DOD Army Engineering & Construction Bulletins Federal gateway with links to current Engineering and Construction Bulletins (ECBs). Some of these ECBs will apply to analyses during planning activities.
Engineer Technical Letters HQUSACE Publications links to current Engineer Technical Letters. Some of these ETLs will apply to analyses during planning activities.
Engineering and Construction Bulletin 2023-09: Civil Works Design Milestone Checklists The purpose of this Engineering and Construction Bulletin is to provide Project Delivery Teams with a list of submittal requirements by design milestone to identify design issues early enough to allow for mitigation or resolution. This ECB serves as a roadmap and a best practice and is not a comprehensive list of requirements. The items in this checklist have been associated with quality issues that impact project schedule and increase project costs. This ECB is intended to be complementary to ER 1165-2-217 and provide a clear set of expectations for both designers and reviewers.
Engineering and Construction Bulletin 2023-4: Engaging Centers Of Expertise In Project Delivery Teams And New Website Project Managers and Technical Leads must engage and utilize CXs as detailed and described in ER 1110-1-8158. There are Mandatory Centers of Expertise (MCXs), Technical Centers of Expertise (TCXs) and Centers of Standardization (COS) defined in ER 1110-1-8158. All Major Subordinate Commands and District Commands must coordinate with and use the expertise and services of the applicable MCXs to satisfactorily accomplish their mission. Consultation with applicable Technical Centers of Expertise (TCX) is recommended and must be considered for all projects. Project Managers and Technical Leads must engage all relevant CXs in project execution as early in the project schedule as possible.
Engineering and Construction Bulletin 2019-13: Methods For Storage/Yield Analysis This Engineering and Construction Bulletin (ECB) outlines concepts, goals and provides interim guidance for the engineering and construction components associated with planning studies under the Director's Policy Memorandum CW 2018-05 issued in May 2018, Improving Efficiency and Effectiveness in USACE Civil Works Project Delivery (Planning Phase and Planning Activities). A maxim of execution is that expedience is not to be prioritized over sound engineering judgment. The concepts in this ECB can also be applied, as appropriate, to other risk-informed efforts.
Engineering and Construction Bulletin 2019-15: Interim Approach For Risk-Informed Designs For Dam And Levee Projects This Engineering and Construction Bulleting (ECB) provides interim guidance for incorporation of risk-informed design into on-going and future projects across all phases of work, including those in the FY18 Disaster Relief Supplemental Appropriations, for dam and levee projects. Project outputs during the study phase help guide design of projects, and as this ECB points out, risk-informed design changes need to be evaluated to determine if the changes stay within the Chief of Engineers' discretionary authority or require re-evaluation. Planners often support engineering and design teams in making this determination. Note: This ECB compliments Planning Bulleting 2019-04: Incorporating Life Safety into Flood and Coastal Storm Risk Management Studies.
Engineering and Construction Bulletin 2019-8: Managed Overtopping Of Levee Systems This Engineering and Construction Bulletin (ECB) provides an interim update to expired ECB 2017-15, Managed Overtopping Of Levee Systems and technical guidance Engineer Technical Letter (ETL) 1110-2-299, Overtopping of Flood Control Levees and Floodwalls, and provides a methodology for configuring the engineered capacity exceedance related to flood overtopping at a specific location or locations along the levee system. This guidance does not address overtopping of the entire system on those occasions when the overall system capacity is exceeded. Content of this ECB supersedes previous guidance on the subject of overtopping of levee systems and will be incorporated into an Engineer Manual (EM) in the future.
Engineering and Construction Bulleting 2019-11: Transition Guidance For Levee System Evaluations For The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) This Engineering and Construction Bulletin (ECB) directs that USACE cease using EC 1110-2-6067, USACE Process for the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Levee System Evaluation for all new levee evaluations for NFIP mapping purposes initiated after the date of issuance, and begin using the process set forth in Appendix B of this ECB or successor guidance. As USACE and FEMA move to risk-informed levee evaluation processes, this ECB provides guidance explaining how to transition USACE Levee System Evaluation Reports (LSERs) from the process set forth in EC 1110-2-6067 to USACE accreditation recommendations using risk assessments as outlined in Appendix B.
Engineering and Construction Bulletin 2018-14: Guidance for Incorporating Climate Change Impacts to Inland Hydrology in Civil Works Studies, Designs, and Projects This Engineering and Construction Bulletin (ECB) reissues and updates the policy in ECB 2016-25, Guidance for Incorporating Climate Change Impacts to Inland Hydrology in Civil Works Studies, Designs, and Projects. This ECB applies to all hydrologic analyses supporting planning and engineering decisions having an extended decision time frame (i.e., not for short-term water management decisions). It provides guidance for incorporating climate change information in hydrologic analyses in accordance with the USACE overarching climate preparedness and resilience policy and ER 1105-2-101. This policy requires consideration of climate change in all current and future studies to reduce vulnerabilities and enhance the resilience of communities. Hence, consideration of climate change should occur early enough in the SMART planning process to inform plan formulation, evaluation, and selection of the tentatively selected plan.
Engineering and Construction Bulletin 2018-15: Technical Lead for E&C Deliverables This directive continues the requirements set forth in EC 1165-2-217, Review Policy for Civil Works, 28 February 2018, which are currently being written into permanent USACE policy. This policy applies to all E&C deliverables executed by, or through, USACE labs, centers and districts for all stakeholders.
Engineering and Construction Bulletin 2018-3: Using Non-NOAA Tide Gauge Record for Computing Relative Sea Level Change This ECB outlines concepts and goals, provides guidance, and introduces a tool for estimating relative sea level change (RSLC) using long-term tide gauge records other than National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Water Level Observation Network (NWLON) tide gauges. Examples of long-term non-NOAA tide gauges are those operated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) or the US Geological Survey (USGS) within the coastal zone. This bulletin is expired and has been cancelled/archived.
Engineering and Construction Bulletin 2017-15: Managed Overtopping of Levee Systems The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) will use this directive and guidance for commands responsible for planning, design, construction, and operation and maintenance of civil works projects. The procedures are general in nature and can be applied to any phase of study, as directed by Engineer Regulation (ER) 1110-2-1150. The level of detail in the overtopping analysis will depend on the study phase. This document is applicable for all USACE riverine levee and floodwall systems. This Engineering and Construction Bulletin (ECB) provides an interim update to expired technical guidance Engineer Technical Letter (ETL) 1110-2-299 and provides a methodology for configuring the engineered capacity exceedance related to flood overtopping at a specific location or locations along the levee system. This guidance does not address overtopping of the entire system on those occasions when the overall system capacity is exceeded. This ECB has expired and was updated by ECB 2019-8.
Engineering and Construction Bulletin 2017-18: Standardization of Navigation Structures and Components This bulletin identifies responsibilities for the standardization of design, repair, and inspection of navigation facilities including lock structures, gates, bulkheads, power and controls, mechanical operating equipment, and other features within the footprint of a navigation dam. HQUSACE has an enterprise goal of standardizing navigation components in order to lower life cycle costs and improve maintainability. This mission has been assigned to the Inland Navigation Design Center (INDC).
Engineering and Construction Bulletin 2016-9: Civil Works Review This ECB provides interim Civil Works review policy. ECB 2016-9, PB 2016-02, and EC 1165-2-214 have all been superseded by EC 1165-2-217, which has since been superseded by ER 1165-2-217, Civil Works Review Policy.
Engineering and Construction Bulletin 2012-18: Engineering Within the Planning Modernization Paradigm This ECB outlines concepts and goals, defines a philosophy, and provides interim guidance for engineering efforts associated with feasibility studies under the SMART Planning Paradigm introduced in January 2011, and the 3x3x3 rule introduced in February 2012. Although expired, this ECB continues to apply until superseded.