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  • Planning Fundamentals: An Introduction to the Scoping Guide for Civil Works Planning Studies (9 November)
    This webinar is part of the Planning Fundamentals Series and introduced the Scoping Guide for Civil Works Planning Studies, a new resource for project delivery teams to conduct feasibility phase scoping. This presentation provided an overview of what scoping for planning studies is, the contents of the Scoping Guide, and how the resource can assist teams. This webinar was presented by Rhiannon Kucharski (Chief of Planning, Honolulu District) and Leigh Skaggs (Senior Plan Formulator, St. Paul District), lead developers of the Scoping Guide and members of the PCoP's Planning Workforce Development Committee.
  • Planning Fundamentals: Role of the Lead Planner (26 October)
    This webinar is part of the Planning Fundamentals Series and provided an overview of the lead planner's roles and responsibilities throughout a feasibility study. Presenters Susan Henshaw (Senior Planner) and Hana Schlang (Junior Planner) from the Regional Planning and Environmental Center (Fort Worth District) discussed lessons learned, resources, risk informed planning tools, and ideas for study team collaboration.
  • A Decade of USACE Planning Charettes (27 July)
    This webinar provided a history of USACE Planning charettes, how they’ve changed over the years, best practices, and recommendations for improving their effectiveness moving forward. The content of this webinar was developed as part of presenter Jeff Herzog’s (New England District Planner and Planning Associates Cohort of 2023 member) Planning Associates Applied Learning Assignment, which focused on reviewing and recommending updates to the SMART Planning Charette Handbook, last updated in 2013.

  • Interest Based Negotiation (24 March)
    This webinar presented by the Collaboration and Conflict Resolution Center provided participants an opportunity to learn about interest-based negotiation and tools for transforming potential conflicts into jointly-developed solutions. Presenter Hal Cardwell (Director, Collaboration and Public Participation Center of Expertise) instructed participants in how to move the conversation from “how to divide the pie” arguments among parties into collaborative “expand-the pie” solutions that meet the interests of the formerly competing parties. The webinar also led participants through an interactive case study as well as discussed real-world USACE examples of the power of moving from positions to interests.

  • Negotiation and Conflict Resolution (21 October)
    In celebration of Conflict Resolution Day 2021, this webinar provided practical application tips and an opportunity for conversation about negotiation and conflict resolution. Presented by Hunter Merritt (Social Scientist, Collaboration and Public Participation Center of Expertise), the webinar included participants sharing their collective experiences in order to help others navigate project-related conflicts and improve efficiency, trust, processes, and project execution.
  • After Action Reviews – Lessons Learned by Using Innovative, Data-Driven Approaches and Methodology (23 September)
    This webinar provided an overview of recent After Action Reviews (AARs) on USACE Civil Works planning and project delivery efforts. Planners, project managers, and leaders can apply the information gathered from any AAR to document lessons learned and opportunities for change in the enterprise. The webinar was presented by Dr. Nadia Mohandessi (Emergency Management Continuous Improvement Program Manager, Readiness Support Center) and Gwyn Jarrett (Program Manager with the NWD/POD Regional Integration Team). Andy MacInnes, Water Resource Certified Planner (MVN) and Regional Technical Specialist (MVD), co-facilitated and developed the AARs discussed with Dr. Mohandessi.
  • Planning Quick Takes: Timely Topics for Risk-Informed Planning Studies (15 July)
    This webinar provided an overview of the recently-completed “Planning Quick Takes: Timely Topics for Risk-Informed Planning Studies,” which was previously known as the “Planning Mentor Handbook.” Planning Quick Takes is intended to be used by all project delivery team members and not just Planning Mentors, and offers brief summaries on many risk-informed planning topics. The webinar focused on three new topics added to the document: Life Safety Assessment, Climate Change Assessment, and Incorporating the Four P&G Accounts and was presented by Leigh Skaggs (Senior Planner, St. Paul District), Karen Miller (Senior Planner, Huntington District), Kendall Zaborowski (Planning Team Lead, Dam Safety Modification Mandatory Center of Expertise), Ariane Pinson (Climate Specialist, Albuquerque District), Dena Abou-El-Seoud (Senior Economist, Great Lakes & Ohio River Division), and Zack Hartley (Regional Economist, Chicago District).
  • Best Practices & Lessons Learned: Environmental Collaboration & Conflict Resolution (1 July)
    This webinar provided an overview of best practices and lessons learned from various MSC case studies on Environmental Collaboration and Conflict Resolution (ECCR), along with an introduction from the Collaboration and Public Participation Center of Expertise (CPCX). The webinar was presented by Frances Malamud-Roam (San Francisco District Regulatory Project Manager), Mike Thron (New Orleans District Biologist), Daniel Sumerall (Vicksburg District Project Manager), Cindy Upah (Alaska District Planning Chief), and Tyson Vaughn (CPCX ECCR Report Lead). The practitioners shared case studies incorporating innovative collaborative and conflict resolution practices which included the Bay Restoration Regulatory Integration Team, the Mississippi River Levee Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement, and the Japanese Creek Continuing Authorities Program.

  • Planning Charettes: Adapting from In-Person to Virtual (15 July)
    This webinar, presented by the Collaboration and Public Participation Community of Practice (CPP CoP), featured lessons learned and best practices from virtual charettes recently held by several Districts across USACE (LRP, POA, MVP, and SAC). Presenters shared tips and tools for hosting virtual charettes and helped participants imagine how they might execute their own charettes.
  • Deepening the Connection: Virtual Teaming & Collaboration (1 April)
    In this third in a series of webinars on teleworking technologies, virtual meetings, and virtual teaming, Public Involvement Specialist Andrea Carson (LRP) presented a hands-on webinar on how to build and sustain effective, cohesive teams even when individual team members are scattered and able to collaborate mainly through online technologies. The presentation reviewed some technical basics and guided participants through the principles and best practices of teaming, with a special focus on virtual teaming.
  • Working the Connection: Virtual Meetings & Collaboration (26 March)
    In this second in a series of webinars on teleworking technologies, virtual meetings, and virtual teaming, Public Involvement Specialists Andrea Carson (LRP) and Mary Lewis (LRN) presented a hands-on webinar on how to facilitate and participate in effective virtual meetings, including choosing the best platform and facilitator for the meeting scenario. The webinar focused on principles and best practices for keeping participants engaged and on track to meet meeting objectives, and also provided a review of some technical basics to ensure that virtual meetings run smoothly.
  • Making the Connection: Teleworking Technologies & Tips (24 March)
    In this first in a series of webinars on teleworking technologies, virtual meetings, and virtual teaming, Public Involvement Specialist Andrea Carson (LRP) provided a hands-on presentation on teleworking technology 101. She covered the technical basics including using a VPN, mapping drives, getting and using a WebEx line, and using Skype for business, including for video meetings. She also walked through a hands-on tutorial of using these meeting tools.

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