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Planning plays a vital role in supporting the Corps of Engineers Civil Works water resources development mission. Through planning activities, including feasibility studies, Continuing Authorities Program studies, watershed studies, comprehensive/large scale studies, general reevaluation studies, validation studies and other post-authorization change studies - and more, Corps planners help decision-makers identify water resources problems, conceive solutions to them, and compare the importance of the inevitable conflicting values inherent in any solution.

The Planning Community Toolbox includes a wealth of information for planners and project delivery teams, including the policy, guidance, processes, and tools that are used every day in planning.

Core Planning Policies and Guidance
ER100 to ER103 crosswalk
 Black Dot Image Planning Community Toolbox Core Civil Works Planning Guidance Page - This page contains the core Civil Works Planning Guidance required by USACE Planning professionals. This guidance provides the overall direction by which the Corps of Engineers Civil Works projects are formulated, evaluated, and selected for overall implementation and includes the Engineer Regulation and Engineer Pamphlets that have superseded Engineer Regulation 1105-2-100, the Planning Guidance Notebook.
 Black Dot Image Engineer Regulation 1105-2-103: Policy for Conducting Civil Works Planning Studies - This regulation provides overall direction by which USACE formulates, evaluates, and recommends projects for implementation and other actions to address water resources problems through the Army Civil Works program. The planning process must address the Nation’s water resources needs in a systems context and seek to identify innovative alternatives for application across the full range of the USACE programs and authorities. In parallel with the development of these important planning concepts, this regulation is also intended to be useful for those outside of the USACE (or non-federal partners) authorized to develop water resources projects (Title 33, Section 2231 of U.S. Code (33 USC 2231)). ER 1105-2-1103 supersedes ER 1105-2-100, Chapters 1, 2, and 3, dated 22 April 2000.
 Black Dot Image Engineer Regulation 1105-2-100: Planning Guidance Notebook - The Planning Guidance Notebook provides the overall direction by which the Corps of Engineers civil works projects are formulated, evaluated, and selected for overall implementation. ER 1105-2-100, the Planning Guidance Notebook will be superseded by several different pieces of new guidance. This December 2023 version of the ER contains the elements of the Planning Guidance Notebook that are still in effect (Chapter 4 and Appendices C, D, E and G).
Key Resources
 Black Dot Image Feasibility Report Format and Content Guide (2021) - This guide provides general recommendations for the format and content of USACE feasibility reports with an integrated Environmental Assessment (EA) or Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). The guide can be used a starting point for nearly all feasibility reports and is appropriate for use by entry-level to senior planners. It may also be used as a reference for policy reviewers and technical specialists. The format described in the guide is not mandatory.
 Black Dot Image Planning Workforce Development Guide (2023) - This document provides PCoP members guidance in holistic development based on their individual career goals and the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to excel in USACE water resources planning. The October 2023 update of the document includes the addition of KSAs and Career Roadmaps for all Planning Sub-Communities of Practice (Plan Formulation, Economics, Environmental, and Cultural Resources) as well as other updates to content and resources
 Black Dot Image Partnering with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers: A Guide for Communities, Local Governments, States, Tribes, and Non-Governmental Organizations (2019) - Partnering with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers: A Guide for Communities, Local Governments, States, Tribes, and Non-Governmental Organizations provides potential sponsors with information on the programs and processes available for non-Federal partners and USACE representatives to work together to address the Nation’s water resources problems. The Guide includes an overview of the USACE Civil Works Program and describes how USACE can work with local, State, Tribal, and Federal agencies and other non-Federal partners on activities ranging from technical services and advice to planning and constructing water resources projects. A previous version of this document was originally published as the Project Partnership Kit by IWR back in 1996 and revised in 2001.
 Black Dot Image The Importance of Early Coordination Under the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act - This guide was developed through a collaboration between the Corps, USFWS and NMFS. The Guide provides an overview of the SMART Planning process and demonstrates how key environmental coordination and compliance activities fit into that process. The Guide highlights opportunities for engagement and coordination at all stages of a planning study, re-emphasizing the need for early coordination.

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Policy and Guidance Updates
ball graphicHQUSACE WRDA Website
ball graphicModel Agreement for New Start Feasibility Studies Conducted under the Pilot Program for Continuing Authorities Projects in Small or Disadvantaged Communities Authorized by Section 165(a) of the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of 2020, as amended
ball graphicEconomic Guidance Memorandum 25-01: Federal Interest Rates for Corps of Engineers
ball graphicEngineering and Construction Bulletin 2017-16: Bentley ProjectWise as the Corporate Tool for Engineering Data Management in USACE

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Planning Community Webinars
ball graphicPCoP Webinar Collection
ball graphicConflict Resolution 101 & Core Strengths
ball graphicWRCP Requirements for Feasibility Studies
ball graphicAnalyzing Tradeoffs in Civil Works Planning
ball graphicGuidance for Incorporating Greenhouse Gas Emissions Analysis in National Environmental Policy Act Reviews
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Other News
ball graphicUSACE Environmental Justice Program Management Plan
ball graphicU.S. Army Corps of Engineers Migratory Bird Treaty Act Policy and Best Management Practices
ball graphicChief Report - Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan, Western Everglades Restoration Project, Florida, Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration
More News/What's New Postings
 Black Dot Image Deputy Chief, HQUSACE Office of Homeland Security (GS-15) - USACE Headquarters is hiring for a new Deputy Chief, Office of Homeland Security (GS 15). Responsibilities include: leading, managing, resourcing, and synchronizing five national USACE programs; managing disaster planning, preparedness, response, and recovery dealing with critical infrastructure and security of Corps facilities; developing Corps-wide policy on matters of Emergency Management, Flood Control and Coastal Emergency, National Flood Risk Management Program, Critical Infrastructure and Resilience Program and the National Emergency Preparedness; serving as the Chief of the Flood Risk Management Team, providing managerial decisions that impact extensive security compliance applications and related programing concerning the Corps Civil Works critical infrastructure; and leading the USACE Emergency Management, Flood Risk Management and Critical Infrastructure Management Communities of Practice; among other responsibilities. This position will be filled from the Program Management job series. This position qualifies for relocation expenses reimbursement in accordance with agency policy. For more information, or to apply, please see the USAJobs posting (announcement number CERA244749538636).
 Black Dot Image Tribal Nations Program Manager, USACE Headquarters (GS-15) - USACE Headquarters hiring a Tribal Nations Program Manager (GS-15). Note: This is a 3-year term position. Responsibilities include: serving as the HQUSACE Senior Tribal Nations Program Manager with the responsibility of leading the development, modernization, and execution of the Army’s Civil Works Tribal Nations Program; providing expert advice and engaging in rule-making actions and policy development that directly impacts the Tribal Nations Civil Works projects throughout the United States; collaborating with the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Army for Civil Works on critical tribal issues; developing and maintaining a Tribal Nations Program Management Plan to outline roles and responsibilities, budget, deliverables, training and partnering goals and objectives; and resolving policy issues and concerns in coordination with other USACE activities, Department of the Army, Bureau of Indian Affairs, other federal agencies, and private agencies that have relationships between Tribal National organizations; among other responsibilities. This position will be filled from the Program Management job series. This position does not qualify for relocation expenses reimbursement. For more information, or to apply, please see the USAJobs posting (announcement number CERA244626580968). External candidates should apply for this time-limited assignment on announcement number CERA244626580967.
 Black Dot Image Economic Formulation Section Chief, Chicago District (GS-13) - The Chicago District Planning, Programs and Project Management Division is recruiting for an Economic Formulation Section Chief (GS-13). Responsibilities include: coordinating with local, regional, state, and other federal agencies; supporting District outreach program/explaining USACE programs/processes; having professional knowledge of Economics, Engineering, or Community Planning; addressing policy issues associated with Civil Works projects; preparing baseline analyses for Civil Works Studies (economic, plan form, social/cultural); conducting quality reviews of analyses for technical accuracy and policy compliance; managing section staff, including hiring, training, and evaluating performance; and overseeing execution of studies by subordinates within established budgets and schedules. This position may be filled from the Community Planning, Economist, Landscape Architecture, Civil Engineering, or Environmental Engineering job series. This position qualifies for relocation expenses reimbursement and relocation incentive may be authorized. If an incentive is authorized, a service agreement is required. For more information, or to apply, please see the USAJobs posting (announcement number CERE24X749366514).


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