2019: Volume 2019
Issue 1 (January)
This issue of Planning Ahead includes a message to the Planning Community from Mr. David Leach, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Project Planning and Review; provides the perspective of an FY 2017 Planning Excellence Award winner on tips and best practices for successful feasibility studies; recognizes the 2017 Planning Achievement Award (Enterprise) winning team in the Norfolk District for their work on the Norfolk Coastal Strom Risk Management study; and highlights the work of the Real Estate Mandatory Center of Expertise and its coordination with Civil Works Planning. In the PCoP Q&A, we answer the question: Im the PDT lead for a new study. What can I do to ensure our initial planning charette is efficient and effective? Print Friendly Version
Issue 2 (April)
This issue of Planning Ahead includes a message to the Planning Community from Mr. Eric Bush, Acting Chief of the Planning & Policy Division; provides an introduction to Ms. Nancy Brighton, new Deputy Federal Preservation Office and Cultural Resources sub-Community of Practice (CoP) lead; features the efforts of the Albuquerque District in working successfully with the Santa Clara Pueblo on a watershed management plan under the TPP; recognizes the accomplishments of the San Juan Harbor Navigation Improvements Study project delivery team; and discusses the lessons learned of planners who conducted their first feasibility study iterations using the "core"/"focused" team approach. In the PCoP Q&A, we answer the question: My PDT just completed the Alternative Milestone Meeting (AMM) for a new study; what should we be aware of as we move toward the Tentatively Selected Plan (TSP) milestone? Print Friendly Version
Issue 3 (September)
This issue of Planning Ahead welcomes and includes a message to the Planning Community from Ms. Stacey Brown, Chief of the Planning & Policy Division; highlights the accomplishments of Ms. Erin Maloney, an FY2018 Planning Excellence Award recipient; recognizes the successful efforts of the Tulsa District on the Arkansas River Corridor Feasibility Study; and provides an overview of available ERDC support to the Planning Community through the DOTS, WOTs, and RSM Programs. In the PCoP Q&A, we answer the question: Ive been hearing the term incremental risk used by members of my study team. Can you explain what it means, and the appropriate context for using it to evaluate alternatives relative to the Tolerable Risk Guidelines (TRGs) and life safety? Print Friendly Version