related actions involving Federal investment as identified by the agencies in the context of their missions and authorities – including by USACE. The PR&G supersede the 1983 Economic and Environmental Principles and Guidelines for Water and Related Land Resources Implementation Studies.
Principles and Requirements for Federal Investments in Water Resources, March 2013
The Principles, Requirements and Guidelines for Federal Investments in Water Resources (PR&G) govern how Federal agencies evaluate proposed water resource development projects. Since 1983, the Principles and Guidelines for Water and Land Related Resources Implementation Studies (P&G) have provided direction to Federal agencies when evaluating and selecting major water projects, including projects related to navigation, storm resilience, wetland restoration, and flood prevention.
Final Interagency Guidelines, December 2014
The Principles, Requirements and Guidelines for Water and Land Related Resources Implementation Studies (PR&G) govern how Federal agencies evaluate proposed water resource development projects. Since 1983, the P&G have provided direction to Federal agencies when evaluating and selecting major water projects, including projects related to navigation, storm resilience, wetland restoration, and flood prevention. Each agency will update its procedures as needed to apply the new PR&G to their agency-specific missions.
Proposed Rule: Corps of Engineers Agency Specific Procedures to Implement the Principles, Requirements, and Guidelines for Federal Investments in Water Resources Federal Register Notice
The proposed Agency Specific Procedures provide a framework to govern how USACE would evaluate proposed water resource investments, including the maximization of net public benefits to include economic, environmental, and social benefits. The proposed rule has been published in the Federal Register to gather comments over a 60-day period. If a final rule is implemented, guidance will be issued about when the rule will take effect. The public comment period on this proposed rule opened on 15 February 2024 and closes on 15 April 2024.
Agency Specific Procedures: Key Information Point & Frequently Asked Questions
This document includes informational key points and an FAQ about the proposed rule for USACE Agency Specific Procedures (ASPs) to Implement the Principles, Requirements, and Guidelines for Federal Investments in Water Resources (PR&G). The key points address the role of the PR&G and other related documents, and how the proposed ASPs will change USACE planning processes and guidance. The FAQ provides answers to pertinent questions, such as defining the PR&G and APSs, how the ASPs interact with other regulations and guidance, and why a rulemaking is being pursued.
Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works) Procedures to Evaluate Water Resource Investments webpage
In February 2024, the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works) announced the proposed rule establishing Agency Specific Procedures for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers implementation of the Principles, Requirements and Guidelines for water resources investments. This webpage includes links, the slide decks, and recordings of three public virtual meetings, as well as links for the public to submit comments on the proposed rule.
- Predecessor Documents
Economic and Environmental Guidelines for Water and Related Land Resources Implementation Studies, 1983
These guidelines have been developed to guide the formulation and evaluation studies of the major Federal water resources development agencies in accordance with Section 103 of the Water Resources Planning Act, as amended (42 U.S.C. 1962a-2)
Green Book - Report to the Federal Inter-Agency River Basin Committee: Proposed Practices for Economic Analysis of River Basin Projects (1950)
This document is the predecessor to the Principles and Guidelines. It is commonly referred to as the "Green Book." The Subcommittee of Benefits and Costs wrote this document.
Green Book - Report to the Inter-Agency Committee on Water Resources: Proposed Practices for Economic Analysis of River Basin Projects (1958)
This document is the predecessor to the Principles and Guidelines. It is commonly referred to as the "Green Book." The Subcommittee of Evaluation Standards wrote this document.
Senate Document 97: Policies, Standards, and Procedures in the Formulation, Evaluation, and Review of Plans for Use and Development of Water and Related Land Resources (1964)
This includes the 1964 Supplement No. 1 to the 1962 publication on Evaluation Standards for Primary Recreation Benefits. This document was released on June 4, 1964 and was a Predecessor to the Principles and Guidelines.
Establishment of Principles and Standards for Planning, Part III (1973)
This document was published in the Federal Register, Volume 38, Number 74 on September 10, 1973. It is a predecessor to the Principles and Guidelines.
U.S. Bureau of the Budget Circular A-47: Reports and budget estimates relating to Federal programs and projects for conservation, development, or use of water and related land resources
The U.S. Bureau of the Budget Circular A-47 was issued in 1952 and revised the standards and procedures used for reviewing federal water resources development projects to be more focused on economic analysis and the maximization of net economic returns. Circular A-47 imposed strict economic criteria on water projects, generally requiring that economic benefits exceed economic costs. The Bureau of the Budget was the predecessor to the Office of Management and Budget.