Civilian Human Resources Training Application System - CES Course Registration
CHRTAS is an automated management system that allows users to develop and record completed training, apply for Civilian Human Resource, and apply for Civilian Education (CES) courses.
Army Regulation 690-950: Civilian Personnel Career Management
This regulation provides policy governing Army civilian career programs. It is the Army's merit promotion regulation for career program positions.
Civil Works Planner Capability: Task Force Report (Training and Development)
The Planning Capability Task Force produced a report on Planner Training and Development with 14 recommendations to the HQ Chief of Planning and Policy. The Report laid the groundwork for the establishment of the PROSPECT Planners Core Curriculum, the Planning Community Toolbox, and other core elements of USACE Planner training.
Human Resources Training Center, Career Advancement, and Career Program Opportunitie
USACE Human Resources site containing training, career, and leadership opportunities
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Civil Works Planning Capability Training
On 13 March 2012, Major General Michael Walsh, Deputy Commanding General for Civil and Emergency Operations (DCG-CEO), directed the completion of certain Planning Core Curriculum PROSPECT courses for all current Civil Works planners and other feasibility study Project Delivery Team members.
Memo: Planning Excellence Program and Maintaining Planning Capability
This memorandum aims to stress the importance of maintaining Civil Works Planning capabilities and to reaffirm support of the Planning Excellence Program.
Planner Workforce Development Guide
This document provides PCoP members guidance in holistic development based on their individual career goals and the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to excel in USACE water resources planning. The October 2023 update of the document includes the addition of KSAs and Career Roadmaps for all Planning Sub-Communities of Practice (Plan Formulation, Economics, Environmental, and Cultural Resources) as well as other updates to content and resources.
- Agency Technical Review (8 August)
- This webinar provided an overview of the USACE certification for Agency Technical Review (ATR) in Planning, including
certification application timelines and tips for success. Presenters included members of each of the Planning sub-
Communities of Practice: Nancy Brighton (Cultural Resources ATR Lead, HQUSACE), Charlie Hanneken (Plan Formulation
ATR Lead, Northwestern Division), Max Millstein (Economics ATR Lead, South Atlantic Division), and Debby Scerno
(Environmental Compliance/Ecosystem Restoration ATR Lead, HQUSACE Office of Water Project Review).
- "That’s a Wrap!" Your 2023 PCoP Workshop Questions Answered (7 December)
- This webinar was a follow up to the 2023 National PCoP Workshop, which took place 14-26 November in St. Louis, MO.
Headquarters Planning leadership and other Planning experts answered outstanding questions asked by attendees during
the workshop week, took new questions from the audience, and provided an opportunity for feedback from the Planning
community on their workshop experiences and takeaways to help shape future events.
- 2023 National PCoP Workshop Preview (2 November)
- This webinar provided an overview of the 2023 National PCOP Workshop, scheduled for 14-16 November in St. Louis, MO.
Presenter Meredith Ladart, Workshop Planning Lead and member of the PCoP's Planning Workforce Development
Committee, gave a preview of the workshop agenda, highlighted speakers from senior leadership, discussed virtual
sessions, and answered attendee questions on logistics.
- Civilian Leadership Education Requirements & Opportunities (9 February)
- This webinar provided an overview and discussion of the benefits of the Intermediate and Advance Leadership Courses for
Army Civilians offered by the Army Management Staff College. Presenters Jason Murphy, Josh Mayne, and Dave Duckett
(faculty members of the Army Management Staff College). Presenters reviewed the Civilian Education System, details of
the Intermediate and Advance Leadership Courses, how the courses are funded, and opportunities for networking and
Senior Executive Service coaching.
- New PCoP Economist Training (8 December)
- Since 2015, Triple E (Economist Education and Engagement) has provided technical training, career development, and
PCoP engagement to new USACE economists in. “EEE” is entering its 9th year of existence, with cohorts benefitting from a
two-year program which includes two week-long in person sessions as well as regular calls. Speakers Evan Stewart (St.
Paul District), Jesse Morrill-Winter (Flood Risk Management Planning Center for Expertise), Susan Durden (Institute for
Water Resources), and special guests discussed this PCoP initiative and engaged in discussion with participants.
- 2022 PCoP Virtual Summer Series – Session #6 – People Strengthen Our Connections With Each Other (18 August)
- The sixth PCoP Virtual Summer Series session focused on examples from the field of how our internal connections were
strengthened to produce better results and featured opening remarks from Mr. Eric Bush, Headquarters Chief of Planning &
- 2022 PCoP Virtual Summer Series - Session #5 - Partnering: Better Project Delivery Through Partnering and Tribal Engagement (11 August)
- The fifth PCoP Virtual Summer Series session focused on the importance of partnering with other federal agencies and Tribal
engagement in Planning.
- 2022 PCoP Virtual Summer Series - Session #4 - Workforce Development: People are our Greatest Asset (4 August)
- The fourth PCoP Virtual Summer Series session focused on professional development and increasing skills, experience,
and capacity across Planning.
- 2022 PCoP Virtual Summer Series - Session #3 - Innovation: Revolutionizing Our Project Delivery through Innovation (28 July)
- The third PCoP Virtual Summer Series session presented several case studies focused on how project delivery teams
"revolutionized" the planning process to provide innovative features in project delivery. These case studies demonstrated
innovation across various business lines.
- 2022 PCoP Virtual Summer Series – Session #2 – Partnering: Engaging Disadvantage Communities in the Age of Smart Planning: Environmental Justice (21 July)
- The focus of the second PCoP Virtual Summer Series session was on how to provide meaningful engagement while
implementing smart planning, discussion regarding implementation of ASA(CW) environmental justice (EJ) guidance, tools
for identifying and engaging with disadvantaged communities, and EJ success stories.
- 2022 PCoP Virtual Summer Series - Session #1 - Readiness: What’s New on the Planning Horizon? (14 July)
- The focus of the kickoff session of the 2022 PCoP Virtual Summer Series was trends in planning policy, Water Resources
Development Act implementation guidance and other relevant guidance. The discussion informed planners on what to
expect next in the planning and policy world and topics included scoping and the Vertical Team Alignment Memo (VTAM),
evaluating and documenting benefits across accounts, conducting mega studies, and policy and guidance updates.
Speakers included Mr. Al Lee (Director of Civil Works), Joe Redican (Deputy Chief, Headquarters Planning & Policy), Jason
Norris (Headquarters Office of Water Project Review), Brian Harper and Saji Varghese (Southwestern Division/Regional
Planning and Environment Center), and Amy Frantz (Headquarters Senior Policy Advisor).
- Plan Formulation Career Roadmap and KSAs Update (10 March)
- This webinar provided an overview of the Plan Formulation Career Roadmap and the
Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSAs) Crosswalk. The Career Roadmap provides an
overview of the practice of Plan Formulation within USACE, and also provides guidance to
Planning professionals, particularly plan formulators, regarding career development
expectations throughout a person’s career within a Planning discipline. It is paired with
the KSAs crosswalk that indicates the point in one’s Plan Formulation career at which
each KSA will likely be acquired or significantly upgraded. The crosswalk also provides
recommended sources of training and guidance to assist in acquiring each KSA.
Presenter Ray Wimbrough (HQUSACE Senior Policy Advisor) discussed how KSAs can be
used by planners on all levels to focus their development in specific areas as well as by
supervisors to refine Individual Development Plans and help guide and mentor planners
throughout their careers.
- Tips for USACE Interview Success (12 August)
- This webinar presented tips for building a resume and delivering a strong interview for
USACE employees. Presenters Susan Layton (Acting Chief of Planning & Policy, South
Atlantic Division) and Rhiannon Kucharski (Chief of the Civil and Public Works Branch and
Legislative Liaison, Honolulu District) covered all aspects of the interview process,
including tips for a top-notch interview; what NOT to do during an interview; how to
prepare for various types of interviews; and tips for developing an effective resume.
Additional leadership perspectives were also provided by Joe Redican (Deputy Chief of
Planning & Policy, HQUSACE) and Wes Coleman (Chief, HQUSACE Office of Water Project
- Water Resources Certified Planner Program (8 April)
- This webinar provided an overview of the USACE Water Resources Certified Planner Program in advance of the 2021 Call for
Applications. The webinar was presented by Kim Townsend (HQUSACE Senior Water Resources Planner) and addressed the
purpose of the program, qualifications required for certification, and the application and evaluation process.