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Planning Guidance: Engineer Circulars (ECs)

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Engineer Circulars (ECs)

  • Engineer Circular 1105-2-214: Project Modifications for Improvement of the Environment and Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration (1997 Expiration: 31 December 2001)  Corps Castle
    This document is no longer active and should be used for historical purposes only. This EC provides guidance for the implementation of Section 1135 of the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of 1986 and Section 206 of WRDA 1996, P.L. 104-303. These sections provide programmatic authority for the Corps to undertake cost effective ecosystem restorations that are limited in cost and meet certain other criteria.
  • Engineer Circular 1105-2-217: The Continuing Authorities Program Interim Guidance (1999 Expiration: 31 December 2001)
    This circular transmits interim guidance for implementation of nine legislative authorities under which the Secretary of the Army, acting through the Chief of Engineers, is authorized to plan, design, and construct certain types of water resource and ecosystem restoration projects without additional project-specific Congressional authorization.
  • Engineer Circular 1105-2-218: Implementation Procedures, MOA between FEMA and Department of the Army, HMGP and Flood Damage Reduction Projects (2000 Expiration: 30 Sept 2002)
    The purpose of this guidance is to discuss the requirements and procedures for the implementation of the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) entered into on 29 March 2000 by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Department of the Army (DA) regarding the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) and the Corps of Engineers flood damage reduction projects
  • Engineer Circular 1105-2-219: Cost Allocation for Multipurpose Projects including Ecosystem Restoration (2000 Expiration: 30 Sept 2002)
    The purpose of this Circular is to provide policy and procedures for the allocation of costs for multipurpose projects that include ecosystem restoration as a project purpose.
  • Engineer Circular 1105-2-404: Planning Civil Works Projects Under the Environmental Operating Principles (2003 Expiration: 1 May 2004)
    The purpose of this Circular is to reaffirm the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers general policy and further describe the specific procedures for formulating and evaluating Civil This circular was incorporated into Appendix E of the Planning Guidance Notebook. Works projects consistent with environmental sustainability as defined in the Corps of Engineers Environmental Operating Principles and Implementation Guidance.
  • Engineer Circular 1105-2-405 Division Engineers Submittal of Final Decision Document for Projects Requiring Specific Authorization (2005 Expiration: 31 March 2006)
    This EC is obsolete because it has been incorporated into Appendix H (amendment 1) of ER 1105-2-100. The purpose of this circular is to set forth modified procedures for major Subordinate Commands (MSC) and District Commanders to prepare and transmit the results of the studies and their recommendations contained in decision documents that require authorization by the United States Congress.
  • Engineer Circular 1105-2-406 District Engineers Presentation of Final Decisions Document for Projects Requiring Specific Authorization (2005 Expiration: 31 March 2006)
    This EC is obsolete because it has been incorporated into Appendix H (amendment 1) of ER 1105-2-100. This circular establishes a Civil Works Review Board (CWRB) and sets forth procedures for Major Subordinate Commands (MSC) and District Commanders to present the results of the studies and their recommendations contained in decision documents for projects that require authorization by the United States Congress.
  • Engineer Circular 1105-2-407: Planning Models Improvement Program: Model Certification (2005 Expiration: 30 June 2007)
    This EC is obsolete because it has been revised and reissued as an EC 1105-2-412. This circular establishes the process and requirements for certification of planning models.
  • Engineer Circular 1105-2-408: Peer Review of Decision Documents (2005 Expiration; 30 September 2007)
    This circular has been incorporated into EC 1105-2-410. This circular establishes procedures to ensure the quality and credibility of Corps decision documents by adjusting and supplementing the current review process.
  • Engineer Circular 1105-2-409: Planning in a Collaborative Environment (2005 Expiration: 30 September 2007)
    This circular will be incorporated into permanent guidance. This circular lists procedures for the conduct of water resources planning and preparation of feasibility level (decision) reports that require authorization from Congress and those approved under delegated authority.
  • Engineer Circular 11-2-187: Final Draft, Corps of Engineers Civil Works Direct Program; Program Development Guidance Fiscal Year 2008 (2006 Expiration: 31 March 2007)
    This circular provides guidance for development and submission of USACE direct Civil Works Program for FY08.
  • Engineer Circular 11-2-187: Corps of Engineers Civil Works Direct Program; Program Development Guidance Fiscal Year 2009 (2007 Expiration: 31 March 2008)
    This circular provides guidance for development and submission of USACE direct Civil Works Program for FY09.
  • Engineer Circular 1105-2-410: Water Resources Policies and Authorities; Review of Decision Documents (2008 Expiration: 30 Sep 2010)
    This circular is incorporated into EC 1165-2-209. This circular provides procedures to ensure quality and credibility of USACE decision documents through independent review processes.
  • Engineer Circular 11-2-193: Corps of Engineers Civil Works Direct Program; Program Development Guidance Fiscal Year 2010 (2008 Expiration: 31 March 2009)
    This circular provides guidance for development and submission of USACE direct Civil Works Program for FY10.
  • Engineer Circular 1165-2-208: Water Resources Policies and Authorities; In-Kind Contribution Provisions of Section 221 (2008 Expiration: 30 Sep 2010, Replaced by ER 1165-2-208)
    This circular provides guidance on the in-kind contribution provisions of Section 221 of Flood Control Act of 1970 as amended by WRDA 2007.
  • Engineer Circular 25-1-320: Information Management- Enterprise IT Business Solutions Policy (2008 Expiration: 28 Aug 2010)
    This circular establishes and implements policy and guidance for the governance of USACE Enterprise IT Business Solutions.
  • Engineer Circular 1110-2-6070: Comprehensive Evaluation of Project Datum (2009 Expiration: unlisted)
    This circular provides guidance for a comprehensive evaluation of vertical datum on flood control, shore protection, hurricane protection, and navigation projects.
  • Engineer Circular 11-2-190: Office of Homeland Security- Reemployed Annuitant Office Program (2009 Expiration: 31 May 2011)
    This circular establishes the policy for reemploying and deploying annuitants.
  • Engineer Circular 11-2-194: Army Programs- Corps of Engineers Civil Works Direct Program; Program Development Guidance Fiscal Year 2011 (2009 Expiration: 31 March 2010)
    This circular provides guidance for development and submission of the USACE direct Civil Works Program for FY11.
  • Engineer Circular 11-2-195: Programs Management- Execution of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act 2009 - Civil Works Program (2009 Expiration: 30 September 2010)
    This circular provides USACE program and project management guidance to govern execution of Civil Works funds provided by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Public Law 111-5 as amended (the Recovery Act).
  • Engineer Circular 1165-2-209: Water Resource Policies and Authorities, Civil Works Review Policy (2009 Expiration: 31 January 2013)
    This circular provides a process for review of all Civil Works projects from initial planning through design, construction, and operation, maintenance, repair, replacement, and rehabilitation. Superseded by 1165-2-214.
  • Engineer Circular 1165-2-211: Water Resource Policies and Authorities; Incorporating Sea-Level Change Considerations in Civil Works Programs (2009 Expiration: 1 July 2011)
    This circular provides guidance for incorporating direct and indirect effects of sea-level change to USACE projects.
  • Engineer Circular 25-1-333: Logistics Management Recission (2009 Expiration: 31 December 2008)
    This circular provides guidance on logistics management recission.
  • Engineer Circular 25-1-335: Information Management - Recission (2009 Expiration: 29 March 2011)
    This circular provides guidance on information management recission,
  • Engineer Circular 25-1-341: Information Management Radio and Frequency Management Policy (2009 Expiration: 30 July 2011)
    This circular establishes and implements policy and guidance for the governance of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) radio and frequency management practices.
  • Engineer Circular 1105-2-411: Planning - Watershed Plans (2010 Expiration: 15 January 2012)
    The purpose of this Circular is to provide guidance for conducting watershed planning and preparing watershed plans led by the Corps under Section 729 of WRDA 1986, as amended, and other specifically authorized watershed planning authorities. This Circular is superseded by Engineer Regulation 1105-2-102: Watershed Studies, dated 1 April 2022.
  • Engineer Circular 1110-2-6067: Engineering and Design - USACE Process for the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Levee System Evaluation (2010 Expiration: 31 Aug 2012)
    This circular provides a consolidated document that will guide USACE procedures for levee system evaluations in support of the NFIP as administered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
  • Engineer Circular 1110-2-6071: Engineering and Design - Remote Control and Operation of Water Control Systems (2010 Expiration: 31 Jul 2012)
    This circular establishes policy for the implementation and operation of remotely operated, remotely controlled, and automatically operated water control systems owned or operated by USACE.
  • Engineer Circular 11-2-198: Programs Management- Execution of the Annual Civil Works Program (2010 Expiration: 30 September 2010)
    This circular provides USACE program and project management policies and practices to ensure that the FY 2010 Civil Works Program is executed in accordance with the Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2010.
  • Engineer Circular 11-2-199: Army Programs- Corps of Engineers Civil Works Direct Program, Program Development Guidance FY 2012 (2010 Expiration: 31 March 2011)
    This circular provides guidance for development and submission of USACE direct Civil Works Program for FY12.
  • Engineer Circular 1130-2-215: Project Operations, Corps Project Notebook: A Database of USACE Project Geographic Locations (2010 Expiration: 30 September 2012)
    This circular provides guidance for updating the USACE Corps Project Notebook.
  • Engineer Circular 1165-2-210: Water Supply Storage and Risk Reduction Measures for Dam Safety (2010 Expiration: Sep 2011)
    This circular establishes policy and provides guidance on dam safety deficiencies on water supply storage in USACE reservoirs.
  • Engineer Circular 25-1-344: Human Resources Recission (2010 Expiration: 30 June 2010)
    This circular disseminates a recission notice.
  • Engineer Circular 1105-2-412: Assuring Quality of Planning Models (2011)
    This circular establishes the process and the requirements for assuring the quality of planning models. Per Planning Bulletin 2013-02 (March 2013), EC 1105-2-412 remains in effect until permanent planning model guidance is issued. The Assuring Quality of Planning Models: EC 1105-2-412 Rollout Webinar provides an overview of the EC. Note: This EC has since been modified by the Modification of the Model Certification Process and Model Approval for Use (4 December 2017) and Delegation of Model Certification (11 May 2018) memos from the Director of Civil Works.
  • Engineer Circular 1165-2-212: Sea-Level Change Considerations for Civil Works Programs (2011 Expiration: 30 September 2013)
    This circular provides United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) guidance for incorporating the direct and indirect physical effects of projected future sea-level change cross the project life cycle in managing, planning, engineering, designing, constructing, operating, and maintaining USACE projects and systems of projects.
  • Engineer Circular 1165-2-214: Water Resource Policies and Authorities, Civil Works Review (2012 Expiration 20 February 2018)
    This EC has been superseded by EC 1165-2-217: Water Resource Policies and Authorities, Review Policy for Civil Works.
  • Engineer Circular 1165-2-215: Water Resource Policies and Authorities, Use and Dissemination of Dam and Levee Inundation Map Data (2013 Expiration: 31 July 2016)
    This circular provides guidance on the use and release of dam and levee inundation maps and all appurtenant data such as the models and assumptions used to develop the maps, including those used in feasibility studies, CAP, and other planning activities.
  • Engineer Circular 1165-2-216: Water Resource Policies and Authorities - Policy And Procedural Guidance for Processing Requests to Alter US Army Corps of Engineers Civil Works Projects Pursuant to 33 USC 408 (2014 Expiration: 30 September 2017)
    The purpose of this Engineer Circular is to provide policy and procedural guidance for processing requests by private, public, tribal, or other federal entities, to make alterations to, or temporarily or permanently occupy or use, any USACE federally authorized Civil Works project, referred to as "USACE project" within this document, pursuant to 33 USC 408 (Section 408). EC 1165-2-220, dated 10 September 2018, wholly replaces this expired Engineer Circular.
  • Engineer Circular 1165-2-216: Water Resource Policies and Authorities - Policy And Procedural Guidance for Processing Requests to Alter US Army Corps of Engineers Civil Works Projects Pursuant to 33 USC 408 (2015 Expiration: 30 June 2001)
    This circular establishes policy and provides supplemental guidance on analyzing and implementing compensation requirements to existing water supply and/or hydropower users in the event flood control storage is reallocated to municipal and industrial water supply. Basic guidance on reallocation procedures can be found in ER 1105-2-100.
  • Engineer Circular 5-2-01: Execution of Change Control Boards (2016)
    This circular provides guidance for Major Subordinate Commands (MSC) and Districts in the use and conduct of Change Control Boards (CCB) to formalize changes to projects, ensure leadership visibility, and adherence to the USACE change management processes. This document describes the CCB responsibilities, membership, roles, activities, and processes that will be followed for conducting CCBs at MSCs and Districts.
  • Engineer Circular 1110-2-6074: Guidance for Emergency Action Plans, Incident Management and Reporting, and Inundation Maps for Dams and Levee Systems (2018 expired 1/31/20)
    The purpose of this circular is to expand and tailor current federal guidelines for dam emergency action planning and other available resources for implementation within the USACE Dam and Levee Safety Programs. Because there are no federal guidelines for emergency action planning for levee systems, USACE has chosen to apply the same approaches for dam emergency action planning to levee systems. This document establishes the requirements for consistent application of certain key Emergency Action Plan (EAP) features for USACE operated/maintained dams or levee systems. This document also serves as an advisory document for use by other project owners/operators and provides policy for the use and dissemination of inundation map data. This Engineer Circular expired on 31 January 2020.
  • Engineer Circular 1165-2-217: Water Resource Policies and Authorities, Review Policy for Civil Works (2018 Expiration: 31 March 2020)
    This Circular establishes an accountable, comprehensive, life-cycle review strategy for Civil Works products by providing a seamless process for review of all Civil Works projects from initial planning through design, construction, and Operation, Maintenance, Repair, Replacement and Rehabilitation (OMRR&R). It also provides the procedures for ensuring the quality and credibility of USACE decision, implementation, and operations and maintenance documents and work products. This Circular is superseded by Engineer Regulation 1165-2-217, Water Resource Policies and Authorities, Review Policy for Civil Works, dated 21 May 2021.
  • Engineer Circular 1165-2-220: Policy And Procedural Guidance For Processing Requests To Alter US Army Corps Of Engineers Civil Works Projects Pursuant to 33 USC 408 (2018)
    The purpose of this Engineer Circular is to provide policy and procedural guidance for processing requests by private, public, tribal, or other federal entities to make alterations to, or temporarily or permanently occupy or use, any USACE federally authorized Civil Works project under 33 USC 408 (Section 408). Proposed alterations must not be injurious to the public interest or impair the usefulness of the USACE project. In November 2023, a memorandum from the USACE Director of Civil Works directed USACE to continue applying the EC until the Section 408 policy is published in the Code of Federal Regulations.
  • Engineer Circular 1165-2-218 (2021 expired 31 March 2023)
    This circular establishes the policies for implementing the USACE Levee Safety Program, and describes USACE activities, roles, and responsibilities for federally authorized levees. This document also describes activities that sponsors are required to conduct or participate in consistent with their project agreements. This Engineer Circular expired on 31 March 2023 and was superseded by an updated and reissued circular with the same publication number on 26 November 2024.
  • Engineer Circular 70-2-38: Civil Works Research, Development, and Technology Process (2021 expired 6/30/23)
    This circular provides the process for managing Civil Works Research, Development, and Technology (CW RD&T) according to the USACE Technology Innovation Strategy. It describes the basic CW RD&T structure, process, and its phases, the process schedule, and execution responsibilities, as well as how the generation of CW RD&T needs and requirements will align with the annual Civil Works budget process. This circular also provides a process for transitioning new and approved technologies across the enterprise. This Engineer Circular expired on 30 June 2023.
  • Engineer Circular 1100-1-113: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Guidance for Incorporating Study-Specific Projections of Climate-Changed Meteorology and Hydrology (2023)
    This document provides best practices for in-depth analysis of projected future hydroclimatology. It aims to (1) increase accessibility to and the appropriate use of climate change information relevant to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Civil Works projects, programs, missions, and operations and (2) support the use of that information to inform the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Civil Works planning process.
  • Engineer Circular 1165-2-218: USACE Levee Safety Program (2024)
    This circular establishes the policies for implementing the USACE Levee Safety Program, and describes the program-specific activities, roles, and responsibilities for federally authorized levees. This document also describes activities that levee sponsors are required to conduct or participate, in consistent with their project agreements. This Engineer Circular updates and supersedes the circular with the same publication number dated 22 April 2021.
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