In some cases, an expired Engineer Circular (EC) may be the most relevant guidance to reference; expired ECs can be found on the "Archive of Policy" page.
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Engineer Circulars (ECs)
Engineer Circular 1100-1-113: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Guidance for Incorporating Study-Specific Projections of Climate-Changed Meteorology and Hydrology
This document provides best practices for in-depth analysis of projected future hydroclimatology. It aims to (1) increase accessibility to and the appropriate use of climate change information relevant to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Civil Works projects, programs, missions, and operations and (2) support the use of that information to inform the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Civil Works planning process.
Engineer Circular 1165-2-218
This circular establishes the policies for implementing the USACE Levee Safety Program, and describes USACE activities, roles, and responsibilities for federally authorized levees. This document also describes activities that sponsors are required to conduct or participate in consistent with their project agreements.
Engineer Circular 70-2-38: Civil Works Research, Development, and Technology Process
This circular provides the process for managing Civil Works Research, Development, and Technology (CW RD&T) according to the USACE Technology Innovation Strategy. It describes the basic CW RD&T structure, process, and its phases, the process schedule, and execution responsibilities, as well as how the generation of CW RD&T needs and requirements will align with the annual Civil Works (CW) budget process. This circular also provides a process for transitioning new and approved technologies across the enterprise.
Engineer Circular 1110-2-6074: Guidance for Emergency Action Plans, Incident Management and Reporting, and Inundation Maps for Dams and Levee Systems
The purpose of this circular is to expand and tailor current federal guidelines for dam emergency action planning and other available resources for implementation within the USACE Dam and Levee Safety Programs. Because there are no federal guidelines for emergency action planning for levee systems, USACE has chosen to apply the same approaches for dam emergency action planning to levee systems. This document establishes the requirements for consistent application of certain key Emergency Action Plan (EAP) features for USACE operated/maintained dams or levee systems. This document also serves as an advisory document for use by other project owners/operators and provides policy for the use and dissemination of inundation map data.
Engineer Circular 1165-2-220: Policy And Procedural Guidance For Processing Requests To Alter US Army Corps Of Engineers Civil Works Projects Pursuant to 33 USC 408
The purpose of this Engineer Circular is to provide policy and procedural guidance for processing requests by private, public, tribal, or other federal entities to make alterations to, or temporarily or permanently occupy or use, any USACE federally authorized Civil Works project under 33 USC 408 (Section 408). Proposed alterations must not be injurious to the public interest or impair the usefulness of the USACE project. In November 2023, a memorandum from the USACE Director of Civil Works directed USACE to continue applying the EC until the Section 408 policy is published in the Code of Federal Regulations.
Engineer Circular 5-2-01: Execution of Change Control Boards
This circular provides guidance for Major Subordinate Commands (MSC)
and Districts in the use and conduct of Change Control Boards (CCB) to formalize
changes to projects, ensure leadership visibility, and adherence to the USACE change
management processes. This document describes the CCB responsibilities,
membership, roles, activities, and processes that will be followed for conducting CCBs
at MSCs and Districts.
Engineer Circular 1105-2-412: Assuring Quality of Planning Models
This circular establishes the process and the requirements for assuring the quality of planning models. Per Planning Bulletin 2013-02 (March 2013), EC 1105-2-412 remains in effect until permanent planning model guidance is issued. The Assuring Quality of Planning Models: EC 1105-2-412 Rollout Webinar provides an overview of the EC. Note: This EC has since been modified by the Modification of the Model Certification Process and Model Approval for Use (4 December 2017) and Delegation of Model Certification (11 May 2018) memos from the Director of Civil Works.
Engineer Circular 1110-2-6070: Comprehensive Evaluation of Project Datum (Expiration: unlisted)
This circular provides guidance for a comprehensive evaluation of vertical datum on flood control, shore protection, hurricane protection, and navigation projects.