- Study Tools and Milestone Read Aheads
- Vertical Team Alignment
Memorandum (VTAM) Template
Template to be used to develop the Vertical Team
Alignment Memorandum (VTAM) for MSC Commander signature, as required by the 29 July 2022 Memorandum "Vertical
Team Alignment Memorandum Guidance."
- Mega Study
Quarterly Update Template
Quarterly update template for use by project delivery
teams working on mega studies, as defined in the 15 October 2021 Interim Guidance for Civil Works Mega Studies Memo.
- Study
Issue Checklists Overview
This document provides an overview of the available
Study Issue Checklists, which include issues that may require vertical team coordination – preferably, early in the study
process and prior to the milestone for which the checklist is required. It is recommended that the PDT review these
checklists at the start of the study and periodically revisit them during the study, versus reviewing and filling them out just
prior to the milestone.
- Pre-AMM
This document provides a Pre-Alternatives Milestone Meeting (AMM)
Checklist for a particular study. The checklist covers General Issues, Economics, Real Estate, Environmental, and cultural
Resources. There are a total of 66 checklist items across these categories, and the checklist must be signed by the District
Planning Chief and the DQC Lead.
- Pre-TSP and Final Report Checklist
This document provides a Pre-
Tentatively Selected Plan (TSP) Milestone Meeting and Pre-Final Feasibility Report Package Checklist for a particular study.
The checklist covers General Issues, Economics, Cost Engineering, Real Estate, Environmental, and Cultural Resources.
There are a total of 93 checklist items across these categories, and the checklist must be signed by the District Planning
Chief and the DQC Lead.
- Navigation
Pre-TSP Checklist
This document provides a pre-TSP checklist for Navigation
studies (inland or harbor).
- FRM Pre-
TSP Checklist
This document provides a pre-TSP checklist for FRM studies.
Pre-TSP Checklist
This document provides a pre-TSP checklist for CSRM studies.
- AER Pre-
TSP Checklist
This document provides a pre-TSP checklist for AER studies.
- Separable Recreation Pre-TSP Checklist
This document provides a
pre-TSP checklist for studies with a separable Recreation component.
- Feasibility Study
Vertical Team Coordination: Key HQ and MSC Tasks
This document summarizes the key Vertical Team and
Headquarters tasks associated with feasibility study coordination, review, milestone meetings, report approval, and
processing the final report package in preparation for a signed Chief’s Report or Director’s Report. It includes tasks
delegated to the MSCs from Headquarters associated with policy and legal review and milestone decision making. It does
not include tasks/activities such as District Quality Control, Quality Assurance, technical reviews, etc.
- Climate Preparedness and Resilience
Community of Practice (CPR CoP) Climate Assessment Agency Technical Review (ATR) and Policy and Legal Compliance
Review (P&LCR) Standards of Practice
This document summarizes review requirements and best practices for
both Climate Preparedness and Resilience (CPR) Agency Technical Review and Policy and Legal Compliance Review.
- Template for
Record of Environmental Consideration, Documentation for Categorical Exclusion (CE) under NEPA
This template is for use in development of the Memorandum for Record
(MFR) of environmental consideration and documentation for Categorical Exclusion under NEPA
- Design Maturity Determination for
Costs Certification Form
The District Chief of Engineering is
responsible for the technical content and engineering sufficiency for all engineering products produced by the command.
As such, they are expected to complete and sign this form, after having performed the Management Control Evaluation per
Engineer Regulation (ER) 1110-2-1150, Engineering and Design for Civil Works Projects, Appendix H, Internal Management
Control Review Checklist.
OMB-Approved Planning and Operations Public Surveys Process
This IWR website outlines the process for seeking OMB approval for planning and operations public surveys. The clearance process takes a minimum of 6 months and may take as long as a year.
- Communication Planning Tool
The Communication and Public Affairs Strategic Steering (COMPASS) Committee,
in coordination with other Communities of Practice, updated the ES-28000
Communication Planning Process into an Integrated Communication Process to be
used by all USACE Communities of Practice, projects, and programs.
- Director's and Chief's Report Templates
- Instructions for Chief's Report Templates,
June 2024
This document provides an overview of the available Chief's Report
Templates which cover the following project purposes: Ecosystem Restoration, Commercial Navigation, Flood Risk
Management, and Coastal Storm Risk Management. The purpose of these templates is to aid in drafting these documents;
however, Headquarters retains all final review and approval of both the language and substance used in the final
- CSRM with Periodic Nourishment Chief's
Report Template
Chief's Report template with instructions for costal storm risk
management recommendations for projects that include beach nourishment. The June 2024 template update includes
updated language regarding the authority being used to conduct PED. Please ensure you are using the current template
when preparing a Chief's Report for routing.
- Commercial Navigation Chief's Report
Chief's Report template with instructions for deep draft navigation
recommendations for projects. The June 2024 template update includes updated language regarding the authority being
used to conduct PED. Please ensure you are using the current template when preparing a Chief's Report for routing.
- FRM Chief's Report Template
Chief's Report template with instructions for flood risk management recommendations for
projects. These recommendations include outlining the recommended plan, naming the authority under which the
recommendations can be carried out, and outlining the project costs and benefits. The June 2024 template update
includes updated language regarding the authority being used to conduct PED. Please ensure you are using the current
template when preparing a Chief's Report for routing.
- AER Chief's Report Template
Chief's Report template with instructions for Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration
recommendations for projects. The June 2024 template update includes updated language regarding the authority being
used to conduct PED. Please ensure you are using the current template when preparing a Chief's Report for routing.
- CSRM without Periodic Nourishment Chief's
Report Template
Chief's Report template with instructions for coastal storm risk
management projects recommendations for projects that do not include beach nourishment. The June 2024 template
update includes updated language regarding the authority being used to conduct PED. Please ensure you are using the
current template when preparing a Chief's Report for routing.
- Instructions for Director's Memos/Reports
General Director's Memo/Report template for use when transmitting a report (other than for Water Reallocation) to the
ASA(CW) for review, concurrence, and budget support that does not require additional Congressional authorization. This is
generally required projects authorized by Congress without a previously approved decision document and/or
implementation of the project first requires a determination by the Secretary.
- Director's Memo/Report Template - General
General Director's
Memo/Report template for use when transmitting a report (other than for Water Reallocation) to the ASA(CW) for review,
concurrence, and budget support that does not require additional Congressional authorization. This is generally required
projects authorized by Congress without a previously approved decision document and/or implementation of the project
first requires a determination by the Secretary.
- Director's Memo/Report Template - Water Reallocation/Impacts to FRM
Director's Memo/Report template for use when transmitting a Water Reallocation Report to
the ASA(CW) for approval. Approval is needed if the reallocation will negatively impact flood risk management benefits.
This template is not appropriate for use if the reallocation will require Congressional authorization.
- Director's Memo/Report Template - Water Reallocation/No Impacts to FRM
Director's Memo/Report template for use when transmitting a Water Reallocation Report to
the ASA(CW) for situational awareness. This memo is used for reallocation reports where the reallocation does not impact
flood risk management benefits, and thus approval from the ASA(CW) is not required. This template is not appropriate for
use if the reallocation will require Congressional authorization.
- Director's Memo/Report Template - 902 Increase
Memo/Report template for use when an increase to a project's Section 902 limit is required.
- Document of Review Findings (DORF) & Policy Guidance Memorandum (PGM) Templates
- DORF Template
Template for a Documentation of Review Findings (DORF). It covers policy compliance
review findings, as well as the review history for a project and policy review comments.
- Example
DORF Transmittal Memo
Template for a brief memo that transmits the
documentation of policy compliance review finings for the subject study and provides point(s) of contact.
- PGM Template
Template for a Policy Guidance Memorandum (PGM). It covers the final review and draft
review comments on the draft and final report.
- Example PGM Transmittal Memo for DRAFT Report
Template for a
brief memo that transmits the policy and legal compliance review findings for a PGM on a particular study. It briefly
identifies concerns and a general timeline for discussing a path forward to resolve the named issues, and provides point(s)
of contact.
- Example PGM Transmittal Memo for FINAL Report
Template for a
brief memo that transmits the policy and legal compliance review findings for a PGM on a particular study. It indicates if
there are unresolved comments from the draft report, identifies new comments, states if a team needs to meet to discuss
resolving any outstanding concerns before the final report is approved, and provides point(s) of contact.
- Nonstructural Project Planning and Implementation Templates
Nonstructural Implementation Plan Template for Elevations
Enclosure 1 to the memorandum, Guidance for Nonstructural Project Planning and Implementation, signed by the Deputy Commanding General of Civil and Emergency Operations. A nonstructural implementation plan will be included in the draft and final feasibility report for each type of nonstructural measure (elevation, dry floodproofing, wet floodproofing, acquisition, relocation, etc.). USACE Headquarters is developing specific implementation plan templates for other types of nonstructural measures that will be released when complete.
Perpetual Restrictive Easement for Residential (Elevation/Basement In-Fill) - Example Language
Enclosure 5 to the memorandum, Guidance for Nonstructural Project Planning and Implementation, signed by the Deputy Commanding General of Civil and Emergency Operations. Enclosure 5 provides example language to be used for a perpetual restrictive easement for a residential structure (elevation/basement in-fill).
Model Participation Agreement for Nonstructural Projects (Traditional Contracting Methods)
Enclosure 6 to the memorandum, Guidance for Nonstructural Project Planning and Implementation, signed by the Deputy Commanding General of Civil and Emergency Operations. This model agreement template is for nonstructural projects wherein construction of nonstructural measures is performed through traditional contracting methods whereby USACE contracts with the design, bid, and build contractor. If a different project delivery method is used, this agreement will need modifications for appropriate language.
Sample Deed Restriction for Nonstructural Projects
Enclosure 7 to the memorandum, Guidance for Nonstructural Project Planning and Implementation, signed by the Deputy Commanding General of Civil and Emergency Operations. This sample serves as a guide for non-federal interests (NFI) who acquire real estate interests for nonstructural projects. The NFI is not required to utilize this model, but the language contained in the model, such as the perpetual easement estate and the restrictions to run with the land, must be included in the deed executed by the NFI. Districts should ensure this deed and easement language are compliant with the laws and regulations of the state in which the instrument will be recorded.
Policy and Legal Compliance Review Manager Roles and Responsibilities
This document provides a general guide on the specific roles and responsibilities of the Policy and Legal Compliance Review Manager throughout the duration of the feasibility study, including the completion of the Chief's or Director's Report.
- Project Reports
- Review Tools and Templates
This Toolbox page provides resources for project delivery teams related to study
reviews, including review guidance, review plans, District Quality Control, Agency
Technical Review, Independent External Peer Review, Policy and Legal Compliance
Review, review tools and processes, and review training and best practices.
- USACE NEPA Decision Document Templates
National Environmental Policy Act Decision Documents Memo
This ASA(CW) memorandum requires USACE to adopt the use of consistent templates for Findings of No Significant Impact (FONSI) and Records of Decision (ROD) NEPA decision documents. Use of the templates will allow for consistent and predictable documentation for projects. Any requested modification of the template FONSI or ROD for a project will be coordinated with the Deputy ASA for Project Planning and Review and staff, with final approval by the ASA(CW), prior to submittal.
Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) Template
This Word document is the required template to prepare a feasibility study Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI). HQUSACE Office of Water Policy Review and Office of Counsel need to be consulted on when it is appropriate to deviate from the required template language. Additional language to meet project specific needs may be added.
Record of Decision (ROD) Template
This Word document is the required template to prepare a feasibility study Record of Decision (ROD). HQUSACE Office of Water Policy Review and Office of Counsel need to be consulted on when it is appropriate to deviate from the required template language. Additional language to meet project specific needs may be added.