This page contains the core Civil Works Planning Guidance required by USACE Planning professionals. This guidance provides the overall direction by which the Corps of Engineers civil works projects are formulated, evaluated, and selected for overall implementation and includes the Engineer Regulation and Engineer Pamphlets that have superseded Engineer Regulation 1105-2-100, the Planning Guidance Notebook.
- Engineer Regulation 1105-2-103: Policy for Conducting Civil Works Planning Studies
This regulation provides overall direction by which USACE formulates, evaluates, and recommends projects for implementation and other actions to address water resources problems through the Army Civil Works program. The planning process must address the Nation's water resources needs in a systems context and seek to identify innovative alternatives for application across the full range of the USACE programs and authorities. In parallel with the development of these important planning concepts, this regulation is also intended to be useful for those outside of the USACE (or non-federal partners) authorized to develop water resources projects (Title 33, Section 2231 of U.S. Code (33 USC 2231)). ER 1105-2-1103 supersedes ER 1105-2-100, Chapters 1, 2, and 3, dated 22 April 2000.
- Engineer Regulation 1105-2-100: Planning Guidance Notebook
The Planning Guidance Notebook provides the overall direction by which the Corps of Engineers civil works projects are formulated, evaluated, and selected for overall implementation. ER 1105-2-100, the Planning Guidance Notebook will be superseded by several different pieces of new guidance. This December 2023 version of the ER contains the elements of the Planning Guidance Notebook that are still in effect (Chapter 4 and Appendices C, D, E and G).
- Current Planning Guidance Notebook to Future Planning Policies & Procedures Crosswalk
This graphic provides an overview of how current Planning Guidance Notebook chapter and appendices will transition into new Planning Policies & Procedures publications.
- Frequently Asked Questions: Engineer Regulation 1105-2-103: Policy for Conducting Civil Works Planning Studies
This document contains FAQs about the update of Planning Guidance Notebook, including what the new Engineer Regulation 1105-2-103: Policy for Conducting Civil Works Planning Studies and multiple Engineer Pamphlets that have and will supersede the appendices of the Planning Guidance Notebook do and do not change about the existing USACE Planning process.
- Appendix A, References
This appendix provides the references for Engineer Regulation 1105-2-100: Planning Guidance Notebook
- EP 1105-2-57: Planning Stakeholder Engagement, Collaboration and Coordination (formerly Appendix B of the PGN)
This pamphlet explains the benefits of, and requirements for, stakeholder engagement, collaboration, and coordination in Civil Works planning studies. These activities are critical to study success because they may foster trust and credibility between USACE and the communities we serve; increase collective understanding of problems; reduce controversy and litigation risks; and improve the quality and execution of our decisions. Note: This EP replaces the existing Appendix B of the Planning Guidance Notebook.
- Appendix C, Environmental Evaluation and Compliance
This appendix addresses the integration of environmental evaluation and compliance requirements, pursuant to national environmental statutes, applicable executive orders, and other Federal planning requirements, into the planning of Civil Works water and related land resources comprehensive plans and implementation projects. This guidance is applicable to all Civil Works water resources planning studies, including Feasibility studies conducted under the General Investigation business line, those studies conducted under the Continuing Authorities Program (CAP), and studies that require a decision document that are conducted during PED, construction, or operations, such as post authorization change reports. Please note: this is the pre-publication version of the document and will be updated once final approval is received.
- Appendix D - Economic and Social Considerations
This appendix covers economic and social considerations not addressed elsewhere in the Planning Guidance Notebook. Guidance for estimating NED benefits is provided in Appendix E, Civil Works Missions and Evaluation Procedures, where the evaluation procedure for each project type is presented in its mission context. Some aspects of economic evaluation, and of planning generally, are common to every mission; those aspects are covered in this appendix. Please note: this is the pre-publication version of the document and will be updated once final approval is received.
- Appendix E, Civil Works Mission and Evaluation Procedures
This appendix provides policy and planning guidance for project purposes of navigation, flood damage reduction, hurricane and storm damage reduction (shore protection), ecosystem restoration, hydroelectric power, recreation, water supply and multiple purpose projects.
- EP 1105-2-58: Continuing Authorities Program (formerly Appendix F of the PGN)
This appendix provides the policy and procedural guidance for planning, design, and implementation of projects pursued under the legislative and administrative provisions of the Continuing Authorities Program (CAP). Note: This EP replaces the existing Appendix F of the Planning Guidance Notebook.
- Appendix G - Amendment #1, Planning Reports and Programs
This appendix provides guidance and procedures for the management and conduct of planning studies, activities, and programs.
- Engineer Pamphlet 1105-2-61: Feasibility And Post-Authorization Study Procedures And Report Processing Requirements (formerly Appendix H of the PGN)
This Engineer Pamphlet outlines the development of feasibility and post-authorization reports, report processing requirements, and the decisions and processes associated with feasibility studies and their milestones. Note: This EP replaces Appendix H of the Planning Guidance Notebook and supersedes several Planning Bulletins and other memorandums. See paragraph 1-6 for details.
- Principles and Guidelines
The Principles and Requirements for Federal Investments in Water Resources (or PR&G) are intended to provide a common framework for analyzing a diverse range of water resources projects, programs, activities, and related actions involving Federal investment as identified by the agencies in the context of their missions and authorities including by USACE. The PR&G supersede the 1983 Economic and Environmental Principles and Guidelines for Water and Related Land Resources Implementation Studies.
- Planning Fundamentals: Future without Project Condition, Inventory & Forecast, and Evidence Gathering (31 August)
- This webinar is part of the Planning Fundamental Series and offered an overview of Future Without Project Condition,
Inventory and Forecast, and Evidence Gathering, which are critical planning tasks both in the early stages of any USACE
planning investigation and throughout the investigation. Senior Planners Leigh Skaggs (St. Paul District) and Monique
Savage (HQUSACE) explained how the Future Without Project Condition is the single most important planning scenario to
establish, as it helps guide plan formulation as well as provides the baseline against which all alternative plans are
evaluated. The presentation also addressed the data needed to inventory and forecast physical, environmental, economic,
and social conditions, and how the level of detail necessary to make decisions varies throughout the risk-informed planning
- Planning Fundamentals: The Four P&G Criteria (17 August)
- This webinar is part of the Planning Fundamental Series and offered an overview of the four Principles & Guidelines criteria of
Completeness, Effectiveness, Efficiency, and Acceptability and how to apply them. Presenter Patrick O’Donnell (Water Resources
Planner, HQUSACE Office of Water Project Review) discussed the application of these criteria in feasibility reports and similar
decision documents. The presentation aimed to improve understanding and application of the four criteria, which are fundamental
to plan formulation.
- Planning Fundamentals: The "POOCs" (Problems, Opportunities, Objectives, and Constraints) (3 August)
- This webinar is part of the Planning Fundamental Series and offered an introduction to the "POOCs" - the problems,
opportunities, objectives, and constraints - that are the foundation of any USACE planning investigation. Presenter Leigh
Skaggs (PCoP Senior Planner) explained how the POOCs fit into the scoping task of the 6-step planning process, as well as
defined each concept and provided examples from several USACE studies. This webinar serves as both a primer to new
planners just learning about how to conduct USACE planning studies, as well as a refresher for those who have more
experience but could benefit from reminders about how to use the POOCs appropriately.
- Evolution of USACE Planning Policy and Guidance (20 April)
- This webinar provided an overview of the evolution of USACE policy on formulation of water resources projects. Presenter Amy
Frantz (HQUSACE Senior Policy Advisor) discussed the evolution of Planning policy along with insights into how policy is
developed, updated, and maintained. First presented as a PCoP Webinar in 2022, Ms. Frantz repeated this webinar in May 2023.
Planning Guidance Notebook (Engineer Regulation 1105-2-100). Presenter Amy Frantz (HQUSACE Senior Policy Advisor)
discussed the evolution of Planning policy along with insights into how policy is developed, updated, and maintained.
- New Policy for Conducting Civil Works Planning Studies EC - Planning Guidance Notebook Update (23 March)
- This webinar provided an overview of the pre-publication Policy for Conducting Civil Works Planning Studies
Engineer Circular (EC), which will replace the core chapters of the USACE Planning Guidance Notebook (Engineer
Regulation 1105-2-100). Presenter Amy Frantz (Headquarters Senior Policy Advisor) shared key updates to the guidance,
which incorporates 23 years of legislation, official policy memoranda, Planning Bulletins, and implementation guidance.
She also shared the timeframe for publication of the EC and of the business line evaluation procedures (currently Appendix
E in the Planning Guidance Notebook), which will be published as separate Engineer Pamphlets.
- 2022 PCoP Virtual Summer Series - Session #1 - Readiness: What’s New on the Planning Horizon? (14 July)
- The focus of the kickoff session of the 2022 PCoP Virtual Summer Series was trends in planning policy, Water Resources
Development Act implementation guidance and other relevant guidance. The discussion informed planners on what to
expect next in the planning and policy world and topics included scoping and the Vertical Team Alignment Memo (VTAM),
evaluating and documenting benefits across accounts, conducting mega studies, and policy and guidance updates.
Speakers included Mr. Al Lee (Director of Civil Works), Joe Redican (Deputy Chief, Headquarters Planning & Policy), Jason
Norris (Headquarters Office of Water Project Review), Brian Harper and Saji Varghese (Southwestern Division/Regional
Planning and Environment Center), and Amy Frantz (Headquarters Senior Policy Advisor).
- Social Vulnerability: Overview and Analysis (3 November)
- Ms. Susan Durden and Dr. Seth Cohen, both with the Institute for Water Resources, provided a review of the "Other Social
Effects" account and described socially vulnerable populations and factors that make them vulnerable during an flood or storm
event. Dr. Cohen provided an overview of the IWR primer on social vulnerability entitled "Identification and Engagement of
Socially Vulnerable Populations in the USACE Decision Making Process." Ms. Durden shared information on the Social
Vulnerability Index Explorer (SOVI-X), a tool that performs social vulnerability analyses of populations at risk under with and
without project conditions.