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USACE Reports and Manuals

Beyond technical manuals, USACE has produced several manuals, reports, and guides useful to planners.


  • Analysis of Tradeoffs Approaches Applicable to USACE Civil Works Planning
    This report summarizes tradeoffs approaches that USACE study teams can use when taking a multi-criteria, collaborative approach to analyzing comprehensive benefits to inform decision-making and the selection of a recommended alternative. This report presents various tradeoffs approaches including their general descriptions, data needs, advantages, disadvantages, levels of collaborative engagement, and overall levels of effort. Case studies are included as examples of how USACE study teams have used some of these tradeoffs approaches in planning studies.
  • Enhancing Risk-Informed Decision Making in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers: Policy Review and Recommendations
    This paper analyzes USACE policies pertaining to risk, aiming to discern the commonalities and divergences between the many pieces of guidance and direction. The overarching goal of this effort was to provide insights into the terminology and processes used within the e-Risk Register and enhance risk-related policies across the enterprise.
  • Environmental Justice Scorecard
    The USACE Environmental Justice Scorecard is a snapshot that provides transparency and accountability as the Agency continues to advance equity and justice, over time, as a central focus for USACE's mission. The Environmental Justice Scorecard focuses on the following areas: progress on advancing Environmental Justice, the Justice40 Initiative, environmental and civil rights protection, centering Environmental Justice in decision-making, and institutionalizing Environmental Justice. Phase One of the Environmental Justice Scorecard, released in Spring 2023, serves as a baseline assessment of agency actions to advance environmental justice. Phase Two and future versions of the Environmental Justice Scorecard will build upon Phase One.
  • Planning Charette Handbook
    A charette is a structured, collaborative session in which a group comes together to develop a solution to a problem. The Planning Charette Handbook provides additional details and information for study teams undertaking a planning charette and the support team that will be assisting them.
  • Policy and Legal Compliance Review Manager Roles and Responsibilities
    This document provides a general guide on the specific roles and responsibilities of the Policy and Legal Compliance Review Manager throughout the duration of the feasibility study, including the completion of the Chief's Report or Director's Memo/Report. This version of the document updates/consolidates the Review Manager standard operating procedures and vertical team responsibility documents, and includes attachments on the State and Agency Review process and report log-in procedures.
  • USACE 2024-2027 Climate Adaptation Plan
    This document, prepared per Executive Orders 14008, 14030, and 14057, reflects the numerous advancements in climate science and adaptation methodology since the publication of previous USACE climate action/adaptation plans in 2011, 2014, 2015, and 2021. This plan focuses on aspects of climate change and their impact on the USACE mission, changes to hydrometeorological processes, and more.
  • USACE Environmental Justice Program Management Plan
    This program management plan for the USACE Environmental Justice Program is a living document that describes baseline requirements and program elements, such as training and workforce development, community engagement, and pilot projects. The USACE Environmental Justice Program ensures agency alignment and tracking with Justice40 initiatives established by the administration.
  • USACE Strategic Plan to Advance Environmental Justice
    This strategic plan, aligning with Executive Order 14096, focuses on enhancing community engagement, improving environmental and social conditions, and strengthening relationships with Tribal Nations through meaningful consultation and accountability. By integrating this plan into the Civil Works Program, USACE aims to deliver impactful, inclusive benefits nationwide.


  • Best Practices for Virtual Engagement
    This document guides USACE planners through key decisions when designing stakeholder engagement programs, with a focus on virtual outreach in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The report establishes guiding principles for effective stakeholder engagement and provides resources on collaborative technology tools and is appropriate for use by entry-level to senior planners.
  • Displaying the Results of Alternatives Evaluation and Comparison: "Table of Effects"
    This tip sheet developed by the USACE Plan Formulation Community of Practice provides examples of approaches to developing and displaying a "table of effects" in a USACE feasibility report, presenting the performance of each alternative, relative to the baseline, the study objectives, the four formulation and evaluation criteria, and any other screening or selection criteria used in the analyses. Teams are encouraged to use these examples and build off of them to best display the effects of alternatives in their feasibility reports, including by using available editable examples tables and editable example diagrams.
  • Feasibility Report Format and Content Guide
    This guide provides general recommendations for the format and content of USACE feasibility reports with an integrated Environmental Assessment (EA) or Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). The guide can be used as a starting point for nearly all feasibility reports and is appropriate for use by entry-level to senior planners. It may also be used as a reference for policy reviewers and technical specialists. The format described in the guide is not mandatory.
  • Guide for Preparing District Environmental Justice Strategic Plan
    The Guide for Preparing District Environmental Justice Strategic Plans is intended to assist districts in the development of tailored plans, per the direction provided in the 16 December 2022 Director of Civil Works memorandum, Implementation of the Interim Environmental Justice Strategic Plan. The Guide includes specific instructions and a template (Section 5) for use by district personnel. Districts may adjust the template to their specific needs as each Area of Responsibility is unique; however, the primary components must be included as specified in the memorandum.
  • How to Plan a Water Resources Project with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers: A Guide for Tribal & Alaska Native Village Governments (5th Edition)
    The Tribal Nations Community of Practice has written this booklet to provide you, our Tribal partners, with a better understanding of how best to work with the US Army Corps of Engineers. Our processes and methods can be perceived as complex, and we hope to make them clearer for you.
  • Insight into elevating: Elevating Historic Buildings for Flood Resilience
    Developed by the USACE Technical Center of Expertise for the Preservation of Historic Buildings and Structures, this guide provides visual examples of elevated historic buildings in flood prone areas, considering 4-foot and 10-foot elevations visualizing different ideas, concepts, and appropriate materials for elevating based on architectural style.
  • National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Categorical Exclusions Survey
    In 2018, USACE compiled information on the use of National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) categorical exclusions by the districts, including frequency of use of categorical exclusions and the exclusion categories most frequently used in NEPA compliance for all activities including planning studies, operations and maintenance work, real estate outgrants, and Section 408 reviews.
  • Planner Workforce Development Guide
    This document provides PCoP members guidance in holistic development based on their individual career goals and the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to excel in USACE water resources planning. The October 2023 update of the document includes the addition of KSAs and Career Roadmaps for all Planning Sub-Communities of Practice (Plan Formulation, Economics, Environmental, and Cultural Resources) as well as other updates to content and resources.
  • Scoping Guide for Civil Works Planning Studies
    This guide highlights some of the key procedures, processes, and guidance that a study team should use during the initial scoping phase of a study, which is generally the first 90 to 120 days from the execution of the Feasibility Cost Share Agreement (FCSA). It especially highlights best practices for collaboration during initial scoping, which is critical for a study's success during this fast-paced timeframe when the foundation of the study is being developed. It also outlines best practices for confirming, refining, and adjusting the scope throughout the study. The guide does not discuss the process required in law for National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) scoping.
  • USACE Guide to Gathering Public Input in Accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act  Corps Castle
    This guide developed by the USACE Collaboration and Public Participation Center of Expertise is for USACE staff seeking to collect information as part of public involvement and stakeholder engagement processes. Its primary purpose is to ensure that USACE staff comply with the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA). PRA requires the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approve any "systematic collection of information from the public," such as through surveys, forms, interviews, focus groups, or websites, whether voluntary or required.
  • Water Resources Development Act of 2020 Section 221 - Study on Water Supply and Water Conservation at Water Resources Development Projects
    This report responds to Section 221 of the Water Resources Development Act of 2020, which directed the development of a document that analyzes the benefits and consequences of including water supply and water conservation as a primary mission of the Corps of Engineers in carrying out water resources development projects.


  • Justice40 Initiative Covered Programs List for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Version 1.0
    This is the inaugural list of eleven USACE programs covered under the Justice40 Initiative. The Justice40 Initiative was established by President Biden in Executive Order 14008 on Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad. Justice40 covered programs are Federal programs that make covered investments in any one of the following seven categories: climate change, clean energy and energy efficiency, clean transit, affordable and sustainable housing, training and workforce development, remediation and reduction of legacy pollution, and the development of critical clean water and wastewater infrastructure.
  • South Atlantic Coastal Study (SACS) Coastal Program Guide
    The objective of the South Atlantic Coastal Study (SACS) Coastal Program Guide is to provide accurate accessible information regarding the coastal resilience programs and partnerships available in the region. The Guide categorizes federal or regional programs as: Prepare, Absorb and Recover, and Adapt. The Guide also highlights tools and services such as disaster information, partnership and research opportunities, guidance and training documents, and data and web map applications.
  • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Civil Works Doctrine Smart Book  Corps Castle
    This report provides an overview of current Engineer Regulations and how they fit into the "doctrinal map" of capstone regulations, keystone publications, technical publications, and organizational publications.


  • Climate Preparedness and Resilience Community of Practice (CPR CoP) Climate Assessment Agency Technical Review (ATR) and Policy and Legal Compliance Review (P&LCR) Standards of Practice
    This document summarizes review requirements and best practices for both Climate Preparedness and Resilience (CPR) Agency Technical Review and Policy and Legal Compliance Review.
  • Feasibility Report Summary Format and Content Guide
    This Feasibility Report Summary Format and Content Guide is intended to assist users in the development of the content and structure of the Report Summary. The Report Summary is initiated prior to the Alternative Milestone, is updated at each subsequent milestone, and is used to support briefings, decision-related meetings and hearings.
  • International Guidelines on Natural and Nature-Based Features for Flood Risk Management
    The International Guidelines on Natural and Nature-Based Features for Flood Risk Management (NNBF Guidelines) is a collaborative consolidated guide meant to advance and revolutionize sustainable infrastructure and flood risk management solutions.
  • International Guidelines on Natural and Nature-Based Features For Flood Risk Management
    The International Guidelines on Natural and Nature-Based Features for Flood Risk Management provide practitioners with the best available information concerning the conceptualization, planning, design, engineering, construction, and maintenance of natural and nature-based features to support resilience and flood risk reduction for coastlines, bays, and estuaries, as well as river and freshwater systems.
  • Planning Quick Takes: Timely Topics for Risk-Informed Planning Studies - Version 2.0
    Planning Quick Takes: Timely Topics for Risk-Informed Planning Studies is intended for all USACE planners, whether novice, journeyman, or senior, who may benefit from learning about the various tools and techniques that can collectively be used to facilitate the iterative six-step risk-informed planning process. Formerly known as the Planning Mentor Handbook, Planning Quick Takes provides a summary of many risk-informed planning concepts, including examples and references to other sources for more detail.


  • IWR 2020-WP-01 - Managed Aquifer Recharge and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers: Water Security through Resilience
    Storing water underground (managed aquifer recharge, or MAR) can augment surface storage and increase resilience of USACE projects and improve our nation's water security. USACE and its partners are using, have considered or are considering using MAR, or conjunctive management of ground- and surface water, in at least 17 states in six of the seven USACE divisions in the Continental United States. USACE is using or considering MAR to help fulfill its primary missions of flood risk management and aquatic ecosystem restoration, and for secondary purposes such as drought resilience, water supply, and reducing saltwater intrusion.
  • USACE National Nonstructural Committee Best Practice Guide 2020-01_Rev2: Calculating Interest During Construction for Nonstructural Alternatives
    This Guide establishes a best practice method for calculating interest during construction (IDC) expenditures for proposed nonstructural alternatives. Unlike the construction period used to calculate the IDC for structural alternatives, the construction period for nonstructural alternatives can be based on the time to construct one increment of the alternative.
  • USACE National Nonstructural Committee Best Practice Guide 2020-05: Policy Considerations for Nonstructural Measures
    This Guide identifies policy considerations for each type of nonstructural measure commonly considered as part of USACE feasibility studies.
  • USACE National Nonstructural Committee Best Practice Guide 2020-06: Structure Aggregation Methods Used in the Formulation and Evaluation of Nonstructural Alternatives
    This Guide establishes a best practice method for the aggregation of structures to be used in the formulation and evaluation of nonstructural alternatives. A disclaimer was added to this Guide in November 2021.
  • USACE National Nonstructural Committee Best Practice Guide 2020-07: Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 & Architectural Barriers Act of 1968
    This Guide establishes best practices for compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) and the Architectural Barriers Act of 1968 (ABA), for all USACE nonstructural projects.


  • Climate Risk Informed Decision Analysis Guide
    This guide outlines the Climate Risk Informed Decision Analysis (CRIDA) approach, which provides a framework to enable water managers and policymakers to assess the impact of climate uncertainty and change on their water resources and work towards effective adaptation strategies. This guide was co-published by the International Center for Integrated Water Resources Management (ICIWaRM) led by the USACE Institute for Water Resources and the United Nations Educational, Scienti?c and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
  • ERDC/EL SR-19-9: A Systems Approach to Ecosystem Adaptive Management: A USACE Technical Guide
    This technical guide, developed by the Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC), presents an operational definition of adaptive management and describes a scalable approach to developing and implementing adaptive management plans for USACE ecosystem restoration programs and projects. This guide is intended for USACE program and project managers, project delivery team (PDT) members, and technical staff involved in efforts related to managing ecosystem restoration, fish, wildlife, and wetland mitigation.
  • Partnering with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers: A Guide for Communities, Local Governments, States, Tribes, and Non-Governmental Organizations
    Partnering with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers: A Guide for Communities, Local Governments, States, Tribes, and Non-Governmental Organizations provides potential sponsors with information on the programs and processes available for non-federal partners and USACE representatives to work together to address the Nation's water resources problems. The Guide includes an overview of the USACE Civil Works Program and describes how USACE can work with local, State, Tribal, and Federal agencies and other non-Federal partners on activities ranging from technical services and advice to planning and constructing water resources projects. A previous version of this document was originally published as the Project Partnership Kit by IWR back in 1996 and revised in 2001.
  • USACE National Nonstructural Committee Best Practice Guide 2020-02: Considerations for Estimating Participation Rates in Voluntary Nonstructural Measures
    This Guide establishes best practices for estimating participation rates in USACE nonstructural alternatives containing voluntary elements.
  • USACE National Nonstructural Committee Best Practice Guide 2020-03: Sensitivity Analysis for Participation Rates in Nonstructural Alternatives
    This Guide applies to the planning process for all USACE flood risk management (FRM) and coastal storm risk management (CSRM) nonstructural measures.
  • USACE National Nonstructural Committee Best Practice Guide 2020-04: Public Law 91-646: Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970
    This Guide establishes best practices for considering Public Law (P.L.) 91-646, Uniform Relocation Assistance and the Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 in nonstructural assessments.


  • Planning Manual Part II: Risk-Informed Planning
    The Planning Manual Part II: Risk Informed Planning documents the state of the practice in risk-informed planning for the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Planning Community of Practice. It is a continuation of the original Planning Manual, published by the USACE Institute for Water Resources in 1996.
  • Principles of Risk Analysis for Water Resources
    This report represents an effort to document the state of the practice in risk analysis for use by US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). Transparent and defensible analysis provides a critical piece of information for decision making. It is incumbent on the analyst to inform others about sources and validity of all the data, models, and assumptions that are part of the analysis. The analyst must also acknowledge and highlight the key uncertainties by reporting a range of values with their likelihoods when possible. Additionally, the impacts of uncertainty on the results, and the overall confidence in the values of decision variables presented to decision makers must be part of any decision document.


  • Identification and Engagement of Socially Vulnerable Populations in the USACE Decision Making Process
    This primer, published by the USACE Institute for Water Resources, presents the basics on how to identify and engage socially vulnerable populations during USACE water resources studies and processes and gives a rationale for the need to focus on these populations at risk.


  • A Guide to Public Alerts and Warnings for Dam and Levee Emergencies
    The purpose of this guidebook is to assist emergency managers in issuing more timely and effective public alert and warning messages for floods caused by dam breaches, controlled dam releases, and levee breaches or overtopping.
  • Environmental Evaluation and Compliance within the SMART Planning Framework
    This paper provides a general overview of how the environmental evaluation and compliance process fits into the SMART Planning framework. National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) milestones are emphasized. More guidance to follow that is specific to the Endangered Species Act and other agency coordination milestones.
  • SMART Planning Feasibility Studies: A Guide to Coordination and Engagement with the Services
    This guide was developed through a collaboration between the Corps, USFWS and NMFS. The Guide provides an overview of the SMART Planning process and demonstrates how key environmental coordination and compliance activities fit into that process. The Guide highlights opportunities for engagement and coordination at all stages of a planning study, re-emphasizing the need for early coordination.
  • Social Vulnerability eXplorer (SV-X) Data Development Tool and Analysis Tool User Guide
    The SV-X tools provide a data production and analysis capability that was development by the Army Corps of Engineers to describe the spatial distribution of vulnerable populations in hazard zones associated with flooding, storm surge, wind impacts, and other hazards. SV-X enables the USACE planner to characterize impacts flood risks have on people and communities. Risk to vulnerable populations can be described for the project area to help ensure that the interest of those most vulnerable are considered and quantified during the planning process. Communicating the socioeconomic implications of project alternatives can help differentiate the choices that each solution presents.
  • Use of Natural and Nature-Based Features (NNBF) for Coastal Resilience
    ERDC technical report cataloguing natural and nature based features and measures for coastal resilience projects.


  • Applying Other Social Effects In Alternatives Analysis (Report Number: IWR-2013-R-03)
    This paper is meant to assist planners at the District level by providing a practical framework and approach for the use of other social effects (OSE) in alternative development and evaluation. The framework and approach are general - planners are encouraged to adapt the process as appropriate based on the local conditions and experience.
  • National Economic Development Manuals
    These manuals provide guidance on conducting economic analysis on Corps Civil Works planning projects.
  • Other Social Effects: A Primer (Report Number: IWR-2013-R-02)
    This primer is intended to help those in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and those who work with USACE understand the contribution that Other Social Effects (OSE) analysis can make to developing sound water resources plans. The primer looks at how OSE analysis is conducted in the planning process and what tools and methods are available for accomplishing it.
  • Social Vulnerability Analysis: A Comparison of Tools
    The purpose of this white paper is to provide the rationale for the choice of the Social Vulnerability Index (SoVI) as the foundational social vulnerability method for characterizing social vulnerability as employed in the 2011 IWR handbook, Social Vulnerability Analysis Methods for Corps Planning. The paper compares SoVI to three other available social vulnerability analysis tools.


  • Considering the Appropriate Level of Detail in a Flood Risk Management Feasibility Study
    A 22 August 2012 guide to help Project Delivery Teams walk through the process of conducting a Flood Risk Management Feasibility Study.
  • Developing a Feasibility Study with Multiple Planning Objectives
    This paper provides an overview of formulation and evaluation approaches for planners developing a feasibility study with multiple planning objectives.
  • ECO-PCX Ecosystem Restoration (ER) Planning SMART Paper: Developing Problem and opportunity Statements
    A 29 June 2012 paper that was developed by the National Ecosystem Restoration Planning Center of Expertise (ECO-PCX) to increase planners' awareness of planning issues specific to Ecosystem (ER) studies and projects. The purpose of this paper is to provide tips and best practices for developing problem and opportunity statements.
  • Ecosystem Restoration (ER) Planning SMART Paper: Resource Significance and its Tie to Performance Based Budgeting
    A 26 June 2012 paper that was developed by the National Ecosystem Restoration Planning Center of Expertise (ECO-PCX) to increase planners' awareness of planning issues specific to Ecosystem (ER) studies and projects. The purpose of this paper is to provide information on resource significance and budgeting for teams working on Ecosystem Restoration planning studies.
  • Ecosystem Restoration (ER) Planning SMART: Hydrology and Hydraulics - Draft
    A 3 July 2012 paper that was developed by the National Ecosystem Restoration Planning Center of Expertise (ECO-PCX) to increase planners' awareness of planning issues specific to Ecosystem (ER) studies and projects. This paper discusses how H&H analyses and input fit into the planning process, the categories of tools, when they might be used, data needs, and the purpose of the tools.
  • Review of Civil Works Projects: Planning SMART Guide
    High level overview of internal review processes conducted as part of USACE feasibility studies and project development.


  • Social Vulnerability Analysis Methods for Corps Planning (Report Number: IWR-11-R-07)
    This paper presents two practical methods for identifying socially vulnerable groups and illustrates how the information they provide about social vulnerability, the drivers of vulnerability, and their spatial distribution in flood hazard zones can be used in the planning process to assist in identifying problems and opportunities, developing planning objectives, creating and evaluating management measures, and evaluating project alternatives.


  • Handbook on Applying "Other Social Effects" Factors in Corps of Engineers Water Resources Planning (Report Number: IWR-09-R-4)
    This handbook describes how the social effects of water resources problems and solutions can be meaningfully addressed and included in the USACE water resources planning process. The handbook establishes the conceptual framework for other social effects (OSE) and applies it to the USACE planning process and business lines, presenting a catalogue of OSE assessment tools and indicators and views on measurement and presentation of social effects information.


  • Theoretical Underpinnings of the Other Social Effects Account
    This report, published by the USACE Engineer Research and Development Center, was prepared to support the application of collaborative planning, particularly the use of the Other Social Effects account in project development and analysis in the Civil Works program.


  • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Civil Works Policy Pocket Reference
    This Pocket Reference has been developed to provide a succinct summary of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers authorities and policies available in 2005 that address its water resources missions.


  • Civil Works Environmental Desk Reference (IWR Report 96-PS-3)
    The Environmental Desk Reference is a document intended to serve as a desk top reference on environmental statutes and executive policy for Corps of Engineers personnel. It contains summary profiles of environmental laws applicable to the Civil Works program.


  • IWR Report 96-PS-4 Water Supply Handbook
    This document is intended to serve as a comprehensive desk top reference on water supply topics that are spread throughout a voluminous body of Corps regulations, manuals, technical letters and memoranda, and also literature from the private sector.


  • Planning Primer
    The Planning Primer is a condensed version of the Planning Manual. It is an introduction to planning and how it is done using the six-step planning process for those who have no formal training in planning.
  • Resource Significance Protocol for Environmental Project Planning, IWR Report 97-R-4
    This report provides a short, easy-to-use guide, or protocol, for identifying and describing resource significance in environmental project planning. The protocol provides an iterative procedure for identifying and describing resource significance in environmental plan formulation and evaluation. Four phases of the protocol are identified: scoping, analyzing, evaluating, and communicating. One or more iterations of these four phases will guide a planning team through the process of identifying and describing resource significance.


  • Planning Manual
    The Planning Manual describes what planning is and how it is best practiced by the Corps of Engineers. It focuses on water resources planning, though the principles, tools and methodologies discussed are equally applicable to other planning functions as well. The Manual walks planners through the six-step planning process used by the Corps and applicable to all the Corps' water resources and other planning functions.
  • Project Partnership Kit
    The 1996 Project Partnership Kit was updated and republished by IWR in 2019 as Partnering with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers: A Guide for Communities, Local Governments, States, Tribes, and Non-Governmental Organizations.


  • Cost Effectiveness Analysis for Environmental Planning: Nine EASY Steps
    This document was developed to help USACE planners conduct cost effectiveness and incremental cost analyses in planning for environmental restoration and mitigation. It presents step-by-step instructions about how to conduct the analyses, using an example to illustrate their application to a planning problem.


  • Review and Evaluation of Programs for Determining Significance and Prioritization of Environmental Resources
    This report presents summary abstracts of ninety-five Federal, regional, state, and nonprofit organization programs that evaluate environmental projects and/or determine the significance of, or prioritize environmental resource areas or activities. The abstracts present information on the program's goals and objectives; the types of activities associated with the program; the sources of priority recognition; and the process of determining the "significance" of environmental resources, or which environmental resources deserve a level of priority for mitigation protection, or restoration efforts. A comparative analysis of these programs was conducted to facilitate some generalizations about the determination of national and regional resource priorities, the bases for determination of significance, and the potential applicability of the process or products to the USACE environmental program.

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