Implementation Guidance for Section 125(a)(2)(C) of the Water Resources Development Act of 2020, Beneficial Use of Dredged Material (2022) Section 125(a)(2)(C) of the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of 2020 amends Section 204(d) of WRDA 1992 (33 U.S.C. 2326(d)) to authorize the Secretary of the Army for Civil Works to use funds appropriated for construction or operation and maintenance of a project involving the disposal of dredged material when selecting a disposal method that is not the least cost option based on a determination that the incremental costs of the disposal method are reasonable in relation to the environmental benefits or the hurricane and storm or flood risk reduction benefits. This memorandum provides guidance and direction on implementation of Section 125(a)(2)(C) and rescinds and replaces the implementation guidance for Section 1038 of the Water Resources Reform and Development Act of 2014.
Interim Guidance for Inland Navigation and Intracoastal Waterway Major Rehabilitation Evaluations (MREs) and Reports (MRERs) (2022) This memorandum provides interim policy and procedural guidance for inland navigation and intracoastal waterway major rehabilitation as authorized by WRDA 1992, Section 205 (ref 1.a). This interim guidance is intended to facilitate MSC management of MRE efforts by clarifying the roles and responsibilities of key organizations responsible for MRER execution; and formalizing the MRE report development process, to include phases, key milestones, review requirements, and approval authorities for budgetary purposes.
Engineer Pamphlets (EPs)
EP 1105-2-57: Planning Stakeholder Engagement, Collaboration and Coordination (formerly Appendix B of the PGN) (2019) This pamphlet explains the benefits of, and requirements for, stakeholder engagement, collaboration, and coordination in Civil Works planning studies. These activities are critical to study success because they may foster trust and credibility between USACE and the communities we serve; increase collective understanding of problems; reduce controversy and litigation risks; and improve the quality and execution of our decisions. Note: This EP replaces the existing Appendix B of the Planning Guidance Notebook.
Engineer Regulations (ERs)
Engineer Regulation 1110-1-8168: Roles and Responsibilities of the Inland Navigation Design Center Mandatory Center Of Expertise (2016) This regulation establishes the roles and responsibilities of the Inland Navigation Design Center (INDC) Mandatory Center of Expertise (MCX). USACE will use the expertise of the Center to maintain quality, reliability, and cost effectiveness of inland navigation structures. The Center serves as the national center of expertise that provides technical advice, oversight, and design production during planning, design, analysis, construction, and O&M of all aspects of inland navigation design projects across USACE. MSCs, districts, laboratories, and Field Operating Activities are required to engage the Center for mandatory functions detailed in the ER. Add to front page Guidance newsfeed
Engineer Regulation 1165-2-209: Studies of Water Resources Development Projects by Non-Federal Interests (2016) This regulation provides policy guidance for implementation of Section 203 of the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of 1986, as amended. Section 203 authorizes non-federal interests to undertake feasibility studies of proposed water resources development projects for submission to the Secretary of the Army. Separate guidance is provided on the construction of water resources development projects under Section 204 of WRDA 1986, as amended. Portions of this ER have been amended by implementation guidance for Section 1126 of WRDA 2016.
Engineer Regulation 1165-2-211: Operation and Maintenance of Improvements Carried Out by Non-Federal Interests to Authorized Harbor or Inland Harbor Projects (2016) This regulation provides policy guidance for implementation of Section 204(f) of the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of 1986, as amended. Section 204(f) authorizes the Secretary of the Army to be responsible for the operation and maintenance of improvements to a federally authorized harbor or inland harbor carried out by a non-federal interest when certain conditions are met.
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)/U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Joint Actions on Planning for Flood risk Management Projects (2012) This memorandum addresses the requirement to perform mitigation when proposed USACE flood-risk reduction projects increase the Base (1-percent-annual-chance) Flood Elevation (BFE). National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) regulations (44 C.F.R. 65.12) require revisions to flood insurance rate maps to reflect BFE and/or floodway changes caused by encroachments permitted by an NFIP participating community.
Engineer Circulars (ECs)
Engineer Circular 1110-2-6070: Comprehensive Evaluation of Project Datum (2009 Expiration: unlisted) This circular provides guidance for a comprehensive evaluation of vertical datum on flood control, shore protection, hurricane protection, and navigation projects.
Engineer Regulations (ERs)
Engineer Regulation 1110-2-8160: Policies for Referencing Project Elevation Grades to Nationwide Vertical Datum (2009) This regulation provides guidance for proper and accurately referenced materials for flood forecasting, inundation modeling, flood insurance rate maps, navigation charting, and topographic mapping. This ER was later supplemented by Engineer Manual 1110-2-6056: Standards and Procedures for Referencing Project Elevation Grades to Nationwide Vertical Datums (2010).
Shipper and Carrier Response to the June-July 2008 Upper Mississippi River Flood Emergency Closure of Locks 12-25 (2009) Mississippi River Locks 12-25 (UMR 556 to 241) are critical to navigation on the Upper Mississippi River. In 2007 Lock 12 passed about 18 million tons, and Lock 25 passed about 30 million tons. Between June 13 and July 5, 2008, these locks were sequentially closed to navigation traffic for an unscheduled shutdown of the river due to flooding. A survey of the shippers and carriers affected by the emergency lock closures was conducted between 14 January and 6 March for the purpose of discerning industry reactions to the closures and the associated costs.
Ohio River Transportation Needs Survey (2008) NETS: Ohio River Basin Shipper Response Survey
Institute for Water Resources
Maritime Transportation System: Trends and Outlook (2007) USACE major responsibilities for waterborne commerce include dredging, development and maintenance of the inland and coastal waterways and related maritime infrastructure, and navigation aids. A firm understanding of marine transportation conditions and trends is critical in discharging those responsibilities. The U.S. Maritime Transportation System (MTS) no longer exists in isolation, but must interact with ports, land carriers, customers, communities, environmental restrictions and security concerns. This second in a series of Water Resources Outlook papers is intended to develop an understanding of the challenges faced by the MTS over the next 30 years and suggests roles for the private and governmental sectors, including the Corps. It is intended to provide a strong, fact-based foundation for policy, planning and priorities.
Monte Carlo Analysis of SP-off-RP Data (2007) NETS Report: Modeling Preferences for Upper Mississippi Grain Movements: The Mid-American Grain Study
Transportation Demand for Agricultural Products in the Upper Mississippi and Illinois River Basin (2007) NETS Report: Modeling Preferences for Upper Mississippi Grain Movements: The Mid-American Grain Study
Transportation Demands for the Movement of Non-Agricultural Commodities Pertinent to the Upper Mississippi and Illinois River Basin (2007) NETS Report: Modeling Preferences for Upper Mississippi Grain Movements: The Mid-American Grain Study
Genetic Algorithms for Selecting and Scheduling Waterway Projects Phase 2 Final Report (2006) NETS Navigation System Simulation Model report
Hannibal Locks and Dam: Causes and Consequences of Lock Closures 21 October to 16 November 2005 (2006) NETS activity: Event Studies: Hannibal Locks and Dam
Longer-Term Forecasting of Commodity Flows on the Mississippi River: Application to Grains and World Trade (2006) NETS report
Navigation Economics Technology Research Program (2006)
Navigation System Simulation (NaSS) Design Document (2006) NETS activity: Navigation System Simulation Design
Port Efficiency and Trade Flows (2006) NETS Port Development, Internal Transport Systems and International Trade Report
Shipper and Carrier Response to the July-August 2004 Lock 27 Closure (2006) NETS activity: Lock 27
Shipper and Carrier Response to the October-December 2005 and January-February 2006 Lock 27 Closures (2006) NETS activity: Lock 27
Transportation Demands in the Columbia-Snake River Basin (2006) NETS activity: Transportation Demands in the Columbia-Snake River Basin
Columbia/Snake River Transportation Study (2005) NETS activity: Columbia/Snake River Transportation Study
Determining System Capacity to Accommodate Grain Flows By Rail to the Mississippi River at St. Louis (2005) NETS Report: Determining System Capacity to Accommodate Grain Flows by Rail to the Mississippi River at St. Louis
Econometric Analysis of Stated-Preference Experiments Constructed from Revealed-Preference Choices (2005) NETS activity: Econometric Analysis of Stated-Preference Experiments Constructed from Revealed-Preference Choices
Economic Guidance Memoranda (EGMs)
Economic Guidance Memorandum 05-06: Shallow Draft Vessels Operating Costs, Fiscal Year 2004 (2005) FY 2004 shallow draft vessels operating costs.
Estimation of Demands at the Pool Level (2005) NETS activity: Estimation of Demands at the Pool Level
Event Study of the August 2004 McAlpine Lock Closure (2005) NETS activity: Event Study of the August 2004 McAlpine Lock Closure
Market Adjustments Over Transportation Networks (2005) NETS activity: Market Adjustments Over Transportation Networks: A Time Series Analysis of Grain Movements on the Mississippi Inland Waterway System
McAlpine Lock Closure in August 2004 (2005) NETS activity: McAlpine Lock Closure in August 2004: Shipper and Carrier Response Results of Surveys
Model of Spatial Market Areas and Transportation Demand (2005) NETS activity: A Model of Spatial Market Areas and Transportation Demand
Patterns in Geographic Elasticity Estimates of Barge Demand on the Upper Mississippi and Illinois Rivers (2005) NETS activity: Patterns in Geographic Elasticity Estimates of Barge Demand on the Upper Mississippi and Illinois Rivers
Shipper and Carrier Response to the September-October 2003 Greenup Main Lock Closure (2005) NETS activity: Shipper and Carrier Response to the September-October 2003 Greenup Main Lock Closure
Spatial Competition, Supply, and Transportation Demand (2005) NETS activity: Spatial Competition, Supply, and Transportation Demand: A Study of Elevator Competition and Waterway Demands with Geographically Varying Elasticities and Spatial Autocorrelation
Survey of the Freight Transportation Demand Literature and a Comparison of Elasticity Estimates (2005) NETS activity: A Survey of the Freight Transportation Demand Literature and a Comparison of Elasticity Estimates
System-Wide Lock Reliability Analysis Phase 0 (2005) NETS activity: System-Wide Lock Reliability Analysis Phase 0: Proof of Concept
Tradeable Permit Markets for Locks on Inland Waterways (2005) NETS activity: Tradeable Permit Markets for Locks on Inland Waterways
Vessel, Firm, and Lock Efficiency Measures in Lock Performance (2005) NETS activity: Vessel, Firm, and Lock Efficiency Measures in Lock Performance
Discrete Event Simulation Model of a Congested Segment of the Upper Mississippi River Inland Navigation System (2004) NETS activity: A Discrete Event Simulation Model of a Congested Segment of the Upper Mississippi River Inland Navigation System
Long-Term Forecasting of World Grain Trade and U.S. Gulf Exports (2004) NETS activity: Long-Term Forecasting of World Grain Trade and U.S. Gulf Exports: Submitted to the Transportation Research Board for Publication in Transportation Research Record
Long-Term Forecasting of World Grain Trade and US Gulf Exports (2004) NETS activity: Long-Term Forecasting of World Grain Trade and US Gulf Exports
Seasonality and Geographic Trends for Grain Shipment on the Upper Mississippi River and Illinois Waterway (2004) NETS activity: Seasonality and Geographic Trends for Grain Shipment on the Upper Mississippi River and Illinois Waterway
Shippers' Responses to Changes in Transportation Rates and Times (2004) NETS activity: Shippers' Responses to Changes in Transportation Rates and Times: The Mid-American Grain Study
Study of Short-Run Movements in Grain on the Inland Waterway System (2004) NETS activity: A Study of Short-Run Movements in Grain on the Inland Waterway System
Transportation Demand for Grain Shipment (2004) NETS activity: Transportation Demand for Grain Shipment: A Revealed and Stated Preference Approach
Understanding Grain Movements for Demand Estimation (2004) NETS activity: Understanding Grain Movements for Demand Estimation: The Columbia-Snake River System in Washington State
Recent Trends in Output, Industrial Organization, and the Willingness to Pay in the United States Inland Waterborne Commercial Transportation Industry (2003) NETS activity: Recent Trends in Output, Industrial Organization, and the Willingness to Pay in the United States Inland Waterborne Commercial Transportation Industry
Economic Guidance Memoranda (EGMs)
Economic Guidance Memorandum 00-05: Fiscal Year 2000 Shallow Draft Vessel Operating Costs (2000) This memorandum provides FY 2000 shallow draft vessel operating costs.
Engineer Regulations (ERs)
Engineer Regulation 1105-2-100: Planning Guidance Notebook, Appendix E, Civil Works Mission and Evaluation Procedures (2000) This appendix provides policy and planning guidance for project purposes of navigation, flood damage reduction, hurricane and storm damage reduction (shore protection), ecosystem restoration, hydroelectric power, recreation, water supply and multiple purpose projects.
Institute for Water Resources
FY 2000 Planning Guidance Shallow Draft Vessel Costs (2000)
Engineer Pamphlets (EPs)
Engineer Pamphlet 1165-2-1, Chapter 01: The Federal Responsibility in Water Resources (1999) Engineer Pamphlet discusses federal responsibility and authority in water resources policy. Digest of Water Resources Policies and Authorities
Engineer Pamphlet 1165-2-1, Chapter 12: Navigation (1999) Engineer Pamphlet describes the Corps' role in navigation, federal policies covering navigation, and the construction aspects of navigation projects. Digest of Water Resources Policies and Authorities
Engineer Pamphlet 1165-2-1, Chapter 15: Stream Bank Erosion Control (1999) Engineer Pamphlet discusses federal stream bank erosion policy. Digest of Water Resources Policies and Authorities
Engineer Pamphlet 1165-2-1, Chapter 17: Recreation (1999) Engineer Pamphlet discusses federal recreation policy and philosophy, different types of recreation projects, project evaluation, and project finance. Digest of Water Resources Policies and Authorities
Engineer Regulations (ERs)
Engineer Regulation 1110-2-1403: Engineering and Design Studies By Coastal, Hydraulic, and Hydrologic Facilities and Others (1998) This regulation prescribes the policy and procedure for approval and technical supervision of coastal, hydraulic, and hydrologic studies related to planning, design, construction, and operation of projects.
Engineer Regulation 1110-2-1458: Hydraulic Design of Shallow Draft Navigation Projects (1998) This regulation prescribes the policy and design procedures for development of a new or replacement of an existing shallow draft navigation project.
Engineer Regulation 1110-2-1942: Inspection, Monitoring and Maintenance of Relief Wells (1998) This regulation provides policy guidance for scheduled monitoring, inspection, evaluation, maintenance and rehabilitation of relief wells at civil works projects.
Institute for Water Resources
1997 Inland Waterway Review: Executive Summary (1997)
Engineer Regulations (ERs)
Engineer Regulation 1110-2-8151: Monitoring Completed Navigation Projects (1997) This regulation states the objective, outlines the scope, discusses funding, assigns responsibility, and establishes the procedures by which the Corps of Engineers (CE) evaluates civil works navigation projects.
Institute for Water Resources
Navigation Operation and Maintenance: Expenditures for Harbors and Waterways (1997)
Engineer Pamphlets (EPs)
Engineer Pamphlet 1110-2-13: Engineering and Design - Dam Safety Preparedness (1996) Engineer Pamphlet provides general guidance and information concerning dam safety preparations for USACE.
Engineer Pamphlet 1130-2-500 Appendix F: Example of Combining Risks and Consequences: (1996) Engineer Pamphlet evaluates procedures for major rehabilitation where risk-based benefit-cost analysis is used.
Engineer Pamphlet 1130-2-500, Appendix C: Conceptual Approach for Analyzing Rehabilitation (1996) This guidance provides a conceptual approach for analyzing rehabilitation. It requires risk-based benefit-cost analysis and criteria.
Engineer Pamphlet 1130-2-500, Appendix E: Benefits Evaluation Procedures (1996) This appendix outlines basic procedures that can be used to evaluate rehabilitation for navigation and hydropower project purposes.
Engineer Regulations (ERs)
Engineer Regulation 1130-2-520: Navigation and Dredging Operations and Maintenance Policies (1996) This regulation establishes the policy for the operations and maintenance (O&M) of USACE navigation and dredging projects, as well as their related structures and equipment.
Engineer Pamphlets (EPs)
Engineer Pamphlet 1110-2-10: Hydrologic Engineering Analysis Concepts for Cost-Shared Flood Damage Reduction Studies (1994 Update needed) Engineer Pamphlet describes study processes performed by USACE for Federal flood damage reduction cost projects.
Engineer Pamphlet 1110-2-9: Hydrologic Engineering Study Design (1994) Engineer Pamphlet describes activities necessary to design and prepare a Hydrologic Engineering Study for a Corps water resource investigation.
Institute for Water Resources
Compendium on Waterway Transportation Reliability: Lock Congestion and Lock Queues (1993) The papers presented in this compendium report research results on problems and proposed solutions on lock congestion and lock queues. The research results present suggestions or alternative solutions for improving the reliability of the inland waterways transportation system. The research is believed to provide a stimulus for useful discussion at the Division and District levels. Any comments on information presented in the articles should be addressed to the Navigation Division of the Institute for Water Resources.
Delay Estimation on Congested Waterways (1993) A simulation model has been developed for estimating delays on congested waterways and a numerical method has been developed to approximate the results of the simulation model.
1992 Inland Waterway Review (1992)
Engineer Regulations (ERs)
Engineer Regulation 1165-2-123: Water Resources Policies and Authorities - Single-Owner Situations (1992) This regulation provides policy guidance regarding Corps interests in civil works projects that would directly serve a single entity.
Institute for Water Resources
Review of 16 Planning and Forecast Methodologies-Used in U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Inland Navigation Studies (1992)
Lock Rehabilitation a Public Infrastructure Problem: The Value of Increased Productivity in Mean Lockage Performance (1987) The nation's inland waterways infrastructure is aging and in need of rehabilitation and replacement. Economic analyses to date have overlooked the value of increased mean productivity, which results from lock rehabilitation. Productivity increases are measured in terms of decreases in the mean time it takes to transit a lock. The analysis develops a dynamic model for estimating these values.
Engineer Regulations (ERs)
Engineer Regulation 1110-2-1455: Cooperative Stream Gaging Program (Reports Control Symbol, DAEN-CWH-3) (1984) This regulation establishes policy, provides background, and discusses management of the Cooperative Stream Gaging Program.
Engineer Regulation 1165-2-25: Navigation Policy- Cost Apportionment of Bridge Alterations (1979) This regulation provides policies and guidelines for the apportionment of bridge alteration costs required in connection with navigation improvements.
Institute for Water Resources
Regional Model of the Future Demand for Transportation: The Case of Barge Transportation (1974)