- Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA)
The Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) is responsible for the administration and management of 55 million surface acres and 57 million acres of subsurface minerals estates held in trust by the United States for American Indian, Indian tribes, and Alaska Natives. The Bureau of Indian Education (BIE) provides education services to approximately 42,000 Indian students.
- Bureau of Land Management (BLM)
The Bureau of Land Management's mission is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of the public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.
- Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM)
The Department of the Interior's (DOI's) Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) is the federal agency responsible for overseeing the safe and environmentally responsible development of energy and mineral resources on the Outer Continental Shelf.
- Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
Official organization home. Includes news on latest threats, advisories, planning tips, and job opportunities.
- Department of Transportation (DOT)
The mission of the DOT is to: serve the United States by ensuring a fast, safe, efficient, accessible and convenient transportation system that meets vital national interests and enhances the quality of life of the American people, today and into the future.
- Executive Office of the President (EOP)
The Executive Office of the President (EOP) provides the President with the support he or she needs to govern effectively. The EOP has responsibilities for tasks ranging from communicating the President's message to the American people to promoting trade interests abroad.
- Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ)
The Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) advises the President and develops policies on climate change, environmental justice, Federal sustainability, public lands, the ocean, and wildlife conservation, among other areas. As the Agency responsible for implementing NEPA, CEQ also works to ensure that environmental reviews for infrastructure projects and Federal actions are thorough, efficient, and reflect the input of the public and local communities.
- Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) serves the President of the United States in overseeing the implementation of their vision across the Executive Branch. OMB's mission is to assist the President in meeting policy, budget, management, and regulatory objectives and to fulfill the agency's statutory responsibilities.
- Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP)
The Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) advises the President and the Executive Office on matters concerning science, technology, and innovation, developing strategies and policies to address challenges in climate, health, national security, and other areas.
- Federal Aviation Administration
The continuing mission of the FAA is to provide the safest, most efficient aerospace system in the world.
- Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
FEMA's mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.
- Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, or FERC, is an independent agency that regulates the interstate transmission of electricity, natural gas, and oil. FERC also reviews proposals to build liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminals and interstate natural gas pipelines as well as licensing hydropower projects.
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) conducts research and gathers data about the global oceans, atmosphere, space, and sun, and applies this knowledge to science and service that touch the lives of all Americans.
- NOAA National Marine protected Areas Center
The National Marine Protected Areas (MPA) Center's mission is to facilitate the effective use of science, technology, training, and information in the planning, management, and evaluation of the nation's system of marine protected areas.
- NOAA National Ocean Service (NOS)
The National Ocean Service (NOS) translates science, tools, and services into action, to address threats to coastal areas such as climate change, population growth, port congestion, and contaminants in the environment, all working towards healthy coasts and healthy economies.
- NOAA Office for Coastal Management
This organization was established when NOAA combined two offices: the Coastal Services Center and the Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management. In addition to implementing specific initiatives, a top priority for NOAA's Office for Coastal Management is to unify efforts to make communities more resilient. Issues run the gamut from protecting endangered species to erosion to generating better building codes for storm-resistant buildings.
- NOAA: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)
NOAA Fisheries Service is dedicated to the stewardship of living marine resources through science-based conservation and management, and the promotion of healthy ecosystems.
- National Park Service
The National Park Service, as a bureau of the U.S. Department of the Interior, manages all national parks; most national monuments; and other natural, historical, and recreational properties across the country. The agency is charged with preserving the ecological and historical integrity of the places entrusted to its management and with making them available for public use and enjoyment.
- Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
The Tennessee Valley Authority, a corporation owned by the U.S. government, provides electricity for 9 million people in parts of seven southeastern states at prices below the national average.
- U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (USBR)
Established in 1902, the Bureau of Reclamation is best known for the dams, power plants, and canals it constructed in the 17 western states. These water projects led to homesteading and promoted the economic development of the West. Reclamation has constructed more than 600 dams and reservoirs including Hoover Dam on the Colorado River and Grand Coulee on the Columbia River.
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
The mission of EPA is to protect human health and the environment. EPA's Office of Water (OW) ensures drinking water is safe, and restores and maintains oceans, watersheds, and their aquatic ecosystems to protect human health, support economic and recreational activities, and provide healthy habitat for fish, plants and wildlife. The agency also develops and enforces regulations, and is charged under Section 309 of the Clean Air Act to review the environmental impact statements (EIS) of other federal agencies and to comment on the adequacy and the acceptability of the environmental impacts of the proposed action.
- EPA Office of Water
EPA's Office of Water (OW) ensures drinking water is safe, and restores and maintains oceans, watersheds, and their aquatic ecosystems to protect human health, support economic and recreational activities, and provide healthy habitat for fish, plants and wildlife.
- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
The USFWS's mission is "working with others to conserve, protect, and enhance fish, wildlife, plants and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people."
- U.S. Forest Service
Established in 1905, the Forest Service is an agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The Forest Service manages public lands in national forests and grasslands.
- U.S. Geological Survey
The USGS is a science organization that provides impartial information on the health of U.S. ecosystems and environment, the natural hazards that are threats, the natural resources that can be relied on, the impacts of climate and land-use change, and the core science systems that help to provide timely, relevant, and useable information.
- U.S. Maritime Administration
The Maritime Administration is the agency within the U.S. Department of Transportation dealing with waterborne transportation. Its programs promote the use of waterborne transportation and its seamless integration with other segments of the transportation system, and the viability of the U.S. merchant marine.
- USDA National Resources Conservation Service
NRCS has expanded to become a conservation leader for all natural resources, ensuring private lands are conserved, restored, and more resilient to environmental challenges, like climate change.
- 2022 PCoP Virtual Summer Series - Session #5 - Partnering: Better Project Delivery Through Partnering and Tribal Engagement (11 August)
- The fifth PCoP Virtual Summer Series session focused on the importance of partnering with other federal agencies and Tribal
engagement in Planning.
- Section 401 Water Quality Certification Update (31 March)
- This webinar, originally presented on 11 March 2021, provided an overview of the new Section 401 Water Quality Certification Rule
and its requirements and was presented by Jamie Higgins (Environmental Policy Reviewer, HQUSACE Office of Water Project
Review). Districts must request a water quality certification from the appropriate certifying authority to ensure compliance of a
project with relevant water quality requirements. The presentation focused on changes to the Section 401 rule and how they
should be implemented in Planning and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documents based on this District requirement.
Please note that the 31 March 2022 webinar addressed EPA’s reversion to the 1971 rule due to a court ruling vacating the 2020
rule. However, that ruling has been overturned by the Supreme Court and the 2020 Rule is still in effect. Please stay tuned for
additional information as EPA engages in rulemaking to revise the 2020 401 Certification Rule. EPA plans to finalize the Rule in
the Spring of 2023.
- A SMART Planning Policy Waiver Case Study: When Corps Policy, the Endangered Species Act, and Marine Mammal Protection Act Conflict (11 June)
- This webinar provided a look at the specific challenges that were overcome by the
vertical team in the Unalaska (Dutch Harbor) navigation study. The Alaska region has
unique considerations in related to building infrastructure, with no shortage of protected
wildlife that require extensive consultation under several environmental laws. The Dutch
Harbor study illustrates where the Endangered Species Act, Marine Mammal Protection
Act, and Corps planning policy requirements conflict, and how this conflict required the
exploration, development, and approval of a policy waiver by the project delivery team.
This presentation explored the weighing of risk to schedule, cost, and implementation
with USACE legal and policy obligations, and highlighted the coordination and
documentation required to support this specific risk-informed decision to defer
completion of ESA consultation to the pre-construction engineering and design phase.
The webinar was presented by Quana Higgins (NWD-POD Regional Integration Team);
Evie Haberer (Environmental Reviewer, Office of Water Project Review); Kate Bliss (POD
Regulatory and Environmental Program Manager); and Mike Salyer (Alaska District
Environmental Resources Section Chief).
- Overview of One Federal Decision (E.O. 13807) Requirements for Civil Works Planning Studies (30 April)
- This webinar provided an overview of the now rescinded Executive Order 13807. This webinar still covers relevant topics including
the principles of federal coordination and the permitting dashboard, which is still operational for USACE projects. The webinar
was presented by Julie Alcon (Environmental Team Lead and Policy Reviewer, HQUSACE Office of Water Project Review).
- EPA EJSCREEN Tool (31 October)
- The EPA has developed an environmental justice mapping and screening tool called
EJSCREEN to help highlight places in an Environmental Assessment or Environmental
Impact Statement that may warrant additional consideration, analysis, or outreach
because of the potential for environmental justice concerns. This webinar introduced and
demonstrated the core functionality the EJSCREEN tool, including how to: navigate
EJSCREEN; screen for environmental justice; and analyze data. The web-based tool
offers a variety of powerful data and mapping capabilities that enable users to access
environmental and demographic information across the entire country with color-coded
maps, standard data reports, and more.
- Working with Cooperating Agencies (22 August)
- This webinar provided an overview of Section 1005 of the Water Resources Reform and
Development Act (WRRDA) of 2014 and the requirements for involving Cooperating
Agencies in a study. Cooperating Agencies are required to be involved in studies per the
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), but the enactment of Section 1005 of WRRDA
2014 has resulted in further requirements. The webinar discussed tips and tools for
working with Cooperating Agencies, courtesy of the Collaboration and Public
Participation CX (CPCX) and was presented by Julie Alcon (Environmental Team Lead,
Office of Water Project Review [OWPR]), Wes Coleman (Chief, OWPR), Hal Cardwell
(CPCX Director at theUSACE Institute for Water Resources), and Seth Cohen
(Collaboration and Public Participation CoP lead).
- Recent Environmental Streamlining and Risk-Informed Decision Making (One Federal Decision) (1 November)
- Ms. Lauren Diaz (HQ OWPR), with the support of the other environmental reviewers
within the Office of Water Project Review (Mr. Mark Matusiak, Ms. Evie Haberer, Mr. Jeff
Trulick, and Ms. Julie Alcon), provided an overview of recent initiatives focused on timely
environmental compliance, including Executive Order 13807 on "One Federal Decision"
and Section 1005 of WRRDA 2014. The webinar tied these initiatives together in the
context of risk-informed decision making within the environmental discipline, so that
environmental compliance can be conducted in a timely manner and fully integrated into
a 3x3 compliant study.
- SMART Planning & USACE Feasibility Studies: Guide to Coordination and Engagement with the Services (7 September)
- This webinar provided an overview of the SMART Planning process, and demonstrate how key environmental compliance
activities, such as the Endangered Species Act, Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act, and Magnuson-Stevens Act, are integrated
into the process. The webinar provided lessons learned from the Seattle District
- Regional Coordination with Natural Resource Agencies: Tips & Lessons Learned (5 February)
- David Bauman from the Corps South Atlantic Division (SAD) provides tips, lessons learned and examples of coordination tools, as
well as suggests ways to positively engage with the National Marine Fisheries Service and U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service.
- Reclamation Managing Water in the West - Reclamations Water-Supply Activities (24 September)
- This presentation to the USACE Water Supply Working Group by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation provided an overview of
Reclamations history, mission, project purposes and activities; its water-related contracts and contracting authorities; project
cost allocation and water pricing; and newer Reclamation directions and programs.
- Endangered Species Act Biological Opinions (1 May)
- An overview of interagency coordination and consultation and the development of Biological Opinions under the Endangered
Species Act.
- SMART Planning and USACE Feasibility Studies: Agency to Agency Coordination (1 August)
- This webinar focused on the ongoing coordination between HQUSACE, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), and the
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Presenters from all three agencies discussed application of SMART
Planning principles and process within the context of their agency mandates.
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