Institute for Water Resources
Economics of Water-Based Recreation: A Survey and Critique of Recent Developments (1971) This report is a survey and critique of the literature and practice of estimating use of and benefits from outdoor recreation for the purpose of determining the direction of further research efforts by the Corps of Engineers. The report outlines the conceptual and empirical difficulties associated with the various methodologies in use and suggests promising approaches to improved analysis within the framework of multiple objectives of water resources development.
Plan Formulation and Evaluation Studies - A Generalized Recreation Day Use Planning Model Volume V (1974) This report presents refined procedural guidelines for estimating reservoir recreation use and benefits for planning of water resources developments. The general planning model described and tested herein consists of the development of regional estimators for predicting recreation use at proposed reservoir projects and the operation on these estimators to derive the individual project demand schedules for estimating recreation benefits. The methodology presented is theoretically and empirically more precise than estimating procedures currently employed and is consistent with other existing and proposed authoritative standards for evaluating water resource development.
Plan Formulation and Evaluation Studies - A Preliminary Analysis of Day Use Recreation and Benefit Estimation Models for Selected Reservoirs Volume III (1974) This report presents a methodology for estimating recreation use and recreation benefits at existing and proposed Corps of Engineers reservoirs. It is the outgrowth of recreation use studies instituted by the Office of the Chief of Engineers, Washington, D.C. Multiple linear regression analysis is employed to develop two regional day use estimating models from recreation use survey data collected at 19 Corps reservoirs in the Fort Worth and Sacramento U.S. Army Engineer Districts.
Plan Formulation and Evaluation Studies - Estimating Initial Reservoir Recreation Use Volume II (1974) This report presents methodology for estimating initial recreation use at prospective Corps of Engineers reservoirs. It is the outgrowth of recreation-use studies instituted by the Office of the Chief of Engineers, Washington, DC. The procedure described utilizes the "most similar project" concept; i.e., an existing reservoir that is most comparable in size, operation, and anticipated recreation-use characteristics. Relating recreation-use information from an existing reservoir to a reservoir under study provides the basis for the use estimating technique. The report provides general descriptions, pertinent project information, and recreation-use data for 52 existing Corps reservoirs. It includes detailed discussion and evaluation of a prospective reservoir project and general criteria for selecting a similar project from among those reservoirs included. For illustrative purposes, an example detailing the application of the methodology is furnished. While the methodology eliminates much of the "guess work" previously associated with estimating the recreation use and benefits for Corps reservoir projects, it is emphasized that it is by no means the "last word" or final solution. There are inherent deficiencies in the method. However, as more recreation-use data are collected and analyzed, it is planned that the technique will be revised and improved.
Plan Formulation and Evaluation Studies - Estimating Recreational Facility Requirements Volume IV (1974) This paper presents a general methodology for the determination of the number and type of recreation facilities needed to serve a given number of reservoir recreation days of use. It is a method synthesizing planner judgment, existing recreation use data, and the concepts of estimating annual recreational use employed by the Corps of Engineers. The data utilized were collected at 52 reservoirs over the period 1966 through 1969.
Plan Formulation and Evaluation Studies - Evaluation of Recreation Use Survey Procedures Volume I (1974) An experimental recreation use survey was put into effect in seven U.S. Army Engineer Districts at 52 reservoir projects in 1966 to test a survey procedure designed to provide a low-cost system for obtaining reliable, consistent recreation use estimates for research and planning activities.
Plan Formulation and Evaluation Studies - Recreation (1974) An experimental recreation use survey was put into effect in seven U.S. Army Engineer Districts at 52 reservoir projects in 1966 to test a survey procedure designed to provide a low-cost system for obtaining reliable, consistent recreation use estimates for research and planning activities.
Engineer Regulations (ERs)
Engineer Regulation 1165-2-400, Chapter 1: Water Resources Policies and Authorities - Recreational Planning, Development, and Management Policies (1985) This regulation defines objectives, philosophies, and policies for the planning, development, and management of outdoor recreation and wildlife at USACE projects.
Institute for Water Resources
National Economic Development Procedures Manual: Recreation, Volume I - Recreation Use and Benefit Estimation Techniques (1986) The primary purpose of this report is to provide an expanded description of the recreation evaluation procedures recommended in the Water Resources Council's "Economic and Environmental Principles and Guidelines for Water and Related Land Resources Implementation Studies." The report summarizes the conceptual basis of procedures for recreation valuation associated with water and related land resource planning, describes the mechanics of acceptable valuation methods, and offers criteria for determining the applicability of various methods to particular planning situations.
Strategy Handbook for Recreational Small Boat Harbor Financing (1988) In situations where planning studies for recreational small boat harbors lead to infeasible projects from a National Economic Development perspective, or where no Federal interest exists, there is a need to develop methods to determine alternative non-federal financing and investment options for the affected communities. The objective of this handbook is to provide guidelines for identifying and evaluating alternative, primarily non-Federal, funding strategies for small boat harbor projects. Although the emphasis of this handbook is on issues related to funding, it is recognized that this is but one step in the successful implementation of good development plans. As such, some of the other key steps that must be in place before financing can be achieved are also described. The guidelines presented are based on five case studies of small boat harbor/marina projects either recently completed or under construction.
National Economic Development Procedures Manual: Recreation Volume III, A Case Study Application of Contingent Value Method for Estimating Urban Recreation Use and Benefits (1990) The purpose of this report is to illustrate, through case study description, the practical application of the CVM method to recreation evaluation in an actual planning study. The case study description is meant to serve as a practical guide and, therefore, emphasizes what was done more than the concepts behind the techniques used. It is not intended to be a detailed guide of the entire planning process, but rather highlights the activities or outcomes from this process that involved the development, conduct, and application of the CVM analysis. Specific objectives of this manual are: to illustrate an urban application of the CVM method to recreation demand and benefit estimation, to illustrate the development of regional valuation models, and to describe the potential transferability of the procedures and/or findings of this case study to other planning applications.
National Economic Development Procedures Manual: Recreation Volume IV (1991) This is the fourth of a series of manuals designed to provide recreation evaluation procedures to further implement the "Principles and Guidelines" of the U.S. Water Resources Council. The emphasis of the first three volumes of this series was, primarily, on the evaluation of providing new or additional facility developments. This manual emphasizes the evaluation of qualitative differences in the recreation experience. The primary purpose of this manual is to describe procedures and methodologies for valuating changes in recreation use values that result from management decisions impacting on recreation facilities and services and on the related natural resource base.
Engineer Regulations (ERs)
Engineer Regulation 1110-2-1400: Reservoir/Water Control Centers (1993) This regulation provides for the establishment of Reservoir/Water Control Centers (Centers) to improve capabilities.
Engineer Regulation 1130-2-540: Project Operation - Environmental Stewardship and Maintenance Policies (1996) This regulation establishes land management policy for Corps-administered project lands and water, based on various authorizing legislation and the principles of good environmental stewardship.
Engineer Regulation 1130-2-550: Project Operation - Recreation Operations and Maintenance Policies (1996) This regulation establishes the policy for the management of recreation programs and activities, and for the operation and maintenance of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) recreation facilities and related structures.
Institute for Water Resources
Visitor Assistance Survey: An Evaluation of Safety at Corps Recreation Projects (1996)
Economic Guidance Memoranda (EGMs)
Economic Guidance Memorandum 98-03: Unit Day Values for Recreation, Fiscal Year 1998 (1998) This memorandum provides FY 1998 unit day values for recreation.
Economic Guidance Memorandum 99-03: Unit Day Values for Recreation, Fiscal Year 1999 (1999) This memorandum provides FY 1999 unit day values for recreation.
Engineer Pamphlets (EPs)
Engineer Pamphlet 1165-2-1, Chapter 17: Recreation (1999) Engineer Pamphlet discusses federal recreation policy and philosophy, different types of recreation projects, project evaluation, and project finance. Digest of Water Resources Policies and Authorities
Engineer Pamphlet 1165-2-1, Chapter 24: Activities Related to Programs Administered by Other Federal Agencies (1999) Engineer Pamphlet provides information on environmental programs, natural lands, hydroelectric power, and legislation outside Corps authority. Digest of Water Resources Policies and Authorities
Economic Guidance Memoranda (EGMs)
Economic Guidance Memorandum 00-02: Unit Day Values for Recreation, Fiscal Year 2000 (2000) This memorandum provides FY 2000 unit day values.
Economic Guidance Memorandum 00-05: Fiscal Year 2000 Shallow Draft Vessel Operating Costs (2000) This memorandum provides FY 2000 shallow draft vessel operating costs.
Engineer Regulations (ERs)
Engineer Regulation 1105-2-100: Planning Guidance Notebook, Appendix E, Civil Works Mission and Evaluation Procedures (2000) This appendix provides policy and planning guidance for project purposes of navigation, flood damage reduction, hurricane and storm damage reduction (shore protection), ecosystem restoration, hydroelectric power, recreation, water supply and multiple purpose projects.
Economic Guidance Memoranda (EGMs)
Economic Guidance Memorandum 01-01: Unit Day Values for Recreation, Fiscal Year 2001 (2001) This memorandum provides FY 2001 unit day values for recreation.
Economic Guidance Memorandum 02-04: Unit Day Values for Recreation, Fiscal Year 2002 (2002) FY 2002 unit day values for recreation.
Economic Guidance Memorandum 03-04: Unit Day Values for Recreation, Fiscal Year 2003 (2003) FY 2003 unit day values for recreation.
Economic Guidance Memorandum 04-03: Unit Day Values for Recreation, Fiscal Year 2004 (2004) FY 2004 unit day values for recreation.
Economic Guidance Memorandum 05-05: Unit Day Values for Recreation, Fiscal Year 2005 (2005) FY 2005 unit day values for recreation.
Economic Guidance Memorandum 05-06: Shallow Draft Vessels Operating Costs, Fiscal Year 2004 (2005) FY 2004 shallow draft vessels operating costs.
Economic Guidance Memorandum 06-03: Unit Day Values for Recreation, Fiscal Year 2006 (2006) FY 2006 unit day values for recreation.
Economic Guidance Memorandum 07-03: Unit Day Values for Recreation, Fiscal Year 2007 (2007) FY 2007 unit day values for recreation.
Economic Guidance Memorandum 08-02: Unit Day Values for Recreation, Fiscal Year 2008 (2008) FY 2008 unit day values for recreation.
Economic Guidance Memorandum 09-03: Unit Day Values for Recreation, Fiscal Year 2009 (2009) FY 2009 unit day values for recreation.
Economic Guidance Memorandum 10-03: Unit Day Values for Recreation, Fiscal Year 2010 (2010) This memorandum provides FY 2010 unit day values for recreation.
Economic Guidance Memorandum 11-03: Unit Day Values for Recreation for Fiscal Year 2011 (2011) This memorandum provides guidance on FY 2011 unit day values for recreation.
Economic Guidance Memorandum 12-03: Unit Day Values for Recreation for Fiscal Year 2012 (2012) This EGM contains a detailed description of the application of the unit day value (UDV) method as well as unit day values to be used for fiscal year 2012.
Economic Guidance Memorandum 13-03: Unit Day Values for Recreation for Fiscal Year 2013 (2013) This EGM contains a detailed description of the application of the unit day value (UDV) method as well as unit day values to be used for fiscal year 2013.
Economic Guidance Memorandum 14-03: Unit Day Values for Recreation for Fiscal Year 2014 (2014) This EGM contains a detailed description of the application of the unit day value (UDV) method as well as unit day values to be used for fiscal year 2014.
Economic Guidance Memorandum 15-03: Unit Day Values for Recreation for Fiscal Year 2015 (2015) This EGM contains a detailed description of the application of the unit day value (UDV) method as well as unit day values to be used for fiscal year 2015.
Economic Guidance Memorandum 16-03: Unit Day Values for Recreation for Fiscal Year 2016 (2016) This EGM contains a detailed description of the application of the unit day value (UDV) method as well as unit day values to be used for fiscal year 2016.
Economic Guidance Memorandum 17-03: Unit Day Values for Recreation for Fiscal Year 2017 (2017) This EGM contains a detailed description of the application of the unit day value (UDV) method as well as unit day values to be used for fiscal year 2017.
Economic Guidance Memorandum 18-03: Unit Day Values for Recreation for Fiscal Year 2018 (2018) This EGM contains a detailed description of the application of the unit day value (UDV) method as well as unit day values to be used for fiscal year 2018.
Economic Guidance Memorandum 19-03: Unit Day Values for Recreation for Fiscal Year 2019 (2019) This EGM contains a detailed description of the application of the unit day value (UDV) method as well as unit day values to be used for fiscal year 2019.
Economic Guidance Memorandum 20-03: Unit Day Values for Recreation for Fiscal Year 2020 (2020) This EGM contains a detailed description of the application of the unit day value (UDV) method as well as unit day values to be used for fiscal year 2020.
Economic Guidance Memorandum 21-02: Unit Day Values for Recreation for Fiscal Year 2021 (2021) This EGM contains a detailed description of the application of the unit day value (UDV) method as well as unit day values to be used for fiscal year 2021.
Economic Guidance Memorandum 22-03: Unit Day Values for Recreation for Fiscal Year 2022 (2022) This EGM contains a detailed description of the application of the unit day value (UDV) method as well as unit day values to be used for FY2022.
Economic Guidance Memorandum 23-03: Unit Day Values for Recreation for Fiscal Year 2023 (2023) This EGM contains a detailed description of the application of the unit day value (UDV) method as well as unit day values to be used for FY2023.