Pre-Construction Engineering and Design (PED)
During Pre-Construction Engineering and Design (PED), the Army Corps of Engineers and its non-federal partner completes the detailed engineering & technical studies and design needed to begin construction of the project as recommended in the decision document, including engineering design documentation and the plans and specifications ("Plans and Specs") of the first significant construction contract.
PED may begin after the Division Engineer"s Transmittal of the final feasibility report, PED funds have been appropriated by Congress, and a Design Agreement is executed with the non-federal partner. PED activities are usually cost-shared at the same breakdown as construction costs. Note this is different than the typical 50-50 cost-sharing of feasibility studies.
PED activities usually require about two years to complete, and are a critical engineering component to prepare for project construction. PED activities may begin before congressional authorization (and construction funding) of the project. However, construction may not begin until the project has been authorized and Construction funding has been appropriated.
The Corps and its partners use the more detailed engineering design documentation developed during PED as a resource to draft and negotiate the "Project Partnership Agreement" for project construction.
Key steps during PED are:
- Congress Appropriates PED Funds
- Execute Design Agreement and Secure Sponsor Design Funding
- Conduct Pre-construction Engineering and Design activities
Key Guidance for Corps Planners |
Additional Resources |
Engineering and Construction Bulletin 2024-3: Technical Lead For Engineering And Construction Deliverables (2024)
The purpose of this Engineering and Construction Bulletin is to reiterate the importance of the Technical Lead (TL) and clarify and reaffirm the roles and responsibilities of the TL.
Engineering and Construction Bulletins
Engineering and Construction Bulletins provide interim guidance (directive and policy) as well as "for information" updates.
Engineer Regulation 1105-2-100: Planning Guidance Notebook, Full Publication (2000 Expired 12/1/2023)
ER 1105-2-100, the Planning Guidance Notebook will be superseded by several different pieces of new guidance. For the full suite of guidance replacing the PGN, visit the Core Civil Works Planning Guidance page.
Engineer Regulation 1110-2-1150: Engineering and Design for Civil Works Program (1999)
This regulation defines engineering responsibilities, requirements, and procedures during the design, construction, and operations phases.
Engineer Regulation 1110-1-12: Quality Management (2006)
Contains information on Project Management Plans, Independent Technical Review, and Risk Management.
Engineer Regulation 1110-1-8159: DrChecks (2015)
This regulation updates the policy and procedures for managing the Design Review and Checking System (DrChecks) initially established 10 May 2001 with current website address and technical contact information.
The Planner's Library
Links to Corps guidance, fact sheets, and lessons learned.
Engineer Regulation 1165-2-217: Civil Works Review Policy (2024)
This Engineer Regulation (ER) establishes policy and procedures for a comprehensive accountable review strategy for Civil Works by providing a seamless process for review of all projects throughout the lifecycle. This ER will ensure the quality and credibility of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) decision, implementation, and other work products. It reinforces quality and comprehensive review are equal to cost and schedule compliance. This ER supersedes Engineer Circular 1165-2-217: Water Resource Policies and Authorities, Review Policy for Civil Works which expired on 31 March 2020.
WRDAs and Related Laws
Model Design Agreements
To streamline implementation and achieve national consistency, policy compliance, legal sufficiency, and equitable treatment of project sponsors, the Corps has developed models for drafting design agreements.
Civil Works Study and Project Partnerships (2015)
Introduction to the partnership between USACE and non-federal sponsors in developing a feasibility study and recommendation of a Civil Works water resources project.
Partnering with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers: A Guide for Communities, Local Governments, States, Tribes, and Non-Governmental Organizations (2019)
Partnering with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers: A Guide for Communities, Local Governments, States, Tribes, and Non-Governmental Organizations provides potential sponsors with information on the programs and processes available for non-federal partners and USACE representatives to work together to address the Nation's water resources problems. The Guide includes an overview of the USACE Civil Works Program and describes how USACE can work with local, State, Tribal, and Federal agencies and other non-federal partners on activities ranging from technical services and advice to planning and constructing water resources projects. A previous version of this document was originally published as the Project Partnership Kit by IWR back in 1996 and revised in 2001.
- Moving from the Study Phase to Preconstruction Engineering and Design (10 June)
- This webinar included speakers from the Headquarters Office of Water Project Review (OWPR) and the Deep Draft Navigation
Planning Center of Expertise (DDN-PCX) who addressed moving from the study phase to the preconstruction engineering and
design (PED) phase of a USACE water resources project.