Lessons Learned
Incorporating Sea Level Change in Civil Works Programs
This white paper provides best practices for teams working to incorporate seal level change in feasibility studies based on Engineer Regulation 1100-2-8162, Incorporating Sea Level Change in Civil Works Programs.
Scoping Guide Companion
This PowerPoint deck was developed as a companion to the 2023 Scoping Guide for Civil Works Planning Studies, and includes examples of best practices for collaboration during initial scoping, which is critical for a study's success during this fast-paced timeframe when the foundation of the study is being developed.
Scoping Guide for Civil Works Planning Studies
This guide highlights some of the key procedures, processes, and guidance that a study team should use during the initial scoping phase of a study, which is generally the first 90 to 120 days from the execution of the Feasibility Cost Share Agreement (FCSA). It especially highlights best practices for collaboration during initial scoping, which is critical for a study's success during this fast-paced timeframe when the foundation of the study is being developed. It also outlines best practices for confirming, refining, and adjusting the scope throughout the study. The guide does not discuss the process required in law for National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) scoping.
Quick Reference to Climate Considerations
This quick reference guidance addressed three relevant climate factors to achieve expedient climate risk-informed decision-making: datums, sea level change, and climate-impacted hydrology. This quick reference synthesizes but does not supplant or replace existing policy and guidance.
Information Paper: Plan Formulation Strategies
Using strategies to guide and organize the formulation of alternative plans is a sound method of conducting key parts of a civil works planning study. Strategies can be employed to help group or combine measures, define alternatives, identify different ways to solve problems, and provide a logical, transparent process to more quickly develop an initial array of distinctly different alternatives.
Plan Formulation Strategies for Ecosystem Restoration
This presentation was developed by members of our Plan Formulation sub-CoP to provide a stand-alone set of slides and accompanying notes that can help an individual or a group learn the basic concepts of plan formulation strategies, as well as their utility. The presentation answers such questions as, What are plan formulation strategies? How do they fit into the Corps' planning process? How are they useful? Why are they important? Where do they come from? What are some examples of strategies for ecosystem restoration projects?
A District's Perspective on Civil Works Review Boards: Tips for Success and Lessons Learned
This webinar provided perspectives from the Portland District on CWRB Tips for Success & Lessons Learned.
Cherry Creek Dam Safety Modification Study
This webinar provided an overview of lessons learned from the Cherry Creek Dam Safety Modification Study.
Initial Plan Formulation Strategies
Mr. Leigh Skaggs, HQ Office of Water Project Review, presented this webinar focusing on Planning Step #3 of the six-step planning process Formulation of Alternative Plans, and specifically, developing initial plan formulation strategies. Leigh discussed tools and helpful tips for this step, engaging the audience with polls, feedback via chat, etc
IWR-APT: Assistance for Planning Teams
This webinar provided an overview of IWR-APT: Assistance for Planning Teams.
Lessons Learned and Best Practices: Recent Experiences with Cost Effectiveness and Incremental Cost Analyses (CE/ICA) for Ecosystem Restoration Projects
Recent reviews of Civil Works ecosystem restoration feasibility studies by planning and policy reviewers at HQUSACE have uncovered several recurring policy and technical issues. This article highlights lessons learned from these reviews and suggested best practices to help address them.
Plan Formulation Strategies for Ecosystem Restoration Projects
This webinar provided an overview of plan formulation strategies for Ecosystem Restoration projects.
SMART Planning & USACE Feasibility Studies: Guide to Coordination and Engagement with the Services
This webinar provided an overview of the SMART Planning & USACE Feasibility Studies: Guide to Coordination and Engagement with the Services document.
Southwest Coastal Louisiana NED/NER Multi-Purpose Study: Lessons Learned
This webinar provided an overview of the Southwest Coastal Louisiana NED/NER Multi-Purpose Study and the lessons learned.CWRBs and SMART Planning - Lessons Learned and Looking ahead webinar presented by Wes Coleman (OWPR).
CWRBs and SMART Planning
CWRBs and SMART Planning - Lessons Learned and Looking ahead webinar presented by Wes Coleman (OWPR).
How to Effectively Write and Respond to Review Comments
How to Effectively Write and Respond to Review Comments webinar presented by Camie Knollenberg (RPED-N) and Eric Thaut (FRM-PCX).
Implementing Single Phase Feasibility Studies: Getting to the Alternatives Milestone
Implementing Single Phase Feasibility Studies: Getting to the Alternatives Milestone webinar presented by Brian Harper (IWR).
Regional Coordination with Natural Resource Agencies: Tips & Lessons Learned
Regional Coordination with Natural Resource Agencies: Tips & Lessons Learned webinar presented by David Bauman (SAD).
Dam Safety & Planning: Examples of Collaboration and Lessons Learned
Dam Safety & Planning: Examples of Collaboration and Lessons Learned webinar presented by Eric Halpin, Maria Wegner-Johnson, Marci Jackson, and David Serafini.
Lessons Learned Post Final Feasibility Report
Lessons Learned Post Final Feasibility Report webinar presented by Wes Coleman (OWPR).
Strategies for Scoping 3x3x3 Studies
Strategies for Scoping 3x3x3 Studies Webinar presented by Brian Harper, Valerie Ringold, and Peter Blodgett.
Sutter Basin: A Lessons Learned Webinar
Sutter Basin: Sutter and Butte Counties, California, Sutter Basin Pilot Feasibility Study lessons learned webinar presented by Miki Fujitsubo, Nick Applegate, Peter Blodgett, and Laura Whitney.
Documenting Decisions: Tips, Tools, Techniques and Lessons Learned in Report Writing
This recorded webinar included tips from the field on technical story telling: How are those in the field writing integrated feasibility study and environmental compliance documents that are both technically complete and readable? Jacksonville and Little Rock Districts shared recent experiences and lessons learned as they prepared and released draft reports for public - and concurrent internal - review.
One-Corps Feasibility Studies: Lessons Learned in Roles and Collaboration in Executing Feasibility Studies
One-Corps Feasibility Studies: Lessons Learned in Roles and Collaboration in Executing Feasibility Studies webinar presented by Bob Banks and Sue Hughes.
Cedar River-Cedar Rapids, Iowa Flood Risk Management Feasibility Study "Lessons Learned"
Cedar River - Cedar Rapids, Iowa Flood Risk Management Feasibility Study lessons learned webinar by Christopher Haring (MVR).
Executive Summary: Lesson Learned from the California Drought 1987-1992
A PDF of the Executive Summary of Lessons Learned from the California Drought (1987-1992). This report is one in a series of reports under the aegis of the National Study of Water Management During Drought.
Lessons Learned from the California Drought - The National Study of Water Management During Drought
PDF of the Lessons Learned from the California Drought (1987-1992) Report done as a paper of the National Study of Water Management During Drought Reports.