Risk 101 - Common Understanding of Enterprise Risk Management and Risk Informed Decision Making in Planning
1 August 2018
This webinar aims to develop a high-level common understanding of the goals of implementing an Enterprise Risk Management
System at the Corps of Engineers, and specifically about applying to risk management to planning activities to improve project
delivery. The presentation covers how the Planning Community of Practice is applying recent direction from the Director of Civil
Works to operationalize risk in delivering an effective and efficient Civil Works Planning Program. The presentation reinforces that
the tenets of enterprise risk management have are a cornerstone of SMART Planning (the "R" in SMART is "Risk-Informed").
Together with the presentations "Risk Informed Planning Tools for Project Delivery Teams" and "Implementing Risk Informed
Decision Making in Planning", this series describes how the Corps of Engineers is operationalizing risk- informed decision making
in planning project delivery. This webinar was presented to the DPMs in a joint PPM CoP and PCoP Webinar.
- PowerPoint Presentation
- Risk-Informed Decision Making and Planning Support Tools
- Risk Informed Planning Tools for Project Delivery Teams Webinar
- Implementing Risk Informed Decision Making in Planning Webinar