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USACE Castle
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Planning Associates
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Planning Associates

About the Program

The Planning Associates (PA) Program is an advanced training opportunity in water resources problems and challenges. The PA Program develops planning leaders who are capable of executing today's USACE Planning mission and are prepared for tomorrow's mission challenges. The goals of the PA program are to provide an opportunity for planners to develop knowledge, skills, and abilities that will help them grow into expert planners, and to develop future planning leaders who can influence the Civil Works Program, including study execution, planning processes, and development and application of policy.

Candidates are competitively selected by Headquarters U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (HQUSACE), from a pool of candidates submitted by the Commanders of the eight Major Subordinate Commands (MSC), Labs, and Field Operating Agencies (FOAs). The PA Program is a two-year program with course work split over two fiscal years with the intent of reducing the impact to District-level workload and personal life.

Program Goals
The Planning Associates Program will develop planning leaders who are capable of executing today's USACE Planning mission and are prepared for tomorrow's mission challenges.

The goals of the PA program are:

  • Provide an opportunity for journey-level planners to develop knowledge, skills, and abilities that will help them grow into expert planners.
  • Develop future planning leaders who can influence the Civil Works Program, including study execution, planning processes, and development and application of policy.

Program Objectives The PA program will develop planners through course instruction and hands on experience who will possess core knowledge, skills, and abilities in Civil Works Planning and apply them to influence ongoing activities within the Planning Community of Practice.


  • Planning Associates SharePoint Page (class handbooks and other resources)
  • Planning Associates Example Schedule
  • Sample Critical Think Pieces / Capstone Projects


    • An Overview of the Water Resources Certified Planner Program and the Planning Associates Program (16 May)
      This webinar provided an overview of two developmental opportunities available to the Planning Community, including qualifications for each program and the application process. Kim Townsend (WRCP Program Manager, HQUSACE) presented the Water Resources Certified Planner (WRCP) and Lisa Rabbe (PA Program Manager) and Brandon Wadlington (PA Class of 2023) presented the Planning Associates (PA) Program.

    • Planner Professional Development: An Overview of the WRCP Program, NDMU Risk Management Certificate, and PA Program (18 May)
      This webinar highlights three developmental opportunities available to members of the Planning Community: the Water Resources Certified Planner (WRCP) Program, Notre Dame of Maryland University’s (NDMU) online Risk Management Graduate Program, and the Planning Associates (PA) Program.

    • Planning Associates Program (30 June)
      This webinar provided an overview of the Planning Associates Program and why USACE planners should consider applying. Presenters Lisa Rabbe (IWR, Planning Associates Program Manager), Brandon Wadlington (RPEC, Chief of NEPA and Natural Resources Section), and Ken Woodard (LRH, Chief of Plan Formulation) highlighted the benefits of the Planning Associates Program as well as the application process. In addition, the webinar provided tips and insights from current Planning Associates.
