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USACE Castle
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Planning Guidance: Watershed Studies

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Institute for Water Resources

  • River, A Region and a Research Problem (1971)
    This research was undertaken in an effort to develop a theoretical framework of an empirically feasible procedure for assessing the broad economic, social, political and environmental impact of the McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Multiple Purpose Project. The report presents a methodology for projecting the efficient location of water-related industry via regional linear programming.
  • Watershed Study Impediments: Field Regulatory Survey Discussion Paper (1997)
  • Making More Informed Decisions in Your Watershed When Dollars Aren't Enough (1998)
  • Improving Watershed Planning and Management Through Integration: A Critical Review of Federal Opportunities (2002)

    Guidance Memos

  • Application and Compliance of SMART Planning and the 3x3x3 Rule to Watershed Assessment Studies (2014)
    This memorandum from the Chief, Office of Water Project Review, describes the review and approval process for Watershed Plans


    • Watershed Planning Fundamentals (2 June)
      Cindy Tejeda, SPD's Watershed and Floodplain Program Manager, presented an overview of watershed planning at the Corps, and detailed how Watershed Planning fits into a SMART planning process. Ms. Tejeda was joined by Cindy Barger from the Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works), who shared her experiences reviewing watershed plans in the Secretary's office.
