Institute for Water Resources
Agricultural Flood Control Benefits and Land Values (1971) This report is designed to present in some detail the results of successfully applying a land value approach using a multiple linear regression technique to two study areas. The bulk of the monograph is not directed to analyzing the utility of the approach per se, although the strengths and weaknesses are reviewed. The main concern is with a rather detailed exposition of the statistical analysis of areas in the Wabash and Missouri River Basins. In this respect it is written primarily for use at the field levels of the Corps to serve as a guide to the use of the approach in terms of the types of data required, the form of the data for use in the regression model, and the interpretation of the estimated regression model.
Analysis of Alternative Procedures for the Evaluation of Agricultural Flood Control Benefits (1971) This report is devoted to evaluating alternative methodologies to the frequency damage procedure for estimating agricultural crop flood control benefits. The Economic Research Service Regional Linear Programming model has been extended to the case of project analysis. The RLP model operates in the same way as a basin-wide firm and estimates the change in production costs (out of pocket cost) as flood protection (and drainage) measures are provided. Efficiency benefits are equal to decreases in production costs, since output is held constant. Critical assumptions and several major empirical problems encountered during the study are discussed. Finally, Part IV is a synopsis of the utility of the land value approach, the regional linear programming approach, and the frequency-damage approach.
Analysis of Nonresidential Content Value and Depth-Damage Data for Flood Damage Reduction Studies (1996)
Assessment of the Economic Benefits from Flood Damage Mitigation by Relocation and Evacuation (1985) The object of this research was to assess the current Corps procedures used in the economic evaluation of flood plain relocation and evacuation plans for flood damage mitigation. Based on this assessment, the report offers a theoretically sound framework to evaluate the NED benefits from evacuation and relocation plans.
Catalog of Residential Depth-Damage Functions-Used by the Army Corps of Engineers in Flood Damage Estimation (1992)
Research Document
Closures and Interior Facilities for Levee Projects; Principles, Case Examples, and Risk-based Analysis Concepts (1996)
Institute for Water Resources
Comparing Benefit Estimation Techniques: Residential Flood Hazard Reduction Benefits, Virginia (1998)
Cost Sharing for Shoreline Protection (1974) This study provides the Army Corps of Engineers with an evaluation of alternative cost-sharing rules for shoreline protection with respect to efficiency, equity and administrative feasibility.
Economic Guidance Memoranda (EGMs)
Economic Guidance Memorandum 00-03: Current Normalized Agricultural Prices (2000) This memorandum provides FY 2000 normalized prices.
Economic Guidance Memorandum 00-04: National Flood Insurance Program Operating Costs (2000) FY 2000 NFIP operating costs.
Economic Guidance Memorandum 01-03: Generic Depth-Damage Relationships (2001) Guidance for generic depth-damage curves for flood damage reduction studies.
Economic Guidance Memorandum 01-04: National Flood Insurance Program Operating Costs, Fiscal Year 2001 (2001) Summary of NFIP operating costs from FY 1973 through FY 2001.
Economic Guidance Memorandum 01-05: Current Normalized Agricultural Prices, Fiscal Year 2000 (2001) Normalized prices for years 1995-2000, at state and national level.
Economic Guidance Memorandum 02-01: Current Normalized Agricultural Prices (2002) Provides data used in the economic evaluation of Corps of Engineers projects affecting agriculture.
Economic Guidance Memorandum 02-05: National Flood Insurance Program Operating Costs, Fiscal Year 2002 (2002) NFIP operating costs from FY 1973 to FY 2002.
Economic Guidance Memorandum 03-01: Current Normalized Agricultural Prices (2003) This memorandum provides normalized prices for years 1997-2002, at both state and national levels.
Economic Guidance Memorandum 03-03: National Flood Insurance Program Operating Costs, Fiscal Year 2003 (2003) This memorandum provides FY 2003 NFIP operating costs.
Economic Guidance Memorandum 04-01: Generic Depth-Damage Relationships for Residential Structures with Basements (2004) Guidance for generic depth-damage curves for flood damage reduction studies.
Economic Guidance Memorandum 04-04: National Flood Insurance Program Operating Costs, Fiscal Year 2004 (2004) This memorandum provides NFIP operating costs from FY 1973 to FY 2004.
Economic Guidance Memorandum 04-05: Current Normalized Agricultural Prices (2004) Notice of the availability of normalized agricultural prices from the USDA.
Economic Guidance Memorandum 05-02: Current Normalized Agricultural Prices (2005) This memorandum provides FY2005 normalized agricultural prices.
Economic Guidance Memorandum 05-07: National Flood Insurance Program Operating Costs, Fiscal Year 2005 (2005) FY 2005 NFIP operating costs.
Economic Guidance Memorandum 06-01: Current Normalized Agricultural Prices (2006) This memorandum provides FY2006 normalized agricultural prices.
Economic Guidance Memorandum 06-04: National Flood Insurance Program Operating Costs, Fiscal Year 2006 (2006) FY 2006 NFIP operating costs.
Economic Guidance Memorandum 07-02: Current Normalized Agricultural Prices (2007) This memorandum provides FY2007 normalized agricultural prices.
Economic Guidance Memorandum 08-03: Current Normalized Agricultural Prices (2008) This memorandum provides FY2008 normalized agricultural prices.
Economic Guidance Memorandum 09-02: Current Normalized Agricultural Prices, Fiscal Year 2009 (2009) This memorandum provides a data link used in the economic evaluation of Corps of Engineers projects affecting agriculture.
Economic Guidance Memorandum 09-04: Generic Depth-Damage Relationships for Vehicles (2009) Guidance for generic vehicle depth-damage curves for flood-risk management studies.
Economic Guidance Memorandum 10-02: Current Normalized Agricultural Prices (2010) This memorandum provides current (Oct 2009) normalized prices.
Economic Guidance Memorandum 11-02: Current Normalized Agricultural Prices (2011) This memorandum provides guidance on current (Nov 2010) normalized prices.
Economic Guidance Memorandum 98-04: National Flood Insurance Program Operating Costs (1998) This memorandum provides FY 1998 NFIP operating costs. It also shows NFIP costs since 1972.
Economic Guidance Memorandum 99-04: National Flood Insurance Program Operating Costs (1999) This memorandum provides FY 1999 NFIP operating costs.
Policy and Special Studies Program
Empirical Studies of the Effect of Flood Risk on Housing Prices (1998)
Engineer Circulars (ECs)
Engineer Circular 1110-2-6070: Comprehensive Evaluation of Project Datum (2009 Expiration: unlisted) This circular provides guidance for a comprehensive evaluation of vertical datum on flood control, shore protection, hurricane protection, and navigation projects.
Engineer Manuals (EMs)
Engineer Manual 1110-2-1619: Risk-Based Analysis for Flood Damage Reduction Studies (1996) Procedures described in this manual lead to estimation of expected benefits of proposed flood damage reduction plans using risk and uncertainty analysis.
Engineer Pamphlets (EPs)
Engineer Pamphlet 1110-2-10: Hydrologic Engineering Analysis Concepts for Cost-Shared Flood Damage Reduction Studies (1994 Update needed) Engineer Pamphlet describes study processes performed by USACE for Federal flood damage reduction cost projects.
Engineer Pamphlet 1110-2-11: Engineering and Design - Ice Jam Flooding: Causes and Possible Solutions (1994) Engineer Pamphlet disseminates the results of research conducted by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers on the causes and possible solutions to ice jam flooding problems.
Engineer Pamphlet 1110-2-12: Engineering and Design - Seismic Design Provisions for Roller Compacted Concrete Dams (1995) Engineer Pamphlet provides preliminary guidance and direction for the earthquake-resistant design of new roller compacted concrete (RCC) dams, and for the evaluation of safety and serviceability of existing RCC dams subjected to earthquake loading.
Engineer Pamphlet 1110-2-13: Engineering and Design - Dam Safety Preparedness (1996) Engineer Pamphlet provides general guidance and information concerning dam safety preparations for USACE.
Engineer Pamphlet 1110-2-7: Hydrologic Risks (1988) Engineer Pamphlet describes how the Corps estimates hydrologic risk and uses these estimates in project planning.
Engineer Pamphlet 1110-2-8: Explaining Flood Risk (1992) Engineer Pamphlet improves the technical expert's skills in communicating information about flood risk to local officials and the public.
Engineer Pamphlet 1110-2-9: Hydrologic Engineering Study Design (1994) Engineer Pamphlet describes activities necessary to design and prepare a Hydrologic Engineering Study for a Corps water resource investigation.
Engineer Pamphlet 1130-2-500, Appendix E: Benefits Evaluation Procedures (1996) This appendix outlines basic procedures that can be used to evaluate rehabilitation for navigation and hydropower project purposes.
Engineer Pamphlet 1165-2-1, Chapter 13: Flood Damage Reduction (1999) Engineer Pamphlet provides basic background on flood plain management, including structural and nonstructural measures. Digest of Water Resources Policies and Authorities
Engineer Pamphlet 1165-2-1, Chapter 15: Stream Bank Erosion Control (1999) Engineer Pamphlet discusses federal stream bank erosion policy. Digest of Water Resources Policies and Authorities
Engineer Pamphlet 1165-2-1, Chapter 17: Recreation (1999) Engineer Pamphlet discusses federal recreation policy and philosophy, different types of recreation projects, project evaluation, and project finance. Digest of Water Resources Policies and Authorities
Engineer Pamphlet 1165-2-314: Flood Proofing (1995 Update needed) This EP identifies floodproofing measures and techniques that can be followed to regulate private and public building construction in riverine flood hazard areas, and provides for a diversity of floodproofing methods and techniques
Engineer Regulations (ERs)
Engineer Regulation 1105-2-100: Planning Guidance Notebook, Appendix E, Civil Works Mission and Evaluation Procedures (2000) This appendix provides policy and planning guidance for project purposes of navigation, flood damage reduction, hurricane and storm damage reduction (shore protection), ecosystem restoration, hydroelectric power, recreation, water supply and multiple purpose projects.
Engineer Regulation 1110-2-1403: Engineering and Design Studies By Coastal, Hydraulic, and Hydrologic Facilities and Others (1998) This regulation prescribes the policy and procedure for approval and technical supervision of coastal, hydraulic, and hydrologic studies related to planning, design, construction, and operation of projects.
Engineer Regulation 1110-2-1405: Hydraulic Design for Local Flood Protection Projects (1982) This regulation prescribes the design procedure and rationale for the hydraulic design of a local flood protection channel project.
Engineer Regulation 1110-2-1450: Hydrologic Frequency Estimates (1994) This regulation defines the scope of analysis, reporting, and coordination requirements for determining frequency estimates of hydrologic variables.
Engineer Regulation 1110-2-1451: Acquisition of Lands Downstream From Spillways For Hydrologic Safety Purposes (1978) This regulation provides guidance on the acquisition of lands downstream from spillways for the purpose of protecting the public from hazards imposed by spillway discharges.
Engineer Regulation 1110-2-1455: Cooperative Stream Gaging Program (Reports Control Symbol, DAEN-CWH-3) (1984) This regulation establishes policy, provides background, and discusses management of the Cooperative Stream Gaging Program.
Engineer Regulation 1110-2-1458: Hydraulic Design of Shallow Draft Navigation Projects (1998) This regulation prescribes the policy and design procedures for development of a new or replacement of an existing shallow draft navigation project.
Engineer Regulation 1110-2-1925: Field Control Data For Earth and Rockfill Dams (1969) This regulation prescribes responsibilities and procedures for reporting field control data for earth and rockfill dams.
Engineer Regulation 1110-2-1942: Inspection, Monitoring and Maintenance of Relief Wells (1998) This regulation provides policy guidance for scheduled monitoring, inspection, evaluation, maintenance and rehabilitation of relief wells at civil works projects.
Engineer Regulation 1110-2-8152: Planning and Design of Temporary Cofferdams and Braced Excavation (1994) This regulation provides directives for procedures to be followed while planning and designing temporary construction for cofferdams and unwatered excavations on major civil works projects.
Engineer Regulation 1110-2-8160: Policies for Referencing Project Elevation Grades to Nationwide Vertical Datum (2009) This regulation provides guidance for proper and accurately referenced materials for flood forecasting, inundation modeling, flood insurance rate maps, navigation charting, and topographic mapping. This ER was later supplemented by Engineer Manual 1110-2-6056: Standards and Procedures for Referencing Project Elevation Grades to Nationwide Vertical Datums (2010).
Engineer Regulation 1110-8-2(FR): Inflow Design Floods for Dams and Reservoirs (1991) This regulation sets forth hydrologic engineering requirements for selecting and accommodating Inflow Design Floods (IDF) for dams and reservoirs.
Engineer Regulation 1130-2-500: Chapter 3, Major Rehabilitation Program (1996) This chapter establishes the policy for major rehabilitation at completed Corps of Engineers projects and determinations of whether such rehabilitation should be accomplished under the Major Rehabilitation Program with Construction, General funds, or for applicable projects, with Construction funds under the Flood Control, Mississippi River and Tributaries appropriation title.
Engineer Regulation 1130-2-530: Project Operation - Flood Control Operations and Maintenance Policies (1996) This regulation establishes the policy for the operation and maintenance (O&M) of USACE flood control and related structures at civil works water resource projects and of USACE-built flood protection projects operated and maintained by non-federal sponsors.
Engineer Regulation 1150-2-302: Local Cooperation - Annual Report on Local Cooperation Agreements (RCS: DAEN-CWO-44) (1981) This regulation states the procedure for reporting requirements of Section 221 of the Flood Control Act of 1970 (P.L. 91-611).
Engineer Regulation 1165-2-111: Water Resources Policies and Authorities - Corps of Engineers Activities Under the Small Reclamation Projects Act of 1956, As Amended (1982) This regulation provides guidance regarding Corps of Engineers assistance to applicants for loans of projects with a flood control potential.
Engineer Regulation 1165-2-117: Water Resources Policies and Authorities - Responsibility for Costs of Improved Standards in Highway and Housing Relocations (1978) This regulation summarizes policy and procedures for identifying the costs of meeting improved standards when highways and housing are relocated due to construction of civil works projects.
Engineer Regulation 1165-2-118: Water Resources Policies and Authorities - Federal Participation in Covered Flood Control Channels (1978) This regulation establishes policy for determining the extent of Federal participation in covered flood control channels.
Engineer Regulation 1165-2-121: Water Resources Policies and Authorities - Flood Control Cost-Sharing Requirements Under the Ability-to-Pay Provision-Section 103(M) of PL 99-662 (1989) This regulation gives instruction on implementation of Section 103(M) as it applies to flood control projects.
Engineer Regulation 1165-2-123: Water Resources Policies and Authorities - Single-Owner Situations (1992) This regulation provides policy guidance regarding Corps interests in civil works projects that would directly serve a single entity.
Engineer Regulation 1165-2-21: Water Resources Policies and Authorities - Flood Damage Reduction Measures in Urban Areas (1980) This regulation provides policy and guidance for participation in urban flood damage reduction projects.
Engineer Regulation 1165-2-26: Water Resources Policies and Authorities, Implementation of Executive Order 11988 on Flood Plain Management. (1984) This regulation sets guidance for USACE implementation of Order 11988, Floodplain Management, as it pertains to civil works projects in design and construction.
Engineer Regulation 1165-2-27: Establishment of Wetland Areas in Connection with Dredging (1989) This regulation provides guidance for the establishment of wetland areas.
Engineer Regulation 1165-2-29: Water Resources Policies and Authorities - General Credit for Flood Control (1987) This regulation establishes guidelines and procedures for application of Section 104 of Public Law 99-662.
Engineer Regulation 1165-2-501: Civil Works Ecosystem Restoration Policy (1999) This regulation provides policy on Corps of Engineers involvement in ecosystem restoration and protection through CW programs and activities.
Executive Order 11988, Floodplain Management (1977) The Executive Order, signed by President Carter, outlines procedures to be followed for multiple aspects of floodplain management.
Project Report
Flood Damage Analysis within the Readiness Management System (1992)
Institute for Water Resources
Framework for Estimating National Economic Development Benefits and Other Beneficial Effects of Flood Warning and Preparedness Systems (1994)
National Economic Development Procedures Manual: Flood Risk Management Manual (2013) This manual, IWR Report 2013-R-05, describes flood risk management benefit evaluation procedures, and is intended for use in project feasibility planning and evaluation.
National Economic Development Procedures Manual: Urban Flood Damage Volume II (1991) This is the second in a series of manuals designed to provide procedures and techniques to measure flood damage and to further implement the "Principles and Guidelines" of the U.S. Water Resources Council. This manual is a primer for conducting comprehensive flood damage and related surveys. It explains how basic principles of survey research can be applied to data collection for flood damage studies. Two prototype questionnaires (one face-to-face and one mail with a preliminary telephone supplement) are presented. Examples from previous applications of these questionnaires provide insight as to how they may be adapted and implemented for flood damage studies.
Technical Paper
Risk-based Analysis for Corps Flood Project Studies - A Status Report (1996)
Institute for Water Resources
Risk-Based Evaluation of Flood Warning and Preparedness Systems - Volume 1 - Overview (1995)
Risk-Based Evaluation of Flood Warning and Preparedness Systems - Volume 2 - Technical (1995)
Shipper and Carrier Response to the June-July 2008 Upper Mississippi River Flood Emergency Closure of Locks 12-25 (2009) Mississippi River Locks 12-25 (UMR 556 to 241) are critical to navigation on the Upper Mississippi River. In 2007 Lock 12 passed about 18 million tons, and Lock 25 passed about 30 million tons. Between June 13 and July 5, 2008, these locks were sequentially closed to navigation traffic for an unscheduled shutdown of the river due to flooding. A survey of the shippers and carriers affected by the emergency lock closures was conducted between 14 January and 6 March for the purpose of discerning industry reactions to the closures and the associated costs.