This page provides reports, technical papers, and other documentation for use in conjunction with USACE Planning models.
- Agricultural Flood Damage Analysis, User's Manual (AGDAM)
This 1985 User Manual is intended to provide information to users of the Agricultural Flood Damage Analysis (AGDAM) Computer Program. It includes information on items including Concepts and Computation Procedures, Input Preparation, Output Display, and other related subjects.
- Application of a Geographic Information System to Rainfall-Runoff Modeling
This 1991 modeling research paper uses ADAPT software, which is no longer used by USACE; however, the modeling concepts can still be applied to GIS systems for hydraulic analysis.
- Application of HEC-PRM for Seasonal Reservoir Operation of the Columbia River System
This 1996 report presents the results and conclusions of an application of the Hydrologic Engineering Center's Prescriptive Reservoir Model (HEC-PRM) for seasonal operation of the Columbia River System. Such HEC-PRM-based seasonal reservoir operation advice could offer guidance in simulation testing and reduce the number of simulation runs needed to formulate seasonal operation plans.
- Basin-Level Digital Elevation Models - Availability and Applications - The Red River of the North Basin Case Study
This 2004 study is a product of USACE's Civil Works Research and Development Program to assess the user requirements for a specific geographic region where data of this quality is only sparsely available. The lessons learned in this study report should prove beneficial to other regions with a stated need for detailed topographic data involving broad area coverage.
- Bridge Hydraulic Analysis with HEC-RAS
This technical paper is intended to provide an overview of the HEC-RAS representation of bridge hydraulics and the results of several bridge hydraulics investigations.
- Computer Models for Water Resources Planning and Management - National Study of Water Management During Drought
This report is designed to help water managers and planners who are not experts in modeling, as well as modeling experts in one area who are interested in surveying available models in another area. Despite software advancement, this study can serve as an organized baseline for future reviews.
- Computer Simulation Model for Flood Plain Development
This publication presents analytical progress in the development of a computer simulation model for flood plain development. A conceptual model was developed which includes the following five major parts: forecasting population and economic activities allocating activities to available land; integrating public policies restricting land use; measuring and projecting flood damages; and evaluating benefits based on appropriate formulas using flood damages reduced, land rents, and economic rent differences (locational advantages). Several concepts are introduced to solve problems associated with development of a simulation model including: a practical definition of the study area in conjunction with a dummy location; a two-level allocation for land use planning; the use of economic rent differences and equilibrium land rents in benefit measurement instead of only economic rents; and the use of cycles of relocations as an aid to orderly evaluation of benefits.
- Computer Simulation Model for Floodplain Development, Part II: Model Description and Applications
This report presents a simulation model for the evaluation of national economic efficiency benefits of various levels of flood protection and alternative land use plans. The model has three major components: 1. Calculation of flood damages and economic rent components, 2. Allocation of land use requirements, 3. Benefit calculation based on location advantage and damage reduction. The report also presents the results of a test case in the Connecticut River Basin.
- Corps of Engineers Harbor Projects: Development of Tools, Measures, and Organization of Data for Evaluating Performance; Volume III - User's manual IWR HARBORVU Version 1.1
This user manual contains instructions on how to operate IWR-HARBORVU database application, a software product created for the Institute for Water Resources (IWR). The software is intended to allow users to evaluate the performance of USACE maintained harbor projects.
- DATCHK & DATVUE, Data Screening Software, User's Manual
This user manual provides information about the DATCHK & DATVUE software, which is intended for screening of hydrological data.
- Development of Prototype Software for Risk-Based Benefit-Cost Analysis of Major Rehabilitation Proposals, Phases I and II
This report documents the work done to enhance a prototype simulation model for the risk-based economic analysis of proposals for major rehabilitation projects of USACE facilities.
- DSSMATH, Utility Program for Mathematical Manipulation of HEC-DSS Data, User's Manual
This user manual enables mathematical manipulation of data stored in the Hydrologic Engineering Center's Data Storage System (HEC-DSS). This program may be used in an automated batch environment for processing real-time data streams or to interactively perform ad hoc operations.
- ERDC/EL SR-11-1 - Ecological DYnamics Simulation Model - Light (EDYS-L): User's Guide Version 4.6.4
This report describes the Ecological Dynamics Simulation Model - Light model (EDYS-L) in terms of its function and how to use the model software. EDYS-L is designed to mechanistically simulate complex ecological dynamics across spatial scales ranging from square meters to landscape and watershed levels. Modules include climatic simulators, hydrology, soil profile, nutrient and contaminant cycles, plant community dynamics, herbivory, animal dynamics, management activities, and natural/anthropogenic disturbances. Designation of scenarios and management alternatives for each simulation run is conducted within a Microsoft Windows user interface. Outputs include graphical displays in this interface, as well as extensive tabular files for all ecosystem components.
- Evaluation of Interregional Input-Output Models for Potential Use in the McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Multiple Purpose Project Impact Study
This report critiques a number of operational multi-regional and single region input-output models for application to the impact analysis of the completed McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Multiple Purpose Project. The use of a modified revision of the Harvard University Multi-Region Input-Output Model completed for the Economic Development Administration is recommended.
- Forecasting Municipal and Industrial Water Use IWR Main System User's Guide for Interactive Processing And User's Manual
This two volume report presents the necessary information to use the computerized procedure for estimating municipal water requirements.
- Guide to the Use of the IWR Interactive Ratio Forecasting Program
This report provides instruction for using the personal computer version of an interactive ratio forecasting program, which can be used for developing forecasts of socioeconomic variables for small areas. Four commonly used methods are available in the program: basic ratio, average annual ratio, ratio difference, and shift share. These methods and their appropriate uses are described in the report.
- HEC Hydrologic Modeling System
This technical paper details software for use in hydrologic engineering, water resource planning, and project operation, specifically for precipitation run-off modeling.
- HEC Models for Urban Hydrologic Analysis
This technical paper addresses the urban-hydrology software maintained by HEC and the urban hydrology features that must be considered in each program.
- HEC-2 Water Surface Profiles Program
This technical paper addresses the capabilities of HEC-2 to analyze flow profiles.
- HEC-DSS: User's Guide and Utility Program Manuals
This user manual is intended to provide information about the HEC Data Storage System, a database system developed to meet the needs for data storage and retrieval for water resource studies.
- HEC-PBA, Project Benefit Accomplishments, User's Manual
This user manual is for a pair of computer programs that enable users to calculate flood damage and benefit accomplishment attributed to flood control projects.
- Hydrologic Modeling System (HEC-HMS): Design and Development Issues
This technical paper outlines the HEC-HMS software packages, which simulates precipitation runoff.
- Integration Opportunities for Computer Models, Methods, and GIS Used in Corps Planning Studies
This report surveys models, methods, and geographic information systems (GIS) used in water resources planning by USACE and suggests opportunities for integrating these tools to improve planning and decision making information on models, and methods.
- Multisectoral Model of Pacific and Mountain Interstate Trade Flows
The report presents a multisectoral model of Pacific and mountain interstate trade flows for 1963.
- PC-FINPACK Version 1.010 Documentation Report
This report provides an overview of PC-FINPACK which is a computerized financial analysis and simulation model for water supply and waste water disposal facilities.
- Plan Formulation and Evaluation Studies - A Preliminary Analysis of Day Use Recreation and Benefit Estimation Models for Selected Reservoirs Volume III
This report presents a methodology for estimating recreation use and recreation benefits at existing and proposed Corps of Engineers reservoirs. It is the outgrowth of recreation use studies instituted by the Office of the Chief of Engineers, Washington, D.C. Multiple linear regression analysis is employed to develop two regional day use estimating models from recreation use survey data collected at 19 Corps reservoirs in the Fort Worth and Sacramento U.S. Army Engineer Districts.
- Regional Economic Development Impact Model: Phase I Study, Final Report
A multiregional variable input-output (MRVIO) model is introduced to investigate the impact of a change in transportation costs on regional development and trade flows. The MRVIO model is a theoretically well-founded, practically useful, and policy-sensitive model. The regional technical coefficients and the trade coefficients are endogenous variables to the MRVIO model. These coefficients are sensitive to the transportation costs as well as other input costs. Each industry is assumed to have a linear logarithm production frontier with a constant return to scale. From the dual relation one can obtain the profit maximizing price frontiers. These prices are expressed in terms of transportation costs, wage rates, capital prices, input elasticities, and technical coefficients and the trade coefficients. Using the 1963 three-region, ten-sector interindustry flow data as a base, researchers investigated the impact of a change in transportation costs on trade structure, regional growth, and inflation. As expected, a decrease in transportation costs increases the input coefficients between the regions and decreases own trade coefficients; i.e., the purchases from other regions increase and the purchase from local markets decrease as the costs of transportation decrease. A decrease in transportation cost stimulates the regional development. However, its sensitivity differs among industries.
- Regional Economic Development Models- A Critical Appraisal Based on the International Trade Experience
This paper is intended to discuss economic relations among regions and how economic ties among regions of a country are defined.
- Review of GIS Applications in Hydrologic Modeling
This technical paper discusses geographical information systems (GIS) and how it provides a digital representation of watershed characteristics used in hydrologic modeling. It also summaries past efforts and current trends in using digital terrain models and GIS to perform hydrologic analyses.
- Section 902 Analysis Certified Tool Manual
This is a manual that accompanies the Section 902 Certified Analysis Tool. Section 902 of the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of 1986 defines the maximum amount that a project may cost. This is often called the 902 Limit or Project Cost Cap. It is, "The maximum project cost limit imposed by Section 902 is a numerical value specified by law which must be computed in a legal manner (ER 1105-2-100 Appendix G)."
- Short Guide on Interactive Decision Support Tools Using Microsoft(R) Excel
This Guide is intended to provide an introduction and overview of how Microsoft Excel can be used to create dynamic decision support tools for Corps planning studies.
- Structure Inventory for Damage Analysis, User's Manual (SID)
This user manual outlines the Structure Inventory for Damage Analysis computer program (SID) as it is designed to assist in the systematic and expeditious collection, management, and processing of data related to structures subject to flooding.