Planning Bulletins
Planning Bulletin 2019-02: Incorporation of External Reports in to Studies and Decision Documents
The purpose of this Planning Bulleting is to provide guidance on the use of data, information, and reports produced by groups outside of USACE (including project partners, other federal, state, and local governments, academia, and non-governmental organization) in studies and decision documents. This guidance is intended to reinforce the existing approach of considering benefits, costs, and impacts across the four accounts (national economic development (NED), regional economic development (RED), environmental quality, and other social effects (OSE)) to inform decision-makers throughout the government, non-governmental organizations, and the public.
Planning Bulletin 2019-03: Further Clarification of Existing Policy for USACE Participation in Nonstructural Flood Risk Management and Coastal Storm Risk Management Measures
The purpose of this planning bulletin is to provide further clarification on policy with respect to evaluation of nonstructural measures. This bulletin supplements Planning Bulletin 2016-01, Clarification of Existing Policy for USACE Participation in Nonstructural Flood Risk Management and Coastal Storm Risk, which is still in effect.
Planning Bulletin 2019-04: Incorporating Life Safety into Flood and Coastal Storm Risk Management Studies
This Planning Bulletin provides information on the use of life safety in the planning process. Risks to human life are a fundamental component of all facets of flood and coastal storm risk management and must receive explicit consideration throughout the planning process. The bulletin augments, but does not supersede, the procedures in Engineer Regulation 1105-2-100, Planning Guidance Notebook and Engineer Regulation 1105-2-101, Risk Assessment for Flood Risk Management Studies. This document applies to all flood and coastal storm risk management feasibility studies, including those conducted under the Continuing Authorities Program and studies conducted by non-federal interests under Section 203 of WRDA 1986, as amended. Note: the POC for the Dam and Levee Senior Oversight Groups is Brad Arcement, MVK.
Planning Bulletin 2016-01:Clarification of Existing Policy for USACE Participation in Nonstructural Flood Risk Management and Coastal Storm Damage Reduction Measures
This bulletin clarifies existing nonstructural policy for flood risk management and coastal storm damage reduction studies. Please note, this bulletin does not add new plan formulation or evaluation requirements to those already in policy and guidance. The bulletin includes definitions for nonstructural measures, hazards, exposure and vulnerability each intended to help further clarify the existing definition of "nonstructural" in the Planning Guidance Notebook, as well as special considerations for nonstructural measures and plans.
Planning Bulletin 2014-02: SMART Planning in the Reconnaissance Phase
This bulletin provides updated guidance on the format and content of the Reconnaissance Report and implementation guidance for reconnaissance studies reflecting the incorporation of risk-based decision making principles. This guidance is only applicable to FY14 new start reconnaissance studies. The Planning Bulletin also includes a Section 905(b) Analysis Template for reconnaissance studies that began before 10 June 2014.
Planning Bulletin 2013-01: Dam Safety Considerations for Water Supply Storage Allocation and Reallocation Studies
This bulletin supplements the requirements of the Planning Guidance Notebook regarding the consideration of dam safety during water supply storage allocation and reallocation studies.
Planning Bulletin 2013-02: Assessing Quality of Planning Models (EC 1105-2-412)
Guidance for assuring the quality of Planning models contained in EC 1105-2-412 (expiration March 31, 2013) remains in effect per this Planning Bulletin until permanent Planning models guidance is issued as an Engineering Regulation.
Planning Bulletin 2012-01: Planning and Policy Bulletins Template
Information regarding the introduction of Planning Bulletins as a means of providing timely guidance and information to USACE Planners. This bulletin also provides information on the structure and applicability of future bulletins.