2023: Volume 2023
Issue 1 (February)
This issue of Planning Ahead features a message to the community from Ms. Eric Bush (Chief, Planning & Policy Division) addressing the recently signed Water Resources and Development Act of 2022; highlights the Elim Substance Harbor Feasibility Study and two Sacramento District historians for their FY21 Planning Achievement Awards; and provides an overview of the new Headquarters Environmental Justice Program Manager role. In the PCoP Q&A, we answer the question: "Is there a standard funding source for districts to use to develop, update, and implement their Environmental Justice Strategic Plans and outreach strategies?" Print Friendly Version
Issue 2 (August)
This issue of Planning Ahead features a message to the community from Mr. Hank Gruber (former Acting Chief, Office of Water Project Review) on his perspective from two HQUSACE details; announces the new Policy for Conducting Civil Works Planning Studies (ER 1105-2-103), which will supersede ER 1105-2-100 (the Planning Guidance Notebook) once published; features two of the FY2022 National Planning Award recipients for their achievements; explores the benefits of holding planning charettes during study kick-offs; and congratulates the Planning Associates Class of 2023. In the PCoP Q&A, we answer the question: "What do study teams need to know about newly available guidance on feasibility and post-authorization report processing and feasibility milestones?" Print Friendly Version